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The first week of school and training went amazing although Victoria did spend a few hours a day at work she managed to make time for everyone. Lily was excited for daycare every day and was equally excited to nurse at bedtime, two of her now favorite things.

Her behavior was also amazing as of late, not a single incident so far, and the little even made a few more friends. Everything was amazing.

Lilys POV-
"Lunch will be done soon loves!" Mommy yells from the kitchen. Jane is folding clothes in the living room and I'm drawing on my coloring books in the hallway. Right now I'm coloring a pretty rainbow and some cookies.

I'm having lots of fun but then I ran out of paper, I don't want to bother mommy and Jane especially because lately they've been kissing! Like all of the time and it's gross, for anyone not just my mommy and Jane! 
Thinking about it kinda makes me feel funny, that's MY mommy and I want kisses too.  I need attention too and Jane is stealing it! 

I want to make an angry note but then I remember I have no paper, I'm starting to get more frustrated so I grab a purple crayon and slam it onto the wall making as many long lines that I can. After a minute there's purple and green scribbles all over the wall and now I feel worse. What if I get in trouble? What if mommy is mad at me? Then I'll never get kisses!

I look to make sure no one is coming and all I see is the doggy, maybe mommy will think it was him?
"Psstttt, doggy come here" I whisper,
He looks up from and walks over to me then I give him head rubs for being a good puppy.
"Okay O now sit here and stay" I tell him and he does it!

Maybe Orion can do more tricks? I don't have time to think about it much because mommy says it's time for lunch so I quickly run back to the kitchen.
"Come here little love, mommy needs to get you ready to eat." Mommy says as she picks me up and places me on her hip, Jane makes plates and gets drinks.
"Here you go baby, all nice and ready hmm?" Mommy's asks me after she gently places me in my high chair and puts a pink bib on me as well.

All I can do is nod at her because the thought of the wall is making me nervous. All mommy does is squint her eyes a little bit then she smiles and goes to grab my plate. I hope she doesn't know.

The women continue their lunch which was a salad today for Jane and Victoria and some Mac and cheese for Lily. From a glance everything seemed normal but in reality the little was a nervous wreck and couldn't stop thinking about the wall. While Victoria absolutely knew something was up but she wasn't quite sure what yet. Jane was oblivious as she ate her food.
"So little one, what were you up to when mommy was cooking?" V asks trying to figure out what her little was hiding from her.

Lily felt like the whole world might explode as she nervously thought of an answer. She had to be very careful one wrong word and her mommy would know. But as far as Victoria was concerned, no answer is an answer.
"What did you do Lily?" The older woman asks with an amused look on her face. V places her fork down deciding she was done with her meal and places her hand under her chin waiting for an answer.

The little knows better than to lie but telling the truth will get her in trouble, she instead settles on just shaking her head 'no' unable to speak. Her nerves are building up and the tears as well.
"You know that I don't appreciate lying babygirl, so why don't you just tell me what you did." Victoria sternly states.

Victorias POV-
I'm not mad but lying is a waste of time and besides that, she knows better I've made sure of it. I watch as she squirms uncomfortably in her high chair as tears fall down her cheeks. I look at her plate and make sure she is finished eating before I pick her up and walk her towards the time out corner.

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