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Victoria POV-
It's been about a week since Christmas and Jane and I have been preparing Lily for daycare. I have also started her on a more permanent routine which should help Jane when I'm away. It's pretty simple but does prove to help.
-Lilys schedule-
8:00am- wake up
8:15am- bath and getting dressed
8:45am- eat breakfast
12:00pm- lunch
12:40pm- nap time
1:45- play time
6:30pm- dinner
7:00pm- story/movie time
8:00pm- bedtime

I figured this schedule would work well for both of my girls since it leaves them with a bunch of free time. Of course Jane's schedule consists more tasks but she's a different type of submissive.

I've also been working a lot more often now that the holidays are wrapped up and we are in the new year. I did mean to celebrate but was too busy with a meeting. I have been seriously considering retirement but with no one to fill my position I am left to deal with things in the mean time.

Right now however I was dealing with a rather important phone call with a certain Doctor.
"So you're telling me that the operation will not only be at a later date but it will also cost me more to fix your original mistake?" I ask genuinely pissed off.
"well..I.. um yes ma'am that is correct, I would however like to point out that there is other options to reach the goal you're lookin for and it wouldn't cost nearly as much or be as invasive." Doctor H reply's after a moment.

I sigh feeling somewhat irritated this wasn't offered to me weeks ago.
"And what might that consist of doctor" I ask losing interest.
"To put it short, you could try to strengthen the bond between you and regressed Lily, we have a plethora of options. Nursing always seems to work and I do have medication to help with milk production. You could also implement more regression tools, pacifiers, bottles, diapers. And of course I'm sure Lily will feel more comfortable being little once she begins school. We find the environment helps littles regress." She explains.

I take a moment to think about everything she told me.
"I'll definitely give it a thought as for now the current agreement is still in action I'll have an official answer for you in less than 48 hours, goodbye." I state ending the phone call.
There really wasn't a reason to continue babbling with this woman. Putting my phone back in my pocket I start my car almost forgetting that's where I was. Before switching gears I think about my options with Lily.

Historically speaking I've never been known to be easy on anybody, regardless. And I don't like having to compromise either but I have grown close to the little thing I suppose and I wouldn't want her hurt. Perhaps I'll try to nurse her again after I've gotten the medication that the doctor recommended and see if it helps any. Then if it does I guess I have no real reason other than fear of her leaving, to give her a shot. Let's just hope it helps or I'll have no problem going my route.

I put my car in drive and begin the short drive home. It's especially dark outside tonight and there doesn't seem to be anybody outside at all, perfect. I always loved when it was like this, I found it more peaceful this way. My radio played nothing special as I finished my route and parked in my garage a short 10 minutes later.

Walking up to the door after parking and closing the garage I can hear a very loud very unhappy little one screaming inside. I can also hear Jane pleading with her to hush and behave. For a second I debate on getting back into my car but decide against it. I guess I'd have to punish both of my girls tonight. Jane was told to have Lily to bed at 8pm it's 9:20pm and she's in the living room screaming. Lily is being punished for obvious reasons.

Finally making up my mind I unlock my door and walk into a warzone. Jane was at base of the stairs trying to get Lily to follow her into the bedroom while Lily threw just about everything she could grab and screamed nonsense. I watched from afar amused, a small smile creeping on my face.

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