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Victorias pov-
I woke up today at 6 as per usual and begin my shower, last night after feeding my Lily I let her play the Switch until bedtime and then much to her displeasure I put her back in her cage locked it and went to bed. She isn't ready for her crib yet.
Although she is finally starting to break I don't think her little slip yesterday was enough to fully trust she wouldn't run. It would be fun to chase her but then I'd have to bruise her pretty little body some more and think she deserves a little break.
What? I'm not a monster.

Anyways today I plan on actually beginning her training, simple things really like what to do everyday and how to act. Essentials so that I can trust her to walk freely through the house while I'm away.
After my shower I quickly get dressed into my everyday attire, just a pair of black skinny jeans with a matching hoodie. Simple.
I apply some light makeup today and do my hair in a slick high ponytail then head over to lily.

Lilys pov-
I woke up to the sound of metal scraping together, it was an extremely awful way to start your day. But I don't want to get up yet so I pull the blanket over my head and snuggle back into the mattress
"Get up it's time to make me breakfast" V states
Make breakfast? Hell no lol sorry but there's no way I'm making her breakfast! I hate cooking and I always burn myself!
Plus she was being so nice last night, besides putting me back in the cage but still why is she back to being so bossy?
"I'm not in the mood to repeat myself." V sighs

I reluctantly get up and move the blanket off of my head while looking at her, she doesn't seem amused and she's holding the leash again. Id rather not have a repeat of yesterday so I apologize.
"I'm sorry mistress I didn't hear you, and I was still tired but I'm getting up now." I make sure to bat my eyes and flash her a smile which seems to work because she doesn't scold me she simple attaches my leash to my collar and guilds me to the purple room. Once we're in there she sits me on the changing table and gives me a confused look before asking me
"Did you use your diaper baby girl? Does mommy need to change it?"
Ugh it's so hard to keep up with her moods one second it's 'get breakfast made now' and the next she's babying me? And did she seriously expect me to use this thing?!
"no m-mommy I did not use the um thing." I say trying to avoid eye contact because the whole situation was making me embarrassed and I was sure my cheeks were red at this point.

"Hmm well you'll use it when you have to go I guess baby. Anyways mommy is going to go get you clothes and then we are going downstairs so youuu can make some omelets, okay flower?" V informs me in a very high pitched baby voice,
"But I don't want to use the diaper! I'm an adult and I know how to use the bathroom thank you very much!" I yell back feeling defensive
"You do NOT raise your voice to me! You have very simple rules so I expect for them to be obeyed!" mommy yells as she grabs me by my arm and leads me out of the purple room and out of her room back into the hallway I'm not sure where we're going, that is until I see a very shiny very big metal door.

I shove the heels of my feet into the floor and spread my free arm to the wall trying to stop her but she just picks me up and throws me over her shoulder.
"Please I'm sorry mommy I'll be good I promise I'm sorry for yelling I don't want to go in there pleaseee!!" I'm begging her and she won't listen she just opens the door and places me down inside, crouching in front of me mommy cups my face with her hand and gently wipes my tears.
"Lily baby you'll be in here until I see fit, because you broke one of your rules and I'd rather not spank you first thing this morning, do you understand?" mommy asks
Sniffing I answer
"yes mommy I understand."
"Good, I'm going to go pick up some breakfast baby I'll be back soon." Mommy says as she closes the door and locks it behind her. A couple of moments later I could hear her car leaving the house.

**4 hours later**

Lilys pov-
I was feeling very small in this big white room, mommy seemed to have cleaned it since I was last here and now it was back to normal, the sun shone through the window so I know it was a while since mommy left. All I wanted was for her to come back. I know it doesn't make sense but I craved her attention or just her presence, it was like I needed her. She's been awful to me and has told me absolutely nothing about herself but I need her.

I keep standing on my tippy toes to look through the window and try to see if she's here yet, but all I can see is yellow and orange leafs scattering mommy's very big yard. Her big beautiful trees are slowly starting to fall and I think it's beautiful so I spend some time looking. My thoughts are interrupted by the sudden pain I feel in my stomach telling be I have to go to the bathroom and now!

Victorias pov-
"Here is your iced caramel macchiato, and chocolate milk your total will be $6.50 unless you'd like to round up to $7.00 for a local charity." The bubbly barista says to me.
I hand her $10 and walk away with my coffee, then begin heading over to my car once I get in and put drinks down I check the time *11:00am* damn it I've been gone for a while but that's only because my favorite omelette place is an hour out of the way. And trust me it's totally worth it.
Since my phone is already in my hands I go to my security app and check on Lily.
She doesn't seem to be doing much just looking out of the window, until she turns around and I can see that her hands are holding her very private area while her legs and feet simultaneously bounce her up and down she's squeezing her legs shut and her face is scrunched in concentration.
Poor baby just go potty and it would stop hurting. She's still too prideful for it though, I can see that right now as lily tries her hardest to hold it in.

I make myself comfy and begin eating my omelette while watching my baby girl do her potty dance, refusing to go home until she's used her diaper.
Lily prances around for about another two minutes before she's on her knees with her head down, at this point I'm not sure if she's gone yet or if it's about to happen.
Either way I take it as a sign to go home luckily I'm only about 15min away now, I should've already been home but I stopped for coffee on the way in, okay fine I stopped at a few more places but I won't say where.
I put my half eaten omelette away and begin my journey to my baby girl.

I pull into my garage and open my door after grabbing all of the food and drinks deciding to leave the extra stuff in my trunk, for now. It's hard to balance everything but I figure it out soon enough and before I know it I'm standing in front of the beautiful silver door. I can hear the faint cry's and whines from lily on the other side so I make quick work unlocking her door carful not to drop anything.

Once I open the door i gently place everything on the ground and walk over to lily, who is currently curled up in the corner sobbing. I doubt she's even noticed I'm here. I don't want to scare her so as gently as I can I say
"Lily, mommy's back baby and I have food for you."

Lilys pov-
I shoot my head up realizing my mommy was finally back! I quickly scrambled to my feet and run over to her giving her a big hug, I don't know why I just felt the need to be close to her. "I missed you mommy, you were gone for a very long time you know?" I ask her, maybe mommy didn't know that she left me here all alone for so long.
After a moment she hugs me back and lifts me up onto her hip then she looks down at me with her pretty green eyes and a big beautiful smile.
"Mommy is sorry baby I only took so long because I was getting food for my baby, are you hungry?" She asks me sweetly
"oh, well thats otay mommy, and I am very hungry " I tell her to which she just chuckles lightly and walks us out of the room after bending down and grabbing everything, handing me a few things too.

After mommy gets us settled in the dining room downstairs she places a pink princess plate in front of me and on it is a big omelette with tomato's and avocado on top, I hope there isn't secret veggies in this thing.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed sorry it was short I have to get kids ready for Halloween tonight lol
Have a spooky day😊🎃👻

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