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In the weeks that followed, Victorias mood did not improve, if anything it had gotten worse. More violent and unpredictable, she canceled all plans including the Tokyo trip and instead spent most of her time inside the newly remodeled office at the top floor.

She had also made no attempt to tell anyone why she had grown so cold and that didn't help ease Lily or Jane's mind. She also refused to attend the funeral, not 'needing' any closure. Or at least thats what she was telling herself. Victorias drinking habits seemed to have picked up a bit as well, she used to only drink on occasion, however recently it was nearly everyday. She didn't seem to be eating or sleeping much either, but those were just more things she refused to speak about.

Right now Victoria was leaning on the balcony of her rooftop, she had built it to be for entertainment, with couches and projectors, even a bar but now it was used for solitude. Nobody came up here and the bar was fully stocked so V stayed up there if she wasn't in the office.

As usual the drink of choice was vodka, no mixer needed just a really big ice cube. From where she stood, Victoria could see most of the town and the forest behind her house. She was focused on the daycare though, she couldn't see anything with much detail but she could still make out the building. It's where Lily is right now, she would be done with it soon and be sorted into a permanent class.

Victoria couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy when Lily would cling to Jane especially lately. It was nobody but her own fault, the harsh punishments have made Lily feel extremely vulnerable. She just couldn't seem to snap out of whatever mood she was in and be kind again.

"Mistress?" Jane called from behind the woman. It caused Victoria to forget about whatever she was thinking, she took another sip from her glass before turning around.

"Yes puppy? I'm surprised it took you this long to find me." She said as calmly as possible not wanting company right now.

"Are you okay?"

"What have I told you about asking me that?"

"not to but I-"

"Then don't ask. Is there something you needed pup?"



"I need attention, your attention p please"

Victoria sighed while thinking about the idea. She once again took a sip from her glass, this time letting the alcohol linger on her tongue before swallowing.


That was all Jane needed, wanted to hear. She quickly made her way over the rug and sat down waiting for her Mistress. To her surprise Victoria actually sat down behind her on the couch.

"You said you, needed my attention?" V spoke lowly in Jane's ear, slowly rubbing small circles on her shoulders. It rendered Jane useless, the lack of physical touch was starting to catch up with the younger woman and all she could do was nod her head.

It piqued Victorias interest, had she truly needed her like Jane claimed? She couldn't handle it if she was lying. Nobody had truly needed her, Lily was here out of trauma and fear but Jane? Why had she stuck around?

"Why are you still here, I would have left." V spoke in a broken voice and when Jane turned to meet her Mistresses eyes she could see just how not okay the woman had been.

"Because I love you, I don't know why you're so upset or what happened and I won't ask. But I know that's why you've been different, and I know this isn't you. So I'll stay, because I love you." Jane said after a moment. Victoria did not respond she instead lit another cigarette and took another sip trying desperately to feel anything other than the despair running through her.

"My sister, she's—she—isn't here anymore, she's dead." After finally admitting it out loud it was real and she couldn't run from it anymore. She couldn't stop the tears from flowing down her face and she couldn't help but sob and curl up on her couch and let herself fall apart.

Jane wasted no time comforting Victoria, she held her and let her cry and scream into her shoulder, Jane slowly rocked the pair.

Hours had passed and Victoria was now asleep on her bed, Jane had made sure she took a bath as well as change clothes then She made her some food and all though most of it went untouched it was still the most Jane had seen her eat in the past days.  She had also picked up Lily and fed her as well, explaining that her mommy just needed some rest.

Right now Lily and Jane were downstairs watching TV , it was a documentary on how books were made.

"Mama?" Lily asked with her head tilted looking at Jane.

"Yes babygirl?" Jane asked curiously.

"I have this dream that I worked at a library, and it was boring and I think I had my own house too but it was small, and my friend came over so we could play but I got lost and I couldn't find her and I can never find her I always wake up." Lily said before going back to playing with her dolls as if nothing had happened and she was little again.

"Dreams can be odd sometimes little one, come on babygirl let's go play outside while mommy sleeps." Jane said trying to avoid bringing Lily out of headspace again knowing it would anger Victoria.

Lilys POV-
Mama is pushing me on the swing right now but I'm thinking about what Theo told me at daycare today. He said that he had to go away for a while because he wasn't being a good little boy. And I don't understand because Theo never gets in trouble at school he's always good. That's when he told me that it was more at home, he "keeps talking about before" and I still don't know what that means.

Or at least I didn't until he made me remember my before or that I even had a before. When mommy wasn't my mommy and I was big. I remember when she took me and when I got in trouble for running away, I remember the plane ride and meeting mama. I just don't understand because I still want to be with mommy.

Theo got mad at me when I said I wouldn't go with him, that I loved my mommy. He said I was stupid and I'd regret it, that soon I wouldn't be able to leave. I couldn't get him to tell me more because Miss Kelly heard us and I had to take a nap and Theo went home for today. The last thing he said before she came over was to NOT eat the snacks on my first day of actual school.

I hope Theo isn't sick because he was really acting weird. Sure mommy hurt me but I still love her and plus I should have been a good little girl and not try to run away from her.

"Are you okay bug? You've been quiet?" Mama asks me.

"Theo has to go away because he thinks he's big, and now I won't have anyone to play with." I said trying not to cry and mama stoped swinging me and held me.

"Is that why you were talking about the library love? Do you remember being big?" Mama asked me and I nodded my head not wanting to say it out loud.

"Well that's okay baby, I can make that go away and you won't have to worry about it anymore, you can just be our little baby Lily, okay ?" She explained.

"Otay mama"

Hey loves🥰
I do realize this is a short chapter I just have to retrain a lot this week so I won't be able to post for a couple days, either way I do hope you still enjoy❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️

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