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After Jane and Lily's last conversation, she began to make phone calls and emails regarding Lily's recent headspace issues. Of course the option for another dose was recommended however Dr. Helena was more than willing to explain that on the first day of official school each little would be given a gummy with said medication in it and this would be enough as well as the last dose before it's a permanent headspace.

In the meantime she was told to engage in
more childlike activities and behaviors with Lily to help keep her feeling little. She was also told to not encourage any "big talk" from Lily. It all seemed to make sense to Jane and she was quick to write everything down.

This lead both women to their current activity, making a pillow fort this of course required as many blankets as possible and as many pillows as Lily could find. After about an hour of work the two had finished their fortresses of blankets and were getting ready to play some video games.

However the noise from downstairs woke Victoria up. She could hear the two laughing and having fun and something about it made her blood boil, that should be her not Jane! With a sigh she stood up from her spot on the bed and made her way down the stairs.

"Lily, come here." She said sternly as she found her little, and the fort.

"But I playing mommy an-"

"I said, come here."

From inside the fort Jane motioned Lily towards Victoria and so reluctantly she walked over to her mommy. V quickly picked her up and rested her on Vs hip.

"When I tell you to come here, you do so, I'm your mommy and you listen to me." V spoke sharply as she walked outside and sat down on a swing. Lily instinctively snuggled into her mommy.

"missed you."

"I missed you too little one."

The two sat while Victoria explained her absence. And for some very unknown reason Lily thought it would be the perfect time to ask an unusual question,

"Mommy? One day can I visit my old house? And see my car too and-"

"No lily, you stay here with me now. Do you understand?"

"No, I want to see it please and I'll be good it's just a visit and you can come with me mommy I promise please I-"

"I Said No Lily Marie! That means no! Stop asking you're not going back, ever so stop!" Victoria scolded

"mean mommy n I no like you anymore" Lily spoke quietly trying to get out of Vs arms but she was held firmly in place.

"You don't have to like me. You're still staying here with me, stop throwing a tantrum because I won't let you go across the country on a whim, you still have rules Lily, rules that we just rewrote so I expect that you still remember them. This is your final warning about this, stop." Victoria said losing her patience for the day.

Lily sighed and slouched in Vs lap, frustrated that her mommy wouldn't just listen.
"Still mean." She said under her breath.

"That's it! You want a mean mommy?! Is that what you want? Because you keep saying it so that must be it! Well you can have a mean mommy, I can show you mean mommy!" Victoria screamed as she got off the bench and took Lily by the wrist pulling her towards the red room.

Lily pleaded saying sorry and how she'd behave but it fell on deaf ears and when Jane tried to intervene she was quickly told that she too would suffer the same consequences if she interrupted again. Soon enough the two were in the red room and Lily was terrified at the sight.

********TRIGGER WARNING********

Victoria situated Lily over the bed so she was on her stomach but her legs still hung off the bed. Her skirt and pull up had both been removed as well.

"If you move, you won't like what I'll do." Victoria warned as she picked up the wooden paddle and made her way towards Lily.

Victoria had the little count each spank out loud as she repeatedly hit Lily's bum not trying to be gently at all. She didn't stop when Lily's cry's got louder or when she begged for it to stop. If anything the hits were harder after each complaint and soon her bum was a dark red color, some blisters starting to form.

"You. Do. Not. Call. Me. Mean. I. Am. Your. Mommy!" Victoria scolded in between hits. And it wasn't until about 10 more spanks that she was satisfied and let Lily get up. She picked her pull up back up and fixed it as well as her skirt then she frantically started to wipe the tears away from her eyes and catch her breath.

Victoria said nothing.

*********TW OVER*****************

V took Lily's hand and guided them back upstairs to where Jane was, the kitchen.

Lily's POV-
Mommy walks to my high chair and tries to get me to sit down but my bum still hurts! I try to tell her but she gives me a very stern look so I stop and sit down as comfortably as I could, I wish I could run away. Maybe if I try again I can actually get away? But if I get caught this time mommy will NOT be happy and I don't even know what would happen.

I should've listened to Theo.

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