Second shot?

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Hey loves, I know this is definitely NOT tomorrow infact it's been like 6 tomorrows, I'm sorry I just have trouble behaving and I have a cold so bear with me, some words will probably be misspelled but I will try my hardest to not get my phone taken again so I can upload, as always enjoy the story and have an amazing day ❤️🩷❤️🩷

Victorias pov-
A few hours after we got home Jane made dinner and we put Lily to bed, now I was reading the final revised version of Jane's contract. It was fairly simple, a few rules and expectations as well as some punishments and restrictions. A lovely balance if you ask me. And just in time for Christmas tomorrow. I do hope she likes it, I've been teasing her with the idea practically all week.

After I sign the beautiful paper I staple them and head to where I know Jane is, our room. Once I get to the door I slowly open the door and find Jane sitting on the bed reading a book.
"Jane dear, I have something for you." I say while holding the contract in my hand slightly raising it in the air. She tries to reach for it after saying a small thank you, but I swiftly raise my arm the rest of the way holding it high in the air now.
"I want you to beg for it, mkay?" I ask with a hint of sarcasm.

Jane looks at me from her position on the bed and then back at the contact, she does this a few times before deciding to get off the bed and onto her knees. So far she's off to an amazing start.
"May I pretty pretty please have the papers V?" She asks giving me a very pretty smile, but this isn't enough. Still though I know I can't push her too far yet since she hasn't signed. I decide that this will have to do for now.
"Good girl Jane, here you are love. Take your time reading through it and when you're done you may sign it, I'm going to check on Lily and make sure when actually asleep. I expect you to finish by the time I return. Do you understand?" I tell Jane losing patience as I can now hear Lily stomping around next door.

Jane glances over the papers and then looks up at me with a wide smile and enthusiastically nods her head.
"I understand V, I'll have it done when you get back." Jane eagerly says. I pat Jane's head before heading to Lilys bedroom.

Lilys POV-
Right now I'm playing with some of my blocks, I get to stack em up and then I run into them and they go everywhere!! Is very fun even though I did slip on a block, but only one time! This time I place a very big orange block at the bottom before putting the rest on thinking it could hold more now. It could, I don't know how many but it looks like a lot. Heading back to the wall on the other side of my room I get ready.
"Thwee" I smile
"Two" I get lower ready to attack my blocks
"One, go!!" I rush into the tower as fast as I can making the blocks scatter throughout my room. This is so fun, and tomorrow is Christmas n mommy and Jane got me lots of presents.

Jane even told me about Santa, it made me feel weird because I could see me in my head talking to a Santa before but I swear mommy never took me. I asked Jane and she said it was my mind playing tricks and I had not seen him before because I'm only 4. She kinda makes sense but I didn't ask no more about it just in case mommy gets mad.

"LILY MARIE WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Mommy scolds as she barges into my room. She doesn't look too happy and she has her hand on her hip, she's not messing around. Think Lily, how do we escape? An idea comes to mind and I somehow run under mommy's legs and out my door, without thinking I head to Jane's room hoping she'd save me from mean mommy.

I finally make it to Jane and quickly duck behind her back.
"Oh hello little one, what are you doing out of bed?" She asks while turning around to look at me. Before I could think of a response I see mommy come into the room.
"Come here little girl, now!" She is definitely NOT happy with me. After thinking about my choices I decide to head over to her rather than fight, I've never had so many presents and I don't want them to take them back. Slightly embarrassed now I hide my face in my mommy's chest. She sighs and picks me up heading back to my room.

"Little one, you know the rules. You know when bedtime is and when playtime is, right?" Mommy asks me as she places me back into my crib.
"yes mommy, I sorry and I no do it again, promise see!" I say while pointing my pinky finger at her. She gets the point and interlocks out pinky's together, then she places a gentle kiss on my finger so I do the same.
"Good girl, now tomorrow is Christmas so I expect a very good little girl, if that is not what I get I'll have no problem bending you over my knee, understood?" Mommy warns, she always spanks harder than Jane so I just nod my head and try to get comfy again.

"Don't worry about the toys either I'll have Jane pick them up for you, now get some rest babygirl...mommy uh loves you okay?" She whispers while turning off my light but keeping the nightlight on and slowly closes the door.
"I love you too mommy" I whisper once she's gone.

Victorias POV-
Now that Lily is at least trying to go back to bed I can think about tomorrow and what that means for everyone. Jane had told me about Lily remembering Santa so I just really need tomorrow call Dr.H just to ask a few questions.
"Hello this is Dr.H's office how may I help you?" I cherry receptionist says on the other line.
"Yes this is Victoria and I'd like to speak with the doctor, I have a few questions I need to ask. They are quite urgent." I explain
"Please wait one moment ma'am while I connect your call." She says.

A few moments pass and I can hear the line once again being picked up.
"Hello Victoria, you said you were wanting to talk is that correct?" Helena asks
"Yes I have a question about Lily." I respond.
After explaining the incident I can hear Helena curse quietly under her breath.
"Yes well in rare cases a little may begin to remember their adult life and adult feelings, however most of the time it can be easy to stop what made her remember. It's important to continue monitoring her behavior,  I can administer a second shot but it wouldn't be ready for about 2 months, does that work? Victoria? Are you there?" The doctor explains. I let my mind think about it for a while as I compose myself.

"So you're telling me she could eventually get out of her headspace, even with the first shot? And are you sure the second one would put an end to it?" I ask sounding as mad as I feel.
"As I said this is rare and happens to very few patients who undergo the procedure, the second dose is not the same as the first so I'm more than positive it'll work, it's a stronger dose" she says.
"Fine set her up for the nearest available appointment, while I do my best correcting
This mistake, that's all." I calmly say as I end the call.

Shit!!! I do have a few ideas of what may trigger Lilys adult memories so it should be easy to keep her small. 2 months means she'll already be in daycare and that should help her regress. I need to stay calm and remember that I run shit around here.
Speaking of I head back to Jane expecting a beautiful contract ready for me.
She of course does not disappoint and has already read and signed it.

"That is a very very good girl, now I'd like you to keep this copy as a reminder so you don't forget anything. We can begin training once Lily is in daycare but in the mean time I expect what I need done to get done I can train you about more intimate things in the future. In the mean time just read what I'd like you to do, and do it. Okay puppy?" I say in a somewhat condescending tone.

She hesitates at first but quickly changes her mind.
" yes mistress i understand." Jane quietly responds. With that I tell her to go to bed while I bit some cookies and drink a bit of milk because 'Santa'. Sheesh I also grab a hidden present and place it under the tree for Lily, it's from Santa so I had to keep it hidden until tonight. I sit down on the couch and admire my work, I have everything I wanted, a submissive to please me and a little to care for, that is if Lily stays little.

For her safety I suggest she fakes it if she does feel big or I'll have no problem beating it back into her. She should be okay however. I decide I too am tired and lock the house up with Orion accompanying me, I head to my room and after getting dressed I slip into bed next to Jane and gently spoon her. Orion jumped on the bed deciding he'd sleep here tonight. And with that I peacefully fall into a nice sleep, happy I have my loves with me."

Hey loves ❤️🩷😊
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, after reading your suggestions I have decided to give Lily a second change at being big, I do hope you enjoyed and continue to vote and comment as always have an amazing day❤️🩷❤️🩷

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