Where did you go?

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It had been days later and daycare was now just two days away! Victoria and Jane were more than sure she was ready, Victoria even bought extra supplies she may need while there and decided against the shot so long as Lily doesn't leave. The days leading up to this were more than peaceful the small family spent a majority of the time bonding and exploring new parts of town. with a new year it seemed everybody had something new to look forward to, Jane was excited to begin her training. And Victoria was excited to begin training. Lily was excited enough to go to school although she wouldn't admit out loud that it made her nervous and scared. A terrible idea continuously haunted her, the thought that what if nobody liked her there? and what if they thought she was weird?

I suppose it's then she'd realize no is not the worst thing someone could say to you. But regardless, there was little to nothing Lily could do to ease this feeling, and nothing she could do to prevent going. She simply had to deal with it.

Victoria was feeling off as well , with the new medication that Dr. Helena had prescribed, she experienced a whole new set of body ailments. She felt uncomfortable in a way she hadn't known possible before. her back always aches and her breast are so swollen they hurt to the touch. Still Victoria continues taking the medication, knowing it would benefit her little one. Although milk production had yet to begin, she was more than positive. It would soon start as her nipples now started to leak every once in a while.

Victoria and Lily were on a nice routine and every night before bed they would nurse, it helped Lily go to sleep and helped Victoria calm down from her day at work as well. during that time, Jane would fulfill all of her nighttime duties and prepare things her Mistress may need during the day.

Jane hadn't really thought about the fact that she would be a 24/7 submissive until after she signed the paper, she wasn't running errands all day, but she was expected to listen all day, and was expected to obey all day. This kind of dynamic kept her on her toes and she liked it. In fact, she loved submitting to Victoria it fulfilled her
with a certain sense of satisfaction.

Sometimes, though Jane missed the friendship they had before the contract. Only once in a while, but still often enough to affect her. To be able to talk to her about anything, and to be able to joke around with her. She was afraid to do those things now, she might get punished. Although Victoria had given her no reason to be scared, she was only ever punished once or twice. And both instances were valid.

I suppose it was the fact that she knew what Victoria was capable of or more so she knew what Victoria had done to Lily, and she was afraid that might happen to her. She was never afraid enough to actually break the contract. It was more of like a little feeling that never leaves the back of your head. Jane clung to the hopes that the training would help to ease her mind.

She could of course just talk to Victoria about it but the thought never really crossed her mind. Her mistress was always so busy and as of late they had all been too busy. Like now for instance they were all at the mall helping Lily pick out her first day of school outfit.

Lilys POV-
"But this one has sparkles too honey see, and it's pink that's your favorite color right?" Jane asks me trying to get me to decide on a dress to wear. Right now she is showing me an overly cute dress it was way too sparkly and way too pink. Just because I have to go to daycare doesn't mean I need to look like a baby. I want this pretty purple dress, it has lace and ruffles at the bottom. It's a very calm lavender color with a hint of sparkle it stops a little above my knees and besides I already have a pair of socks that match.

I try to look at mommy hoping she could change Jane's mind, but when I turn to where she was mommy isn't there. Where did she go? I ditch Jane and start wondering the store completely ignoring Jane's repeated yells for me to come back. After I run around for a while I eventually lose Jane and decide to hide inside the circle shirt rack. Now that im in here though I have no plans on leaving anytime soon, it was so much fun how come I had never thought to explore here?

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