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Janes pov-
Shortly after we got to the house Lily began to cry so we thought it best to put her down for a nap, this also gave Victoria an opportunity to show Lily her new nursery. After about 2 minutes she had fallen asleep and V and I were now talking in the living room.
"So how long do you want her to nap for?" I ask Victoria while slowly scooting closer to her on the couch. She notices but ignores my antics.
"At least an hour and a half, I'd rather not have a grumpy little at bedtime. But anyways do you like your room Jane love, I designed it special and if you don't like it you could always share mine." V says lowly while her hand slowly slides up and down my thigh. I can feel myself getting hot and it's hard to focus on speaking now.
"I hate it is absolutely dreadful I think I simply must sleep in your room until it's fixed" I say sarcastically with my arms crossed.

"Hmm well I suppose it would be more convenient, my room is connected to Lilys and this way you'll be able to keep a closer eye on her." Victoria says. She looks at me with her gorgeous green eyes and then unexpectedly stops and removes her hand she leans forward and grabs the tv remote changing the channel to something other than the news. I know it's hard for her to get close to people romantically so I don't complain.
"Yes its a lot more convenient thank you so much V" I say, she smiles at me and then we both focus on the movie.

Lilys pov-
News flash I'm not asleep, in fact I'm actually quite drunk or maybe just extremely tipsy. All I had to do was fake sleep and they left, I was actually crying but only because my life is over now and I deserve to cry about that! I could hear the tv on downstairs and also noticed a baby monitor on the dresser next to my crib, I didn't see any cameras so I should be safe as long as im quiet. At this point I have already taken all of my bottles of alcohol and lined them up in a nice pretty row on my mattress. I also decided to start with the vodka since I had already been drinking it. I was slightly upset that I was going to have to just take shots like this with no soda to wash it down or anything but I'll manage.

Without any second thought I slowly and painfully drank a majority of my bottles with just one or two left that I hid under my mattress I almost threw up twice and now have to pee. But boy do I feel better, I want to get down and need to so I can dispose of the empty bottles but for some reason I can't figure out how to put the stupid crib bar down. Frustrated I just decide to climb over it, I kinda stumbled around a bit and fell but not hard and it wasn't loud. I stood up or tried to, my legs had a dull stingy sensation but it was much better than before so I limped to the toy box and shoved everything at the bottom until I could properly throw it away.

Victorias pov-
"Did you hear that?" Jane asks me
"Yeah why don't we go check on her make sure she's okay." I say to her, we get up from our very comfortable cuddle session and walk up the stairs to Lilys nursery. Jane opens the door and to my surprise I see Lily standing up next to her toys she looks just as shocked as I do.
"Lily Marie what exactly are you doing?" I ask slightly irritated. My hand on my hip and eyebrow slightly raised she just stares at me in disbelief or is it confusion I can't tell.
"Your mommy asked you a question." Jane states from next to me. She also looks irritated, gosh she so hot when she's in mommy mode.
"i was just playing wif my toys, got bored" Lily replies after a few moments. Something is definitely off about how she's acting, she can't stand still and her words are slurred.

"I thought I told you to only crawl until your legs were healed, they're bleeding, did you not notice that?" I ask now becoming more confused and angry all at the same time. Lily slowly looks at her legs and finally notices the blood dripping drown them. Then she giggles this little brat actually giggles.
"Oopies" she chuckles. I give Jane a look and she knows what I want and immediately grabs Lily. She picks her he up and sits her on her hip and we all walk into my room or me and Jane's room.
"Sit her down on the bed." I say simply. Jane does as told and Lily sits there smiling.

Lilys pov-
Mommy is soooo funny n Jane too, they were standing there all mean mommy mode with their hands on their hips and I couldn't help but laugh. Even now they keep looking at me all serious as I sit on the bed and play with my hands.
"I think she's been drinking" Jane says, more like snitches.
"How we've been with her all day, where would she have even gotten the alcohol from" mommy states sounding irritated.

They are really boring me and they keep talking without me so I try to sneak off of the bed but am quickly stopped when Jane picks me up and places me back on the bed.
"Lily Marie I need you to be honest because I already know the answer, have you been drinking today?" Mommy asks in a serious tone. I clap my hands for her and nod my head up and down really quickly, I'm so glad mommy guessed it right she's so smart, and plus she'll probably get a prize now!!
"Lily this is very serious and you are being very disrespectful towards your mommy right now, take this seriously or your punishment will be even worse!" Jane scolds, but she can't tell me what to do so I stick my tongue out at her and cross my arms over my chest.
"you are not my mommy no tell me what to do." I say simply but I refuse to look at her because she's being dumb right now.

This earns me a quick slap on the thigh from mommy. Rude.
"Knock it off little girl, you do not speak to Jane that way and she has every right to tell you what to do, do you understand me, I will find out where and when you got the alcohol and you will be punished accordingly, I am severely disappointed with you!" Mommy yells, it makes me very sad when she gets mean and now I don't feel so good or giggly.
"Jane love please go put her in timeout while I grab the bandages for her legs." Mommy says to her, how could she!? I'm her love! Before I could protest Jane grabbed me and picked me up then she walked us over to the corner and made me sit there. When I tried to look at her so she could see me roll my eyes she just moved my head back to the corner and told me to stay still.

I can hear the two traitors talking behind me but I didn't care, all I care about is getting more alcohol, it was a lot better when I was too tipsy to care about mean mommy and her antics. After what felt like forever (10 minutes) mommy finally spoke to me.
"Come here Lily I need to fix your bandages and Jane is going to finish your punishment afterwards, do you understand?" She asks
"but why Jane? And I already stayed in the corner that was my punishment." I whine
"No, I put you in the corner so that I could think about your actual punishment, and yes Jane will be the one the punish you so that you understand how much authority she does have. Now come here I won't repeat myself." She stated with her arms crossed she doesn't look happy at all.

I shake my head, I'd rather sit in the corner all day!
"I'm going to count to three and you had better be over here by the time I'm done." Mommy says losing her patience.
I don't move
I fidget but don't move
"Three, Jane go grab her for me"
Oh shit.

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