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Lily slept for about two hours before waking up in the same place she had fallen asleep, in her mommy arms nice and safe.
"Hey sleepy head, are you feeling better?" Victoria asks her little. Lily stretches out a bit and yawns, earning a smile from V.
"Yes mommy, I feel very much better now" Lily answers confidently.

Victorias POV-

"Well then little one I think we ought to get ready for our trip." I say to my sleepy baby, when I do she's all of a sudden not so sleepy anymore. I pick her up in my arms then stand and walk us both to the changing mat so I can get her cleaned and changed.

Earlier while Lily was napping I explained to Jane that she had the rest of the day to do 'Jane things' I also gave her my card so she could go shopping if she'd like. I made sure to let her know she was not in trouble for spending time with me, Lily just needs her mommy.

A few minutes later and my little bug is dressed warm and nice and clean. She even has a cute beanie on to protect her ears, with matching gloves of course. I got dressed to fit the weather as well, and now we are ready.

"Okay baby, let's get you in your car seat so we can get going" I say more to myself, my babygirl is preoccupied playing with my hair. Without upsetting her I gently place her into the career and buckle her in then I quickly put her cartoons on and close her door.

After a few minutes the car is warm and ready for the drive.

The two women continue their journey to a secret spot only Victoria knows about.
Meanwhile at the bar, Jane was about 3 shots in and feeling amazing. Although Victoria did leave specific instructions not to drink any alcohol, she figured she would be sober by the time she went home.

Right now Jane was sitting at the bar, whiskey in hand as she scanned the room for a distraction. When she found none Jane decided to go for a walk outside for fresh air suddenly feeling a little too buzzed. Not wanting to waste the drink Jane finished it off, grabbed her purse and heads outside. There a shiny car is waiting for her, along with the driver V insisted she have.

Upon entering the car Jane thinks about where to go next, she has about 4 hours still and all the money she could possibly need, so where to? It was then that Jane realized her mistress never said there was a limit on what she could buy, except for the alcohol.

"Sir could we please go to an animal shelter, one near by I can't leave the city." Jane asks her driver, Oliver. He nods as a response since V warned what might happen if he spoke to her. Content and happy Jane sits back and excitedly waits for the shelter to come into view, after all she plans on getting a new cat, why shouldn't she be excited.

Across town, Victoria and Lily were walking through a thick forest or more just Victoria since she was carrying her little. The two had been walking for about 10 minutes and were nearly at their destination.
"Are you excited little one?" V asks while grabbing something from her back pocket.

Lilys POV-
"Kinda scary mommy but I excited." I tell her, the woods are creepy but I am happy to be with mommy alone. I'm still on her hip so I can't really see where we are going since I wanna look at my mommy.
"You won't be scared when we get there bug, I'll keep you safe love" she says and then mommy stops walking so I turn to see why, in front of us is a very pretty light blue cabin hidden in the trees. A secret, and mommy is showing me.

"Here babygirl why don't you open the door for me." She says as she puts me down and hands me a key. I slowly walk to the door and after a bit of struggling I get the key in and unlock the door. I put my hand on the door knob and look back at mommy,
"Go on little one" she reassures me and that's all I need to hear before I open the door.

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