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Lilys pov-
Everything hurts, I can't do anything one slight movement will send a sharp pain across my body. "V" left this morning, if that is her name. I'm not sure what it's short for and I don't really care because I'm still not going to call her mistress and I am certainly not calling her mommy. Last night is still fresh on my mind though and the fear of it happening again will keep me from doing anything.
This does give me time to plan. V said she'd be back around 6pm it's 1pm right now if the clock on her wall was correct so I have roughly 5 hours to figure something out. It's hard to focus on an escape route when all I can think about is the intense pain radiating through me or the hunger in my stomach and now I have to pee. I hate this. No I hate her, she did this too me. She hurt me really badly and then locked me in a cage, now that I look around the cage isn't so bad.
What are you talking about Lily it's literally a cage, I need to find a way out. I slowly start to try and sit up, "AHHH FUCKING SHIT!!!" Oh my god that hurt it feels as though my body is being ripped apart, I feel like I can't breathe and im beginning to sweat. I somehow managed to sit up fully and I was now beginning to inspect the lock.

After about 20 seconds I realized I recognized the brand it was the same one I had used back in high school. That's impossible no offense but judging on her bedroom id say she could afford a better lock. The walls were matte black with red trim, her bed was a California king and had an extra thick red silky comforter. It matched the pillows. I was besides her bed and from what I could see there was also a large tv placed on the wall in front of the bed. Directly in front of me however was the door. I couldn't help but stare at it longingly, dreaming someone would bath in and save me. Id have to save myself it seems. Back to the lock all I'd need is a paper clip or something like that. If she lets me out at any point today I'll be sure to keep an eye out for something similar. I'm almost positive there's a hair clip in the bathroom. I could wait for her to go back to work and do it then, if I do it at night there's a chance she'll wake up. I also need to wait to heal a little bit there's no way I'm walking let alone running any time soon. So about a week or two and I'll be ready. Until then I need to gain her trust slowly so she doesn't suspect anything. That's going to be harder than it sound's because the only way to do that is to submit and I simply refuse.

Victorias pov-
Work is going smoothly just a few more emails to write out and I'll be done. I might just have my assistant Brice do it so I can go home early, I'm in a good mood and want to begin training lily. The sooner she breaks the sooner she's going to submit and then we can move to our permanent home in Maine. Id take her now but it's going to take some time to set up security precautions and I'd rather have the trust she won't run and besides I couldn't leave earlier if I wanted to because my new business building isn't done with construction yet. Just a few more months, and my baby girl and I are onto a new adventure. Finally deciding id rather be home I let Brice know and begin my journey back, first however I'll need to stop at target and pick up a few things just some little things. Sippy cups and bibs that sort of thing and a large chain or strong leash so Lily can move throughout the day. I pull up at the target parking lot find a spot and get out quickly grabbing a cart and head inside. I first go to the pet section where I find a nice thick leash made of metal it was meant to be used outside, but it would have to do. After that I go to the baby/ toddler section and grab a few sippy cups and pacifiers, I also look at older kid pull ups Lily might fit them because she's so petite. I grab a pack and go to the check out, pay and head home.

Once I get home and finish putting stuff away I head upstairs to my little Lily to check on her. Upon entering the room I see her sitting up in her cage with the blanket wrapped around her and the stuffie tucked under her arm, she looks so adorable.
"Lily baby have you been good for me while I was away?" I ask. I get no response in fact I don't even get a glance she continues to stare at her lap pretending I'm not even here, so I ask again in a more intimidating tone
"Lily were you good today while I was at work, or do you need to be punished?"
She finally looks up but only for a second before she points her eyes back towards her lap, she begins to fiddle with her fingers thinking of an answer. "yes......I was good today." She says or more so whispers "yes who?" I reply I know she knows what I want to hear. "yes yessss....m Look I'm sorry I'm trying to be good I promise I just can't say it please don't be mad!" She frantically spits out.
"Such a dumb little girl I thought for sure after yesterday you'd want to be good and yet here you are saying no to something as simple as a name." I say coldly as I bend down in-front of her cage slowly undoing the lock. The cold metal clacks together as I take off the lock and place it in my pocket, I reach for the door and grab it pulling it extra slow so the hinges squeak. As I do that Lily begins to scream "PLEASE NO IM SORRY ILL SAY IT I PROMISE PLEASE STOP I REALLY AM SORRY PLEASEEE!!"
I love the sound of her begging.

I chuckle lowly finding this all a bit amusing "tsk tsk tsk No no Lily baby, mommy gave you the opportunity to be good and say my name and you chose to say no to me, you only changed your mind after you realized there was going to be repercussions for your actions." I scold.
At this point the door is fully open and Lily is no longer looking at her lap but directly at me with tears streaming down her face, her breathing has sped up quite a bit and she's backed up as far into the cage as she can.
"Come here, now" I calmly say to her, to my surprise she actually begins to move towards me, slowly but still it'll work for now. I move out of the way as she gets fully out of the cage, once she does I quickly attach the leash to her collar.

Lilys pov-
I think I fucked up but it couldn't be worse than yesterday, right? After she put my leash on V guided me to the bathroom and let me do my business I was extremely grateful because I had been holding it in since last night. After washing my hands she leads me back into the room and then she sat down on the foot on the bed and motioned for me to join her, when I don't she lets out an irritated sigh and yanks on the leash sending me forward and practically into her chest.

Blushing I push away from her but she grabs onto my back and forces me over her lap. "You are going to receive 10 spanks 2 per letter in the word mommy" V pauses as she slowly massages my ass with her left hand while the right keeps me firmly in place
"if you do not count after each spank I will restart I also need you to say thank you afterwards, do you understand baby?" She asks me. I know she's wanting a verbal answer but a part of me just simply cannot submit to her.
"Okay baby girl I understand now, don't worry" V says calmly, a little too calm.


It's making me nervous and I'm growing worried and anxious about the pain, my body was still extremely sore from last night and some of my cuts were still bleeding. I should have been good and said mommy it's not that hard. And plus if I did I-
I was caught off guard by the sudden pain now spreading across my left ass cheek it hurt so much I could barely breathe
"Count Lily" V reminds me
"Watch your mouth baby I wouldn't want to have to add any" V warns.
The pain is so intense it's creeping up my back and down my thighs, my ass is on fire and her hits only seem to be getting harder.
"Say my name then Lily" V says
"Thought so" she adds after a moment of silence
The spanks were rapid and harsh I felt the breath leave my body as I tried to calm down, I couldn't think straight my head felt dizzy. There was a thick and heavy stream of tears flowing down my face, I gripped onto her at some point trying anything to relieve the pain.
"Count!" Vs sudden command brings me back to reality as I try to speak only for it to come out in a low mumble
"six seven eight and nine"
after I had done as told there was hesitation on her end, hesitation that did not last long as her hand swiftly and sharply came down on my ass one last time
"Say thank you baby" v reminds me

          ******TW OVER********

Victorias pov -
I slowly sat Lily up and into my lap before I stoop up with her, positioning her on my hip. I take her still naked shivering body and walk to a door on the left of my bed, once I open it Lilys head pops up and she begins to look around shocked.
"What do you think Lily baby?" I ask her
The room was pastel purple with blue stars lining the walls the trim was a nice cream color, directly in-front of us was her crib it to also being purple it sat low to the ground and had a lock so she couldn't pull the bars down. Next to her crib was a adult sized changing table stocked with everything she needs, including diapers and wipes even a few blankets in case she's cold while I change her. Her clothes are in a dresser designed to look like a cloud, it too is stocked and ready for her. On the other end of the room was a giant rainbow rug with a blue and a purple bean bag sitting in the middle, on the left of it was a toy chest stuffed with all kinds of things. Coloring books and Barbie's, action figures and play dough, everything my baby might want. The rest of her room had little decorations here and there to fill in any large empty space.
After a moment I hear Lily say "yes—I um I like it—I'm um think the colors are very pretty."
Satisfied I lay her gently on her changing table before I begin to get her dressed I need to make sure she understands something.

"Baby girl?"  I ask
"y—yes" she timidly reply's
"I need you to understand that when I am talking to you I expect a verbal response and I expect to be addressed as either mistress or mommy which ever fits the current setting, okay flower?"
I ask making sure to make eye contact. After a few moments of silence Lily finally speaks
"-i-um—okay i understand and I'm sorry."Lily shakily responds
"I understand who?"
I say I know she knows what I want to hear, but she just won't say it!
"yes—mistress i understand"
Pleased i continue dressing her.

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