November 16th

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Lily pov-
Ouch no seriously ouch all I can feel is the constant throbbing of my head, my entire body feels like it was ran over multiple times. I dare not open my eyes afraid the light of my room would hurt my eyes too much.
The bliss of thinking my body aching was my only problem was short lived as I quickly remembered last night.

My eyes shoot open as I scan the room it's a small white room with a single window on the wall to my left, the window however was covered with thick silver bars. The door was... where was the door? Where is the door? My panic is beginning to pick up at an alarming rate as I realize just how stuck I am. During my fit of panic I had got up from my position on the floor, calming slightly when I see the door was behind me. Only it too was made of the shiny metal. I also noticed a pair of cameras that sit comfortably in the corners of the walls. Other than me nothing was in the room it stood completely empty, the floor was a dark hardwood it complemented the also dark baseboards.

Why am I worried about interior design I need to find a way out. But how did I get in? I remember going outside for a drink or was it a smoke? Then someone was there and then I wasn't there anymore I was here. My memory much like the weather outside was cloudy. With nothing to go off of and no other real options I try the door. To no real surprise it was locked and kicking it down was a pipe dream seeing as how it was made of metal reinforced into the doorframe. "FUCKKKKK!!" screaming would help me none but it did feel good and the slight hope someone might hear me was enough of a reason. I stood there kicking and screaming for hours I'm sure it had been hours because the sun had begun to set. My throat now sore and eyes bloodshot from crying my cheeks are a deep red matching the stained fists I now had from pounding at the walls. I'm hungry, I'm scared.

I noticed about an hour or so ago that my phone was gone as were my shoes and bag. I looked out of the window shortly after kicking the metal door and discovered a vast and thick forest outside and that I was unfortunately not on ground level. I never heard anything but my own cry's for help, the whole day nothing but silence from the rest of the house. Whoever did this to me is not here. I don't know if I should be happy about that or frightened...

Abby pov-
It's been two days. I haven't seen Lily or heard from her in two whole days the police say they believe she ran away. There's no way and I explained to them that she disappeared at the bar how she would never just leave, they responded with some bullshit she ran away story. On top of that her apartment is just as before, who runs away and takes nothing?  Who leaves in the middle of a bar crawl!? Not Lily!

The most they did was file a missing person report. That's just not enough so tomorrow I'm contacting the news station so she is recognized if she's outside. I know it's only been 48hrs but to me it's a lifetime Lily and I have been friends since elementary, and besides her aunt I'm basically all she has now. The cameras at the bar were continently off while Lily was outside, something about an electric pole going down that night due to a car crashing into it. Nice. I have no leads and no idea where to start. This seems hopeless.

Third person pov-
Abby and Lily both spent a large portion of their night worrying and planning. Lily had fallen asleep at some point in the night unaware of the person lingering in the house. She would become aware in the morning when she discovers the plate of food and cup of water left there by the mysterious stranger. The stranger in question was no stranger at all, in fact the two of them had met on several occasions. Unknown to Lily the women who had taken her that night, Victoria had planned this for a very long time.

Despite Victoria's CEO status and multi million dollar household she had felt somewhat unfulfilled. With having troubling relationships in the past she knew that wasn't the route she wanted to take, she had thought getting a dog would help her fill the lonely space in her life. And it would, just not in the way she expected it. Back on a warm July day V had taken her dog, an all black Pitbull puppy she had named Orion on a walk to the river. It was a simple walk that should've only taken 30 minutes, the unexpected delay was a beautiful young woman who was swimming nearby. She couldn't help but watch as her long blonde hair slowly swayed in the water much like her hips which V was also paying close attention to. She had quickly taken a picture of the pretty little blonde women and sent it to her PI(private investigator). Within days she had obtained all the information she needed.

Lily Marie Thatcher, 22 years old, 5 foot 2 inches, 110lbs. She works at Linkin city Library and lived in an apartment complex not far from it. Her only family is her aunt Judith who didn't seem like any threat to V because she lived in a different country, her best friend Abby was a threat however. Their closeness to one another would make this difficult. Local authorities would be no problem, everyone has a price and surprisingly theirs was extremely low. V couldn't afford to go much further than local police and if anyone serious got involved it would ruin everything. That left Victoria with few options, she could also take Abby but she found the girl to be rather annoying or she could get rid of Abby.

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