Hide and seek

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Victorias pov-
After a grueling 20 minutes lily is done eating and I am now taking her upstairs to the nursery so I can change her. Once she stops moving i gently place her on the changing table and begin to take her clothes off and un tape the sides of her diaper. This should be easy but she won't stop wiggling.
"Lily stop moving and lay still so I can change you" I say somewhat irritated
"but—i don't want you too do it." Lily says quietly.

I'm getting impatient especially because I've been very lenient lately, my mistake.
"Last chance lily. Stay still." I say while leaning towards her, staring right at her.
She lays completely still and I smile then finally take the diaper off and throw it away. I grab a new clean one and wipe her princess parts and add a few puffs of diaper powder. After I grab her legs and lifted her hips while sliding the diaper under her. Quickly doing the sides making sure they are nice and snug, then I walk over to her closet and pick a outfit for the day.
It's a pastel pink dress with lots of frilly edges and of course it's very puffy. I grab some matching bows for her hair along with some socks and Mary janes, then head over to my baby girl.

Lilys pov-
V heads over to me and I can see what she has in her hands.
"I am not wearing that." I say simply, I refuse to wear that if I didn't feel like a baby already that would definitely do it. Hell no.
But V doesn't put the clothes away like I want instead she continues to walk over as if I had said nothing at all!
I'm panicking because she's getting closer and she doesn't seem pleased by my outburst. Thinking quickly I hop off of the changing table and run out of the doors and into the hallway.

I look left and then right and decide going down the stairs would be my best option because I'm running out of time I can hear her gaining on me. I rush down the stairs and into the living room where I remember seeing the front door. Once I'm there with no hesitation I grab the handle and it opens, that's all I needed to see before I'm off and into the thick woods surrounding her house. It wasn't long before I found a big tree to sit behind and catch my breath. When breathing became easy again I decided to look towards the house to see if she was close. To my surprise there was no one there and the front door was now closed. I don't know if I should be scared or confused but I don't have time to think, I need to get out of here.

I realize now what I'm wearing or what I'm not wearing, I only have a diaper on and I mean only a diaper nothing else not even socks. It's also becoming increasingly cold outside and my body is starting to shiver as the adrenaline wears off. I've made a mistake, I needed more time to plan this out I should've waited and now I'll have to freeze outside because there's no doubt the punishment for this will be severe. V will have to find me I'm not going back willingly.

I look around and notice a trail of some sort mostly covered in leaves on the right and head over that way. Careful to crouch and duck in between the trees in case V is watching. My bare feet crunching on the leaves is loud and I'm more than sure I have a few splinters now. But I've made it to the trail and luckily it looks like soft dirt, I stand up all the way and walk down it for a couple of minutes and realize just how deep into the woods I am. I cannot see in any direction other than where the trail goes because the trees are too dense. I can't even look behind me because the trail was curvy and it too was covers by thick trees. Im scared and cold and now my legs hurt but I did eat before this whole situation so I know I'll be good for at least a few days.

I walk for about another 45 minutes and up shreds I can slightly see a shed of some sort, I say shed it was more like a tiny cabin. Once I'm in front of it I grow nervous, it's clearly an old cabin and the wood was covered in spider webs and dust and some of the windows were broken but I have no other options so I slowly and VERY carefully reach for the doorknob, at first I think it's locked but after a little more elbow grease it squeaks opens, I open the door all the way halfway expecting a bear to jump at me. But nothing does, it's actually quite nice in here there is a fireplace in the front room with a fluffy rug and big couch, there seems to be a small kitchen too and a narrow hallway with two doors. I walk in and close the door after I find the light switch and turn it on, completely shocked when it actually works. It's warm in here and there's electricity, I might be able to make this work. Upon further inspection I find out the windows aren't broken at all it's only painted to look so. But why? It's clearly taken care of there's food in the kitchen and power and a tv in the front room. Which unfortunately means V might know I'm here already, what if she has a silent alarm and she's on her way right now?! No I can't panic and plus she stopped chasing me when I got out the front door. Maybe she's not even mad.

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