Sky high tantrum

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Lilys pov-
"I can find a corner to put you in lily, stop the attitude." Mommy says sharply while she stares down at me, I slouch down into my seat and sigh.
"Oh it's not that serious, the girl is just upset from that long car ride huh?" Jane says while looking at mommy and then to me. I nod and agree with her, I do not have an attitude I'm just bored and mommy should understand that.
"Ready for departure, now preparing for takeoff, please keep seatbelts fastened until the seatbelt light is no longer on and enjoy your 7 hour flight to Maine." A man's voice says through some speakers. Did he just say 7 hours!? Ughhh I'm so bored already what am I supposed to do for that long?

"mommy I bored, nufin to do" I whine as I grab onto the sleeve of her hoodie.
"You poor little baby, do you want to watch some cartoons love?, I promise when that light turns off we can get up and you can play with Jane okay?" Mommy explains while pointing at the seatbelt light. Before I could think of an answer the jet suddenly started moving forward, I quickly turned my head to look out of the window. The jet was accelerating fast and I was growing nervous, without any warning the aircraft began to point up and was lifted into the sky. I grabbed onto mommy and tried to hide in her shoulder but I couldn't move that well since my legs were still sore.
"Shhh it's okay little love, I'm right here." Mommy whispers to me. She wraps her arms around me and places a gentle kiss on top of my head. It does calm me down a little bit.

"Is this your first time flying bug?" I hear Jane ask.
"mhm" I mumble as I nod my head
"We'll that's okay, just a couple more minutes I promise. Look there's some cartoons on the tv do you want to watch little one?" Jane asks me, I look at the TV and notice blues clues is playing.
"otay" is all I can get out as I realize how intimidating she is.

The jet finally stables out and I can take this stupid seatbelt off.
"mommy off please" I ask her while tugging on her sleeve.
" Okay baby I'll unbuckle you, but then I have some important adult things I have to do, so you have to be a good girl for Jane while I'm working, and I should warn you little one that Jane has permission to punish you if she sees fit, how she sees fit, understood love?" Mommy asks me in a serious tone.
"i understand mommy" I reply while looking at her trying to look as genuine as possible.

She seems pleased by this and unbuckles me, she stands and picks me up, then she hands me to Jane and starts to grab something out of her bag, it's a laptop and another bag of some kind.
"You be good baby, mommy's going to go do some work now okay?" Mommy asks or more so states.

Janes pov-
Lily doesn't seem to please to be with me but she really has nothing to worry about. I'm sure Victoria has put this little one through a lot in the month she's been with her, but it's all for a good cause. I can tell it's going to take a while to get her to trust me I'm sure it's due to the trauma, does she even know what day it is?

"Hey bug, do you know what day it is?" I ask her while walking to the tv area so I could place some toys out for her.
"mmmm no" she replies after some thinking
"Well today is December 4th and we are on our way to the state of Maine where your new home is, it is going to take a bit longer than expected to get there but I can assure you it's worth it. And I'll be here to hang out with you all day, I bet I can even get your mommy to let you stay up a little late." I eagerly tell lily.
"December!" She shouts sounding like her adult self now.
"Do not raise your voice at me little girl, I don't react well to hostility." I warn as I place her on the floor.
"That isn't fair! And I don't want to move to Maine! I want to go home to my real house before she took me!" She screams at me trying to stand up but she struggles quite a bit.
"I suggest you calm down before your mommy hears this little tantrum and decides to punish you." I slowly tell Lily
"SHES NOT MY MOMMY!!" she yells

I hear the sound of Victorias private room door opening and she quickly marches over to Lily. I did try to warn lily but I suppose she has to learn eventually. V looks really pissed off and I take this as a sign to walk away back towards my seat.
"Come here, now." Victoria sweetly says. It's extremely nerve racking how calm she seems, for Lily I suppose. When lily makes no effort to move V walks over to her and bends down picking her up. She gives the little girl a look that makes her turn her head avoiding her gaze.
"Jane, I won't be long I'm just going to calm the baby down and have her meet Orion, feel free to smoke or drink the bar is open and I don't really care since it's a rather long flight. Once I'm done I would appreciate it if you could try and handle any distractions from this one so I can focus on work." V says to me
I nod my head and reply
"Okay V, I understand and I'm sorry for not doing more to get her to stop. I can assure you it won't happen again."

Victorias pov-
Dario walk away with lily on my hip and head to my room. I close the door behind me and place lily on my bed. She seems nervous but I don't plan on punishing her physically so she has no reason to be scared.
"Baby girl you need to relax, I'm not going to hurt you, you have been very naughty but I know you didn't mean it, so all I want you to do is write lines, simple okay?" I ask while I tuck her hair behind her ear. She looks at me with tear filled eyes and nods her head.
"okay" she sighs
"Okay, who?" I ask
"okay mommy" she says defeated.

I will admit I'm glad this tantrum was shorter than the last one and she was quick to submit to me again and correct her behavior.
"Good girl, now I want you to write 'I will not raise my voice at Jane, or say Mommy is not my mommy' and I need you to write it 25 times, are you ready love?" I ask her while I place some paper and a blue crayon in front of her.
"I ready" Lily says lowly trying not to cry.

She starts her punishment and I walk back to my work station and begin my business calls and other assignments I needed to catch up on.

About 20 minutes later lily slowly walks over to me with a paper in hand
"I done mommy, see." She says while pushing the paper onto my lap.
I pick it up and make sure it's all done
"Great job baby you're a very good girl, thank you for doing your lines love, mommy has to get back to work though baby, why don't you go over to Jane and show her your pretty paper hmm?" I tell her
She does seem upset but smiles anyways her blue eyes no longer filled with tears.
"otay mommy I go show jane, you be done soon?" She asks with her head tilted to the right. She's so cute
"I'll try baby, you go play but no walking just crawl I don't want your ouchies to bleed okay?" I explain
"okie no walking n I be good for you" she happily tells me. I hand her the paper and she slowly crawls to the door, I almost forgot she couldn't reach it without sitting up.
"You can sit up to open it baby just don't stand all the way up, if you're a good girl when I'm done you can meet the puppy okay?"I tell her looking back towards my laptop.
"otay mommy tank you" she replies excitedly.
I hear the door open and then close again and I resume my work hopefully I'll be able to get something significant done.

Kind of a short chapter sorry I just have to start prepping for thanksgiving
If you have any ideas or suggestions for future chapters please let me know
:) have a good day loves

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