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The next morning Victoria had woken up before anyone else which wasn't abnormal since Jane and Lily both preferred to sleep in. Usually she'd pace around the house until one of them woke up but today was different.

Right now she was sitting outside on her patio drinking some tea, smoking the joint she had Jane prepare the night before, it was apart of their agreement, Jane would roll some joints and V would put Lily to bed.

Victoria also had her laptop with her, she was doing some important research and thought the time alone would help make things go smoothly. She was looking for a therapist and although she didn't have many requirements, once she began looking she found that she was actually quite picky.

V knew it couldn't be a man, she would never open up or be truly honest. She needed it to be online, anything in person would cause her to lie as well. There was also some stipulations when it came to her work schedule and home scheduling fitting into this and after an hour she had finally decided than the only days that could work were, Thursdays at 12:00pm-2:00pm and Saturdays 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

With all of that in mind that left her with few options, three to be exact. And since she was growing bored Victoria decided to send a request to all of them and just let the first person to reply be it. With a sigh she closes her laptop and heads back inside making sure to lock the sliding door behind her.

After, she settles herself on the couch and turns the tv onto some cooking show while she grabs the nearest book and begins to read, surprisingly at peace, happy even. Orion, not far from her as he sat by her feet stretching out before finally dosing off.

Lily's POV-

I wake up and I feel funny, I feel just super small, like a baby and I know I am a baby but I mean like a baby baby. I feel so small I don't even really want to think. So instead I just look around at all of the pretty things, like my mommy, she's really pretty.

Where is mommy? I look around but I can't find her and I really really need her now. I don't know what to do and I'm starting to get sad and all I can think to do is cry very loud because that's just how upset I am!

I cry so hard I start coughing and it hurts a little so I cry more. But then the door opens and I see mama, she's not mommy! She still picks me up even though I try to get away, then she starts taking us somewhere.

"Shhh it's okay babygirl mamas here." She tells me but I don't listen because I want mommy, why doesn't she understand??
"You're a very grumpy little one this morning babygirl, why don't we go look for your mommy hmm?" Mama asks but I'm not paying attention.

Jane guides the two downstairs to where Victoria should be, but while getting there she a notices a small rash on Lily's shoulder and neck. Making a mental note to tell Victoria once Lily was calm she walks into the living room where she finds V.
"Your child is throwing a fit and I can't calm her, here." Jane says sarcastically while placing Lily on Vs lap.

To which Victoria smiles as she gratuitously accepts her little, letting her cuddle into her as Lily gets comfortable.

"I think she's getting a rash love." Jane spoke with concern lacing her tone. Pulling Lily's shirt collar down so her girlfriend could see better.

Victoria noticed almost immediately but tried to remain calm for Lily's sake.
"Where do you think it came from? We haven't changed anything in the house recently." V asked now inspecting her little.

"Yeah I was thinking the same thing, but her school did hand out new uniforms last week to match the new school colors, I think it might be a new material." Jane said as she grabbed her phone.

"New uniforms?" V asked

"Yes sometime last week I believe you were in your study." Jane answered

"Hmm well, I'm going to contact the school and ask if any other students are dealing with this can you change her appointment to today please." Victoria asked grabbing her laptop.

Jane nodded her head as she dialed the doctor's office.

"It's okay little love, mommy's going to fix it, here you watch some cartoons and I'm going to write an email okay baby." Victoria explained to Lily in a gentle tone, however Lily wasn't paying attention because 'Bluey' was on now.

"Well I suppose that worked then hmm?" V mumbled more to herself than to her little one. Then she quickly wrote to the principal and waited for a reply while her girlfriend called and changed everything.

A few minutes later and Jane was finished up with her call and had the appointment set to later at 12:00pm. Everyone seemed pleased and they were all getting ready for the day. Jane got dressed while V helped Lily, careful not to put on her anything that would make the rash worse.

"There you go little love, all done and ready for the day." She says now getting herself ready which didn't seem to please Lily at all because the moment Victoria set her down the cries started all over again.

Obviously Victoria wants to comfort her little but she is almost done getting dressed so she just talks to her trying to get Lily to relax.
"It's okay baby, mommy's almost done see? Just one more sock okay, see there I'm done, that wasn't so bad was it love?" She soothe as she picks up Lily and situates her so she's resting on Vs hip.

This does help her current tantrum as she snuggles into her mommy's chest. Her sudden drop in headspace did throw Victoria off but ultimately she was happy with baby Lily. This is of course what she wanted.

"You're such a little baby today huh? Mommy's little baby."
Lily didn't reply and instead babbled on about something, V obviously found it adorable. And took them both downstairs to the kitchen where Jane was making breakfast.

This morning it was something simple, some oatmeal and fruit for Lily and some coffee and toast for Jane and Victoria. The three of them sat and ate while talking about their plans today, well everyone but Lily who was preoccupied mashing her strawberry's onto her highchair table.

About an hour and a half later and they were headed to the doctors much to Lily's displeasure. But her mama did her best to calm her down and explain that it was just a check up. It did help a little.

Hey loves🥰
Hope you enjoy❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️🩷❤️

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