Up and down

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"What's on your mind love?" Jane asked Lily hesitantly. She had been staring at her plate for the better half of lunch not saying anything just seemingly lost in thought.

"nothing." She said irritation lining her words.

"Watch your tone little girl." Victoria warned from across the table. It stopped the attitude from showing on the outside but it only angered her more on the inside.

"I will not watch my tone." She said looking directly at V sounding more like her big self.

"Do you need to go back to the red room?"

"I need to go back home, my home." Lily snapped back. Jane had stood up as well as Victoria.

"Maybe I may have let you go, with good behavior and a person to watch you but NOW you can just stay here, oh and when we were going to go to Tokyo you were supposed to spend time with Abby, but that is NEVER going to happen now!" Victoria was furious, how could somebody fresh out of a punishment talk in such a way?

Lily was equally mad, when was she going to be told about this!? How could she keep such a big secret from her? And now she can't even see Abby? What was the point of bringing it up other than to hurt her.

"Victoria I think you've gone too far she's still a little and-" Jane spoke but was quickly cut off by a hand gripping her throat.

"Do. Not question me." Victoria spoke so lowly it was almost a whisper, or a growl.

"B..butterfly's" Jane tried to say as best she could but she was also running out of air and her legs were getting weak.
Once Victoria heard what she had said she let go an audible sigh leaving her body.

"You're no fun Janey." V said with her hand on her head rubbing her temples. Jane was doubled over on the floor gasping for air periodically coughing. Lily had began crying the moment everything started, and now she was even louder.

V noticed and moved her focus towards her,
"Finish your food Lily." She spoke confidently and sternly which caused Lily to obey and begin eating, though she never stopped crying.

Hours later Jane was smoking a blunt on the couch and Victoria was sitting on the recliner next to it with Lily on her lap. It was apart of Jane's after care to smoke and be able to watch TV. It did surprise Jane that she was still getting aftercare, the constant mood swings from Victoria were hard to predict. They were so up and down right now.

"Mommy?" Lily asked, it was the first time she had spoken since the lunch incident and it caught V off guard.


"I changed my mind, I don't wanna go back to my old house anymore, I want to stay here and I'm sorry." She wasn't necessarily lying part of her did want to stay but she was hoping the apology would bring Abby back.

The rocking of the recliner stopped but only for a moment before it continued and V kissed the back of lilys head.

"I know you're lying little one, but soon you'll mean those things and you'll be my little girl forever." She said with a slight hum and she began to comb through Lilys hair with her hand. It made Lily tense up.

"Puppy?" She asked Jane who immediately responded.

"Yes mistress?"

"Did you already make a phone call to Dr. H about the upcoming procedure or are you still needing to do that?" She asked genuinely wanting to know.

"I've already called and the appointment is for the day after next, I called after you had me do the dishes mistress." Jane answered honestly, wanting to please her Mistress.

This brought a smile to her face as she hummed seemingly pleased with this answer.
"Very good girl." V praised, her green eyes never leaving Jane's.

"Well, since you two took such a long time and did such a good job why don't we go inside the fort?" V asked looking at Lily who enthusiastically nodded her head, completely forgetting about what she had heard before.

Once everyone was inside and surprisingly fit, they let Lily pick a game they would play which turned out to be Minecraft.

"You have to get the tree, and mama will get foods and I can look at the flowers!" Lily babbled excitedly as the three of them tried to build a house. The mood seemed to be listing as the played on and Lily felt like she was slowly getting her mommy back. This of course caused her to regress a bit further than usual, mostly because it had been a while since Victoria had given her any type of affection.

Both caregivers took notice of this when Lily started to struggle a bit with the game.

"It's okay little love mommy will help you here let me see, there you go, see I fixed it you're okay." V cooed as she helped Lily with the settings. It calmed her down enough to keep playing.

That is until she got hungry and decided the only thing she wanted was mommy's milk. But she also felt so small and couldn't form any words it all just came out as one big whine.

"What is it baby?" Jane asked as V placed a hand on her back. The only answer they got was a small whine followed by some nonsense babbling.

"This is going to be a long night." V said sarcastically which earned a giggle from Lily.

Hey loves🥰
Another short chapter, sorry but hopefully I have more time tomorrow and I'll be able to write a long enough one.❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️

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