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The two little ones spent the rest of recess chasing each other around playing tag until the bell had rung and they unfortunately had to put their fun to an end. But this was okay according to Theo because it was now Art time!

When everyone is in a nice neat line Miss Kelly walks them to the Art room and then leaves after saying a small goodbye. Lily notices another teacher standing in the front of the class gently telling everyone to find a seat. She of course sits next to Theo.
The Teacher who she found out was named Mr.Barron, he was a heavy set man with a brown beard and soft green eyes. His hair was shaved into a nice fade and he had comfortable colorful clothes on.

Mr. Barron turns his attention to Lily.
"I do believe we have a new classmate huh guys, and what is your name little one?" He asks her. Usually this much attention would make her nervous but for some reason it no longer bothers her. Lily looks at him excitedly and answers.
"My name is Lily and I'm four!" She says happily and her new friend seems just as happy for her.

Mr. Barron rest one of his hands hand on each side of his hips and excited expression on his face.
"Of course! I remember your teacher telling me a certain little one would be joking us, that must be you. Well my name is Mr. Barron as I'm sure Theo has told you, and today we are going to be painting!"
At the promise of paint all of the littles began cheering excitedly.

Suddenly the teacher raised his hand in the air holding up three fingers, a couple seconds later everyone had calmed down and mimicked his hand until he reached one finger and then everything was quiet.
"Okay everyone, take one canvas and pass the rest to the person on your right I'm going to grab the paint and brushes, you guys will be sharing with your table partner." He informs everyone.

A little while later every table had a pallet of colors and a cup of brushes filled with water. Lily was a little unsure of when she would be allowed to begin but once she had noticed everyone else was already painting she grabbed a brush a got to work.

Back at the house, Victoria and Jane were having a relaxing brunch while they talked about future plans.
"So once Lily is more settled I think that a vacation would be a lovely idea, now the only thing we need to decide is a location." Victoria says to Jane politely passing her girlfriend a joint. She graciously excepts it and inhales the now familiar smoke before saying,
"I agree, I'd say we give her at least another month, and you know I've always wanted to visit Japan, it would be absolutely amazing and there's plenty of bouquets for you to spoil Lily with." Jane adds

Victoria gives it little thought before agreeing with her girlfriend wanting to please her and in all honesty Victoria had flown nearly everywhere so location mattered very little to her.

"I can't wait! Thank you so much Victoria. I'll contact hotels and have everything ready for us." Jane explains to her mistress with excited eyes.
"Oh that won't be needed love, I have a house in Minato Ward. It was a gift from a business partner I had a long time ago, he was quite close to my father so he was more like an uncle to me. Anyways I don't want you to worry about anything Jane dear, just pack your bags when I say and we will go, okay?" V says much to Jane's surprise, despite years of knowing Victoria she never really opened up at all about her past so her sharing this meant something. She trusted her.

The two women continued their meal and after they got ready for the day because Victoria had decided it was time to shop for Jane's submissive supplies. Basically anything she may need during a scene or for after care or anything else that Jane wanted.

About an hour later both ladies were ready for the shopping trip ahead of them, and they set off towards some stores.

Meanwhile Lily had returned to her classroom with a very bright painting in hand, they had given them back to the students after lunch since they hadn't dried until then. The little gently placed it into her backpack next to her new uniform that her teacher had given her earlier.
"Okay everyone it's nap time please make your way over to your assigned bed or crib, Lily I'll help you out since this is your first time." Miss Kelly announced.

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