May margaritas

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Months had passed since the appointment and a few things have changed, Lily was now in her permanent Kindergarten class with Mrs.Miller, she had even made a few new friends and was starting to get over Theo moving away. Her rash also cleared up with some ointment as well as the school changing materials for the uniforms.

She had also agreed to a more permanent regression after deciding her adult headspace wasn't what she wanted anymore, she liked to be looked after and cared for, to not have to worry about well anything. Especially now that Victoria was in therapy and had been for a few weeks.

She seemed to be making some real progress, she had been prescribed a lovely blend of medication needed to help her with her new diagnosis. It only took about five medical professionals to make the decision that Victoria has BPD, more commonly referred to as Borderline Personality Disorder. It was difficult for her to accept the diagnosis at first, admitting she needed help was never one of Victorias skills so it took a lot of convincing from both Lily and Jane.

However with a few weeks under her belt and the new medication Victoria was overall feeling better, more herself. Less violent and controlling.

Jane also found herself to be much happier these days, she had recently started breastfeeding Lily and since then their connection has definitely improved significantly. As well as her relationship with Victoria which was stronger than ever.

Overall the little family was doing great, they were all happy and in a good headspace. So well infact, V decided to reschedule a Vacation. Not to Tokyo per Lilys request, so the three of them eventually decided to go on a private cruise to Victorias island off the coast of New Zealand. It was beautiful any time of year but even in may New Hampshire was cold and it was getting to them and the warm sun sounded amazing.

They would be taking Victorias yacht obviously, she required a lot of privacy and this was the only way to ensure that and their safety. As well as Lily being able to freely feel little without judgment since the staff had all been told about the situation.

They were set to leave today, Henry and Orion included, after Lily threw a fit about them missing everyone. Jane did the majority of the packing, wanting to help her mistress as much as possible. As well as driving to the docks and requesting time off for Lily since the cruise should take roughly 2 weeks give or take and that wasn't including the amount of time spent in the island. Everything was running smoothly as they boarded the ship, it was definitely the best money could buy. She clearly kept Lily in mind as there was a plethora of activities for her to do. As well as a ton of safety measures.

It wasn't a large yacht by any means, Victoria found it unnecessary since it was only the three of them. But still it was big enough for people to get space if needed yet small enough for the two caregivers to keep an eye on Lily. The staff was also limited, a total of 6 people including the captain. The other was a chef and the remaining four helped maintain the yacht.

Like now for instance they were loading all of the luggage into everyone's rooms while Jane distracted her little one so Victoria could speak with the captain. They had taken off about an hour ago and Lily was ready to explore, however Jane explained that it was nap time or at the very least, time to nurse.

"Babygirl I'm not going to repeat myself anymore, you need to come with me so I can nurse you and we can lay down for a nap." Jane explained as she crouched down to meet Lily's eyes. But Lily wasn't ready for that, she wanted to play.

"No!" She said with a stomp, she wasn't sure why she was feeling so fussy, but mama not listening to her wasn't helping.

"I'm going to count to three and if you're not in that room by the time I'm done I will punish you." Jane warned while pointing towards the bedroom door that was for Lily.

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