04 | Scared of lizards?

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"So that's how amoeba reproduces. Any doubts?" Dhruv glanced at Kiara. She had been improving in her studies, even starting to do her homework and take her tests seriously. He was proud. Then, he looked at the other students, all of whom nodded in response.

"Very well then, let's cover the next topic," he said, reaching for the science book. However, his gaze was drawn to a lizard crawling towards Kiara's bag. "Are any of you scared of lizards?" he asked, leaning back against his desk. Kiara raised her hand, along with a few other students.

He smiled mischievously. After all, he was only twenty-three, with young blood. Pointing his finger at Kiara's bag, he said casually, "There's one on your bag, Kiara." Kiara's eyes widened in alarm as she turned to look at her bag and indeed, there was a large lizard crawling on it.

She let out a squeal and quickly jumped up from her seat, running towards Vikram for safety. The other students started laughing at her predicament. Dhruv rolled his eyes at her dramatic reaction. Well, he hadn't expected her to react that way.

"Okay, okay, it's gone now that we've heard your screams. Now go back to your seat," he said, folding his arms across his chest and staring at Kiara. She shook her head and replied, "I'll not sit there. What if it comes back? I'll sit here," she said, taking the empty seat beside him.

Dhruv raised an eyebrow, amused by the situation. "Fine, suit yourself," he replied, chuckling. As Kiara settled into her new seat, Dhruv continued with the lesson. "Menstruation. That's the next topic," he began, causing some of the students to make faces at the mention of the word.

Dhruv noticed the mixed reactions and decided to address their discomfort. "I know this topic might make some of you feel uncomfortable, but it's an important aspect of human biology. Understanding menstruation is crucial for both girls and boys to have a comprehensive understanding of the human body."

He started explaining the biological process of menstruation, using clear and age-appropriate language to ensure everyone could follow along. Dhruv encouraged the students to ask questions and share their thoughts, fostering an open and non-judgmental environment.

Kiara, now seated beside Dhruv, listened attentively and nodded. He had made her feel comfortable. As the lesson continued, Dhruv made sure to provide additional information about menstrual hygiene, dispelling any stigmas or misconceptions the students might have had.

He sensitively addressed the boys in the class, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding towards their female peers.

By the end of the lesson, Dhruv noticed that the initial discomfort had dissipated, replaced by a more open and accepting atmosphere. The students asked thoughtful questions and engaged in discussions, gaining a deeper understanding of the topic.

"Sir, why do we feel moody and experience pain during menstruation?" Kiara asked, her face slightly flushed with embarrassment. Dhruv smiled at her question, she looked so cute.

"That's a great question, Kiara. During periods or menstruation, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, causing mood swings and physical pain. The hormonal changes can affect neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to mood changes. The pain, known as menstrual cramps, is caused by the uterus contracting to shed its lining."

He continued to explain the different factors that could contribute to varying levels of pain and mood swings during menstruation, such as lifestyle, diet, and individual body differences.

Dhruv emphasized the importance of self-care during this time, including maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, and practicing stress-relief techniques.

The class proceeded smoothly, with occasional laughter and interactions among the students. Dhruv noticed that Kiara seemed more relaxed sitting beside him, occasionally whispering questions or comments about the lesson.

After the class ended, the students began packing their bags and leaving the classroom. Dhruv observed as Kiara gathered her belongings, including her lizard-free bag.

"Ms. Kiara," Dhruv called out as the rest of the students filed out. "Don't worry about the lizard. They're not like you... they're harmless. But if it makes you feel better, I'll let you sit here from now on."

Kiara turned towards him, a frown appearing on her forehead. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate it... But how do you know I am harmful, hmm?" she asked, placing her hands on her hips and glaring at him annoyed. Nowadays, he teased her too much. I mean, too much!

"Well, you are undoubtedly harmful. I've seen you spanking Vikram all the time. Ghosh! Such a gangster you are..." Dhruv replied, smirking.

"He was being a bi... bad boy! Bad… boy. Okay then, bye sir, good night sir!" Kiara exclaimed, quickly walking away.

"Hey! Be careful, don't run down the stairs! Silly..." Dhruv called out after her, shaking his head.

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