A change

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That night Victoria was awoken by a very obnoxious sound, it was her phone ringing for the fourth time that night. This time she reluctantly answered. Although she would later regret doing so, it wasn't a necessary good phone call.

Instead it was something much more sinister, one of those terrible phone calls the ones that creep up on you in the middle of the night. They take you by surprise and they take something from you. This time it was her sister. The only sibling she had and although V was usually a well reserved woman the sudden news caught her off guard.

She suddenly stood up from her bed and moved towards the door, phone still in hand up against her ear afraid if she let go it would be real. When the information had been repeated she simply hung up and walked downstairs, unwilling to accept the news.

A shift was felt, almost as if her body knew she couldn't handle it, her mind knew. Suddenly V wasn't upset or panicked, V was simply, well V. She felt nothing but blank. It felt almost as if she wasn't Victoria at all, instead she was someone completely different yet someone familiar.

The same person there when Lily was taken, and Abby was given away, when Lily was cut so harshly for running, or when Jane was put in a kennel, maybe even when Lily was given the shot. Perhaps it was the same Victoria all along, maybe not. Either way that's who was present now. And for some reason she preferred it this way, at least for now. So she didn't have to think about what she had heard. What she knew was true.

She slowly but strategically moved towards the garage and started her motorcycle, she rarely used it, only ever when she was mad and needed an escape. She quickly started the engine, unknowingly waking up Jane and Lily. Then quickly sped out of the garage and down the driveway.

She rode for what seemed like forever, but it had only been about an hour until she was where she wanted to be. Alone. She sat on a bench not far from where she had parked, it was sitting in front of a beach although she wasn't really paying attention to that. Instead she was thinking about how easy she let Jane and Lily change her.

Admittedly it was an odd thought to have at this time but it was what Victoria needed to focus on right now, it kept her distracted. In a matter of months they had turned her into a complete softie, one to be reasoned with not feared and V couldn't decide if she loved that or despised it. The two women had made her grow emotional, needy.

The exact opposite of what Victoria wanted to be. Love scared her, for reasons like tonight, to V there was no point in growing attachment because eventually it will leave. Today her sister left, though not intentionally she was still gone. And Victoria was still sad. So she sat there and thought of all the things that had changed and she thought of all the ways she would put the pieces back in place.

Maybe it was more than the death of a sibling, maybe it was not. But Victoria knew that whatever the reason was, she could no longer be so soft. It caused pain to be so soft. It caused hurt. With that V grabbed a cigarette from her bike and sat back down on the bench slowly lighting it and taking a long drag, she had normally never smoked cigarettes, only weed on occasion. Tonight however was different, and it was almost as if the sky knew it would be a while before she would go back to normal again.

After exhaling the grey smoke, tears finally left Vs soft green eyes, they cascaded down her face and landed on her black locks of hair. She sat and silently sobs for a few more hours.

Back at the house, both women were left alone and confused, their mistress having left in the middle of the night and for no apparent reason. This of course upset Lily more than Jane, who had woken up very much in headspace needing her mommy. Jane did her best to console her little but with no answers to give for Lily's questions it was growing difficult.

Eventually later in the evening Jane and Lily were settled and eating dinner, Jane giving the excuse that Victoria was simply at work. It helped to calm the little but did nothing to soothe Jane. It was about that time when V had returned home. Everyone heard the motorcycle pulling into the garage and they waited anxiously as Victoria entered the house.

The first thing the two noticed was the fact that she was soaking wet, from head to toe dripping water, she stood there with an aggressive spiteful look on her face clearly unhappy. A pool of water collected at her feet as she stared the two women down.

In that moment Jane noticed a cigarette still lit in Victorias hand, which immediately threw her off because it was a very big rule for her. No cigarettes in the house. Jane hesitated for a moment before gathering enough courage to speak.
"Vict-" she started but was quickly cut off.
"You will address me as Mistress, I will not tell you again nor will you speak out of line." Victoria quickly scolded.

That's when Lily peeked out from her spot behind Jane's legs and V noticed her.
"Lily, come here." She said sternly. As much as Lily missed her mommy, something about her scared the little and she didn't move. This caused V to chuckle and evil laugh that was anything but fun.

"I see, you think you have options." She said moving towards the girl. A puddle of water followed behind her before she was directly in front of Lily.
"Come here, now." Victoria spoke calmly, this time Lily listened in fear of what might happen if she didn't.

Her mommy swiftly listed her up and placed her on her hip. Lily squirmed when the cold water soaked through her clothes the smell of salt in the air. However Victoria held a firm grip on her, keeping her still.
"I'm going to nurse Lily upstairs now, I expect you to be in second position when I return, I'll also be needing a bottle of vodka, I don't care which." Victoria said dismissively to Jane.

After which she walked upstairs with Lily to the bathroom. There Victoria removed both of their wet clothes and then walked them to the bedroom, V quickly found a pair of clothes for herself and got dressed then she got Lily into a fresh diaper and clean dry pajamas.

"Mommy, okay?" Lily asked when V had sat down in the rocking chair preparing to nurse Lily.
"No" she said irritated
But before the little could ask anymore questions she was picked up and her mouth was soon around her mommy's nipple, so she could talk. Instead she hesitantly nursed from Victoria, while V slowly rocked them back and forth looking straight ahead almost never blinking.

Hey loves🥰🥰🥰
Bit of a different chapter buttttt the tag does say horror so I figured we should start getting into that aspect🥰 as always feel free to leave comments and vote
Have a beautiful day

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