Chapter- Forty Eight

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"I'm really want to, but I don't know how to.." I rolled mindlessly on my bed, ranting to Natalie.

"You've got to stop thinking and start working. How long are you going to hold it back? Is it helping? You've got to tell him how you feel, like come on now! " Nat commanded me as I squealed to the thought of just walking upto him and confessing my feelings while we make that breath skipping eye contact.

"Alright, I know all of that, it's just... that sudden burst of butterflies in my stomach make me nervous. I really want him to know what I feel for him and how important he is to me... But... Ugh! " I screamed in the pillow, smiling flushing just by the thought of it.

"Okay, I get it. You're nervous, but just think of it once. It's going to be so special if you confess today, making this special day even more special? What's wrong in confessing when you both know exactly what you feel for each other?" her voice was getting eager as she couldn't get enough of motivating me to listen to my heart and make a move.

I know this feeling isn't something I'm very familiar with and that's what is making me nervous and excited, equally, for this. I just know I'm going to do it, even if I don't know how but I'll do it.

"You're right, Nat. I'm doing this. No other thoughts. "

I could hear her hype me as I tried to wipe off that stubborn smile that keeps jumping back as I think of him.

"Wear something sexy by the way. " she suggested, grinning the whole time.

I got off the phone, stretching as I looked around my room, watching Rabbit Downey Jr. in his hutch, having the time of his life falling asleep after he zoomed around the house the whole morning.

It's almost four and I'm not anywhere near prepared for today. Alonzo is too good with his surprises and I can't help but get excited about what it might be today.

Well, this time, I'll not be the only one surprised. I need to confess how bad my soul wants him, how crazy I am to establish this title of love that makes it clear who owns this heart and mind in my body.


My eyes kept drifting off to my phone as I walked down the stairs. I couldn't wait for my phone to buzz with his notification saying he's here. This wait feels never ending.

Penthouse is all quiet. I have no idea where everyone else is. Even Uncle Micheal's room is empty. At least I have RDJ with me for emotional support.

Running my palm over the glittering fabric of the dress, I paced around all the rooms, checking if someone's home.

Just then, my phone rang with an incoming call.


I picked it up with my heart racing and feet jumping.

"Alonzo. " I whispered, biting my lower lip as I could almost feel his lips smirking over mine.

"Baby... " he breathed, melting the nerves in me and making the hot blood, full of playfulness rush. "Come down to the parking lot for me."

My legs almost immediately walked off the spot, right towards the door as if they were bond to act on his command.

In no time, I was there, looking for him, like a lost traveller seeks for right path. He's teasing me too much at this point. This is not fair.

Another turn and there he was, in front of his pitch black car, facing me with his emotions as seductive as ever. His emerald eyes lurked in the dim light as I took a step at a time to admire the flame of heat radiate from him even when he stood cold and still.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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