Car ride

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Victorias pov-
I'm about 3 and a half hours into the drive and lily is sleeping soundly in her car seat, she had fallen asleep a little while after I started driving and hadn't budged since. I expected it considering the fact that I did wake her up earlier and it was still the morning time. I had picked up some food a little bit ago and turned on the radio so hopefully she wakes up soon or her food will be cold.

My car started to beep about an hour later telling me that I was going to run out of fuel so I quickly find a gas station and pull up at pump 6, I look back at lily and smile knowing I can feel safe leaving her in the car since I know she can't run.
"I'll be right back baby girl" I whisper to lily, although she just stays asleep. I'll have to wake her up before we leave or she'll be grumpy during the jet ride. I turn off my car and step out then I lock the doors and head inside to pay. Once inside I notice some bear stuffies on display and decide to get lily one, I pick out the pink bear since it matches her outfit. Then I head to the register and tell the man behind it what I need and which pump and pay then head back outside towards my car. When I get there and unlock the doors I gently place the bear on Lilys lap and then quickly fuel up. When I'm done and back in my car I look up directions to a nearby park and begin to drive there. It only takes about 10 minutes so I park and try to wake lily up

"Baby girl, it's time to get up okay?" I say to her while I rub her shoulder, she doesn't move.
"Baby I said it's time to get up" I tell her louder while slowly shaking her, this seems to do the trick as she slowly starts to open her eyes. When she is fully awake and notices I'm there she flinches and it slightly pisses me off. Doesn't she know I only hurt her when she's bad? I had to teach her that running away is not allowed, this is her fault.
"hi mommy" lily suddenly says to me in a very small very cute voice, it takes me by complete surprise. I try my best to hide the shocked look on my face and start to unbuckle her
"Hey baby, did you have a good sleep? Are you feeling okay love?" I ask her gently
She thinks about it for a moment before answering

"mhm I sleep good mommy an I otay, where are we?" She asks as she looks up at me with big doe eyes, she's so precious.
"I'm glad you had a good sleep love, we're at the park now baby, mommy needs to feed you and change your diaper okay?" I ask as I pick her up and move her to my lap. I move me seat all the way back to give us extra room and then reach back and grab Lilys pink bear handing it to her and then start getting her food ready.
"Mommy look is bear!!!" She excitedly explains to me while shoving the toy in my face

"I see love, here baby take a bite it's eggs" I say to her while slowly moving the spoon full of scrambled eggs towards Lilys mouth. Luckily she opens her mouth and accepts the food. We sit there and talk while I feed her breakfast which included eggs and bacon with some hash browns, about 30 minutes later we were all done and lily was getting fussy.
"Baby what's wrong, I can't help if I don't know." I try and explain to her
"not comfy" she whines. I look at her and then remember I never changed her, that's probably what it is and I'll check in her legs to see if I'll need to change the bandages or not.

I slowly open my door and while stepping out i gently lift lily onto my hip, she whines a little but then settles down. I walk us over to the trunk and then open it up, I take a quick look around to make sure nobody was there. Except for the geese we were alone so I got to work. I move some things out of the way and lay lily in the trunk.

"what doing?" She asks while slightly tilting her head to the right, gosh she's so cute
"Mommy is just changing you love" I tell her while lifting up her dress careful about her legs while doing it. She just nods her head and lets me, I like this lily, obedient lily. This is all I wanted, for her to listen, I am slightly upset that I had to go through so many lengths for it to happen but Im glad nevertheless.

Lily did end up using her diaper so I quickly clean her up and tried not to embarrass her too much but I honestly couldn't help myself
"Did my little girl go potty in her diaper hmm?" I tease. She squirms and tries to hide her face but I shoot her a glance that says stop and she does. I'm almost done I just need to put on a new one
"Almost done baby, thank you for being so good love." I gently tell her while I fix the sides of her diaper. She smiles and I fix her dress.

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