December 10th

830 13 0

Victorias pov-
We moved in about 2 weeks ago and everything is going amazing so far, the occasional outburst from Lily but Jane and I are quick to correct her behavior. My building was completed about three days ago and now I'm back at working in an office instead of at home, but I think Lily is adjusting well.

Today was an amazing day for me because I got confirmation that I am officially on the the list for the regression procedure, this kind of medicine is highly sought after and I've been waiting for months to be approved. Now Lily can be my little one permanently, I can't wait to tell Jane. The two of them have become close which makes me feel comfortable telling Jane that I want somebody to understand every aspect of me and to be there with me as a family and Jane does.

Besides Jane and I are practically a couple at this point, if you think the only thing we're doing at night is sleeping you'd be just as naive as Lily. I just need Jane to understand that I submit to nobody. I have no problem allowing her to be Lilys Mommy dom too but she will be my submissive. There's basically an order of things and I am at the top, I top everyone, then there is Jane she tops Lily but not me and then there's Lily she's just Lily. And who knows maybe one day I'll get Lily a sibling to play with but as for now it's a solid One little household.

Christmas is also coming up and Jane and I have been trying to get Lily in the spirit for days now but nothing is working. Jane did suggest I let them decorate the house but Lily is absolutely not allowed outside, I have been debating it though. If the movies and hot chocolate tonight doesn't work I suppose I'll let them, but only the outside of the house I don't need my home looking like Santa's workshop. Anything other than a decorated tree and stockings were a no.

I do eventually finish up everything I need to in my office and clock out at around 6:30pm, after stopping for dinner I head home. About halfway through I get a call from Jane.
"Hey love, I'm headed home now, is everything alright?" I ask after I set up my Bluetooth.
"Hi V and no everything is not alright, your little monster has decided to paint on your walls and then after I told her I was going to punish her she ran away and tripped in the hallway and broke a vase! I just don't think I should spank her I'm too angry so can you do it when you get here?" Jane frantically tells me.
"Okay Jane don't worry, I'll handle her when I get home I should be there in about 5 minutes just put her in timeout until I get there love." I say trying to calm Jane down.

A few moments later we ended the call and I was nearly there. I can't believe she painted on my walls, she's been acting out since her legs healed and has spent almost everyday running around the house driving Jane crazy. As of late her main punishment for this has been writing lines or timeouts, today would have to be different however because I need this behavior to stop. I can't have her thinking she's getting away with it although it won't matter for long thanks to the email I got earlier.

Lilys pov-
I've been sitting in the corner for forever and my butt is getting sore on top of that I never got to finish my painting. Jane should be more specific next time she says I can paint it's not fair that I'm being punished. And that vase was ugly anyways I did mommy a favor by breaking it.

Maybe while I sit here I can plot my escape, since I can run now it'll be a lot easier. Jane told me that I have to go to daycare soon so maybe then? I'm sure that mommy's house is way harder to escape than the daycare. Besides Jane also mentioned that there was going to be a few littles in there too, so there's no way they can keep an eye on everyone.

Just then I hear the front door unlock and open I turn around to see who it is even though I know it's mommy.
"Face the wall little girl, I'm not happy with you right now." Mommy sharply states. It makes me curl up into myself feeling nervous as I look towards the wall again. Janes mean for telling on me!
"How was work V?" Jane asks in a overly cheerful voice
"Oh you know the usual paperwork and other various boring things, I am glad to be back home with my girls though." Mommy replies.

Then I swear I can hear them kiss! That's my mommy! I quickly turn around to confirm my suspicions, that's when I see mommy and Jane kissing! Eww! I cross my arms over my chest and pout, how could she?
"I think a little someone is jealous love." Mommy says slyly while walking to me. I turn back around not wanting to talk to her right now. She just picks me up and I debate running but I'm already in trouble so I don't. Instead I give her the meanest look I can think of, which is me just rolling my eyes and sighing.
"Come little one, you and I have some things we need to discuss, you haven't been a good girl today." Mommy says while walking me upstairs to her room. She doesn't look very happy with me, Jane stays downstairs as she should.

"Lily I've decided not to spank you this time only because I feel as though you are remorseful enough to not do it again, am I right?" She asks me after sitting down on her bed with me in her lap now facing her.
"I no do it again mommy I promise" I lie, in reality paining on the walls was fun so I don't know how she expects me to stop.
Mommy smiles while she tucks my hair behind my ear then she places a very gentle kiss on my forehead
"Oh I know it won't happen again lovey, that why we have an appointment about two days from now with a very special doctor friend of mine." Mommy tells me.

What is she talking about? I hate doctors.
"no want to mommy" I plead
"It'll be okay lovey, mommy will be there with you the entire time, it's just a physical babygirl. It'll be easy peasy." Mommy promises. I look up at her with hope that she'll change her mind but she seems pretty positive I'm going to the doctor.
"otay mommy." I whisper defeated I can feel myself become emotional and I start to cry.

ObsessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora