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Lilys pov-
Today I have to go to the doctor and that's stupid but I am kinda happy because after mommy told me about it a couple nights ago and I started crying she let me and Jane decorate the house!!! But only the outside I still made it pretty though and it's very sparkly. I also had to wear a backpack thing with a leash that Jane was holding. It was still fun so I didn't complain too much.

Anyways Jane told me if I was good at the doctors I could pick out a new toy! So now I'm going to try and be good but no promises. Lately I've been feeling like an actual adult again and being able to have adult thoughts but only for a couple minutes because Jane or mommy will come by and I have to be little or they'll get mad or ignore me. I do try to take advantage of my adult headspace time so I can plot my escape.

"Lily bug are you ready?" Jane asks me, she's holding mommy's hand and my diaper bag in the other, I slowly walk towards mommy and hold her hand instead.
"I can still get a toy after Jane remember?" I ask making sure to stare intensely into her brown eyes. She simply chuckles at my antics and nods her head. Just then I'm picked up my mommy and put on her hip as she starts making her way out of the house.

After we are all in the car and I'm buckled into my car seat Jane puts a movie on for me and mommy starts driving to the awful place I'm being forced to go to.
"how long until we get there?" I ask becoming nervous.
"Jane turns around and smiles at me.
"Just a minute bug then we'll be there, okay?" She tells me. My stomach drops, why was the ride so short we had only been in the car for like 10 minutes if that. This isn't fair and I'm not going in!
"I changed my mind and I don't want a toy anymore so can we go back to the house please?" I ask feeling bigger now and more confident.

"That's not what we negotiated little one, I said that you could have a toy if you were a good girl not if you went." Jane corrected, to which I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt but was stopped by a very forceful hand.
"Knock it off babygirl, it really is a simple appointment and regardless I will punish you." Mommy scolds. I choose to ignore her and instead focus on how far I plan on running when I get out of the car.

Victorias pov-
After parking and some back talk from Lily we are that much closer to the doctors. After I undo lilys seatbelt I pick her up and begin walking inside, she starts to wiggle around trying to be put down but I just strengthen my grip and continue walking. Jane follows not far behind with all of our supplies.
"Hello how can I help you today ma'am" the cheerful receptionist asks while looking up from her computer.
"Hello I'm here for my appointment with Dr.H, I was told to be here at 11:00." I inform her as she jots down the information. After getting some more information she escorts us to another room where we are told the doctor should be with us soon.

A few moments pass and the door opens, in walks in a tall older woman whom I assume is the doctor.
"Hello, you must be Victoria it is a pleasure to meet you" she says as we shake hands and she walks towards Lily.
"Hello and likewise, this is little Lily, the one I was telling you about, she does seem a bit shy today but that's okay huh Lily bean?" I say directing the last part towards Lily. Dr.H simply smiles at Lily and reaches into her pocket, she reveals a shiny blue lollipop and lilys eyes widen.

"You can have this lollipop little one I can assure you nothing bad is to happen here, actually I'm here to help you feel better, that's my job." The doctor explains as she hands the candy to my babygirl. Lily hesitantly takes it and looks at me with her big blue eyes silently asking to eat it.
"You can have it little one" I say, she excitedly rips the wrapper open and immediately begins to eat her candy. While she's distracted the doctor pulled me into the hallway and Jane stayed to keep an eye on Lily.

"I just wanted to discuss a few things about Lilys procedure and to give you the basic run down of what I'll be doing and what you should expect as well as answering any questions you may have." Helena tells me once we are in the hallway and the door to lily room is closed. I nod my head and say a small thank you.
"Alright then let's begin, first I'm going to give her a basic physical so I can get the correct dosage I need after that it's quite simple I just administer a shot to her shoulder and the medication should work within a few hours as simple as it is many caregivers still have questions about behavior, do you have any you'd like to ask me before the procedure?" Dr.H asks.
"Yes quite a few honestly" I say with a slight chuckle.
"That's perfectly normal Victoria, honestly I'd be more concerned if you didn't ask questions." Helena says.

"That's good to hear, I suppose my main question is, how will Lily act or how will this effect her head space and will she be regressing all the time or only momentarily?" I say to name a few of my most impending questions. The doctor ponders for a moment before she looks at me again seeming to have found an answer.
"Well I guess I could put it this way, if Lily regresses naturally to about 3 years old then after the procedure she will always be in a 3 year olds headspace, in other words the medication will not change her headspace age or tendencies rather it just makes it permanent, it's also important to notice that if your little has a younger headspace not only is the mind regressed the body is as well, my best example of this is bladder control or lack of body control. This is also a factor with older littles as well, some littles have problems with balance and other motor functions like talking or forming sentences, none of these symptoms are life threatening just simple a problem needed to be made aware." Helena explains

I think about everything the doctor told me and can feel the excitement grow as a big smile creeps onto my face.
"That's wonderful news, you truly are a Miracle Worker thank you doctor." I complement honestly.
"Of course Victoria, I hope you and your wife enjoy your new life with little Lily." She happily tells me. Before I could correct her about Jane she had opened the door and we were back in Lilys room.

Lilys pov-
Jane and I were watching cartoons on her phone when mommy and the candy doctor came back. Mommy walked towards me and scooped me us making me giggle she then sat down with me in her lap. I tried to turn around to I could see her but she kept me in place.
"Hold still babygirl the doctor has to ask you some questions." She explains while rubbing small circles on my back, she seems happy like really happy. I focus on the candy lady in front of me.
"Hey little one, I just wanted to tell you what I'm going to do so you're not scared or confused by anything, okay?" Candy tells me, I just nod my head and try to cuddle into mommy.
"I'm going to be giving you a physical, have you ever had one of those?" She asks
"Yes lots of times" I happily tell her, proud that I'd done it before. I was also not nervous anymore because I knew it was easy.

The physical only took about 10 minutes and I even got more candy! But Jane said I have to wait until after dinner, she's so mean sometimes. After that candy left to get something and mommy started holding me tighter and I was getting nervous again.
"What is she grabbing?" I ask sounding older so they would take me seriously.
"Calm down babygirl, the doctor is just getting you a shot, so you don't get sick, it's flu season lovey." She explains just it doesn't calm me down at all, I begin thrashing around trying to break free but mommy is a lot stronger than me.

"Please let me go I don't want a shot, please I'll be okay I won't get sick, please!" I scream begging them to let me go, but they just sit there and tell me it'll be okay or to calm down. Before I know it the mean doctor is back with a large needle in her hand it's filled with a weird purple liquid. That's definitely not for the flu! I'm panicking and trying my hardest to break free but I can't, I even tried to bite her but then a hand quickly covered my mouth stopping me, this also stopped or at least muffled my screaming.
"Lily baby please breathe, it'll be done soon baby you're okay mommy's here, you can still get a toy baby it's okay I promise." Mommy whispers softly in my ear.

I suddenly feel the familiar pain of the shot and scream as loud as I can, it doesn't last soon and the doctor leaves after she puts a bandage on my arm.
"You did such a good job baby, mommy is so proud of my good girl." She coos after mommy turned me around so I could cuddle into her. I grip onto her shirt and cry, I feel so violated, how could the doctor do that to me? I'm never coming here again, and I want two toys!
"Mommy I can have two toys?" I ask while looking up at her, she smiles at me and wipes a few stray tears away with her thumb.

"You can have as many toys as you'd like lovey, you are my very good girl and we are going to leave soon I just need a few papers and we can go strip the toy store okay baby?" Mommy says. I nod my head and wiggle excitedly deciding that this was way better than just two.

It took forever before the same doctor as before came back and handed Jane something, I couldn't see because I was ignoring the mean lady! Mommy lifted me up and repositioned me on her hip and we walked back outside and into the car. Hopefully the store is close or I'm going to scream again.

Hey loves:)
1k!!!! That's amazing thank you guys so much for reading and remember to comment and vote, as always feel free to request ideas for upcoming chapters.

Have a beautiful day!❤️🩷❤️

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