*~Miss Abshire~*

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The plans that Victoria had put in place were going smoothly so far. She had gotten Lily dressed in a simple pink dress with a bow and made quick work of putting her socks and shoes on. She then gently put her baby's hair up into two pigtails adorning them with more bows.

Victoria had dressed herself in a semi skin tight black sheath dress she loosely but strategically placed a matching blazer over the tops of her shoulders, letting her hair cascade down her back. She looks elegant and put together, but on the inside Victoria felt anything but.

Her mind had become a viscous ocean constantly pushing waves of what ifs throughout her brain. She might have even called everything off, pretending that it was nearly the dinner she had told them about. She couldn't however, V knew if she didn't ask now she never would, her pride wouldn't allow her to do such things.

"mommy?" Lily asked around her pacifier slightly slurring her words, it caught the older woman's attention, and she was secretly grateful for the small distraction.

"Yes little love?" Victoria had moved closer as she sat down on a nearby chair, letting Lily crawl onto her lap as she did so. She seemed nervous about asking, squirming on her mommy's lap, fiddling with her fingers as she looked down at her lap.

"If you marry mama...you..you not get another baby please? I don't wanna share." Tears had formed in her eyes and her bottom lip wobbled, waiting for V to say anything.

A low chuckle caused Lily took look up seeing the amusement in her mommy's face made her grow confused.

"Where would you get a silly little idea like that hmm?" Victoria asked before tapping the pacifier still in Lily's mouth with her finger.

"Toby at school, his daddy got married to Sarah's mommy n now they have to share!"

"I don't want to share" Lily added after a minute.

V just pressed her into a deep hug slightly rocking them.

"Babygirl, you are mommy and mamas only baby, you don't have to worry about sharing us."

The two sat there for a moment before quickly going over their plan together, then with a nervous hand V opened the door and began her journey to her spot near the shore.

This gave Lily just enough time to crawl over to where her mama was. It didn't take much time since she was only in the other room. When she did find Jane she almost stopped in her tracks, she was beautiful. Victoria had a dress made for her,
wanting to match. She had a black dress as well but hers came with a pink bow, one that matched Lily's. Eagerly she reached towards her mama,


Jane of course obliged and gently lifted the little one onto her hip. She cooed as Lily snuggled deeper into her.

"My little baby, where is your mommy?" Jane asked walking towards the foyer where she expected her girlfriend to be. To her surprise V was no where to be found.

"Mommy is near the water, she said to tell you but I forgot, sorry mama." Lily smiled up at her and Jane placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Nothing to be sorry for bug, let's go see what your mommy's up to hmm?"

Lily wiggled in Jane's grasp once they were outside until she was put down. That's when Jane noticed the flower petals that littered the ground, it made a beautiful trail leading all the way to the shoreline.

"What's going on here little one?" Jane asked slightly amused, a smile displayed across her face.

Lily knew she couldn't keep a secret, no matter how important. She could feel the words nearly slipping out of her mouth so she did the only this she thought was acceptable. She ran away, a cheeky giggle leaving her as she did so, Lily ran all the way down the petal path until she reached her mommy and let her know the plan was working. V did her best to straighten up her posture before she lightly dusted off any sand that had stuck to the bottom of her dress. Wanting to be perfect for her lover.

As soon as Jane could be seen turning the corner that would lead her to the beach, a beautiful symphony of music began playing, almost as if the sky had been notified as well a slight wind began to pick up, causing the petals to flow freely through the air creating a floral confetti.

Jane's eyes found Victorias along with everything else that was displayed for her. A beautiful bouquet big enough to nearly cover all of Lily who was currently struggling to hold them up, Jane found this amusing and went to help her little one out as she let her eyes wander, she could see the orchestra playing diligently on a stage she hadn't noticed before. There were balloons and birds that flew freely in the air. The beach looked breathtaking, white sand covered the ground which helped make all of the tiny seashells pop out against it. A perfect balance of flora and fauna all throughout the island almost like a tiny rainforest made special for her.

Soon she had made her way to Lily.

"These are for you mama" the little tried her best to keep a smile on her face even though she was winded from carrying the bouquet.

"Thank you so very much bug, I love them they are almost as pretty as you babygirl." Jane praised the younger woman who blushed in response.

Now with Lily's hand in her own the pair walked to where Victoria was waiting, a moment before they had gotten to her V quickly whispered something into her watch and before Jane knew it a plane could be seen in the sky directly above.

It carefully flew through the sky creating a white stream of words along with it.

'Marry Me'

As soon as Jane had enough time to fully read the question she dropped the bouquet in her hand as well as Lily's. Immediately reaching up to cover her mouth, an audible gasp could be heard. In the same moment Victoria got down on one knee and was now kneeling infront of the woman.

With a shake in her hand she carefully pulled a little black box out of her blazer pocket. Holding the shining emerald ring out in front of Jane.

"I know that we haven't been together for a long time" V started, while Jane silently cried.

"But I do know that I love you, I've been given the privilege of loving you as a person, a friend and a girlfriend and now Jane, I'm asking you to let me love you as a wife, I know I haven't been the best—"


"What? I'm not even finished"

"You don't need to finish, nothing you could say would change my mind, my answer is Yes! I want to marry you Victoria I love you."

The two collided into a mix of hugs kisses and tears. After V slid the ring gently on Jane's finger, a perfect fit of course. It wasn't long before Jane reached her arm towards Lily letting her in on the now, family hug.

"Hey babe, whose last name will we take?" Jane asked now that the three of them were sat down in a nearby bench.

"Mine of course, I am your mistress after all."

"I like that." The two giggled with each either at their newfound love while Lily sat looking confused.

"What is mommy's last name?"

The two women looked down towards Lily, she hadn't been told that in fear she'd use it if she had ever gotten away. Still something told the woman that she wasn't going to do that anymore.



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