63 | The Villian's Power.

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"Pathetic, you say? It's a game of power, and I play it with precision."

Dhruv's anger simmered beneath the surface, but Arjun reveled in the turmoil he had ignited. "Your pursuit of truth blinds you to the realities of power. You thought exposing me would bring justice? Foolish."

He leaned in, his tone mocking. "Justice is a facade, Dhruv. It's a concept created by the weak to console themselves. In the end, it's the powerful who dictate the narrative."

With a sinister grin, Arjun concluded, "This is my world, Dhruv. And in this world, power is the only truth that matters."

A sly smile crept across his face. Little did Dhruv know that Arjun was aware of the surveillance van parked nearby, monitoring every word exchanged in the dimly lit warehouse.

"You see, Dhruv, your attempts to unveil my empire were futile from the beginning," Arjun taunted, "did you really think you could outsmart me?"

The revelation sent a chill down Shanvi's spine, realizing that Arjun had been one step ahead all along. Danny's fingers froze over the keyboard.

Arjun's gaze shifted toward the van, and a predatory gleam entered his eyes. "Ah, Shanvi Rai Shekhawat, my dear. Did you enjoy the show?" he spoke with a wicked satisfaction, acknowledging their presence.

Shanvi's expression hardened as she heard him through the surveillance equipment. The balance of power had tilted in an unexpected direction.

“Get my Kiara, please,” Arjun signaled his henchmen to surround the van. The masked figures emerged from the shadows, their footsteps echoing the tightening grip of Arjun's control.

Dhruv, frustration evident in his voice, strained against the restraint, "She's not your Kiara!" he exclaimed, his eyes reflecting intense emotions.

Arjun responded with a smirk, his tone unsettlingly calm, "No need to fret. After you're gone, she'll belong to me... forever, even if she chooses otherwise.”

"You're delusional, Arjun. Kiara is not a possession to be claimed," Dhruv retorted, his voice laced with defiance.

Arjun's laughter reverberated through the dimly lit space, a chilling sound that echoed his distorted sense of possession. "Oh, but you see, Dr. Sehgal, in my world, everything and everyone has a price. Kiara is no exception."
"Danny, we need to act fast. Kiara's safety is our priority," Shanvi urged, her mind racing with potential strategies.

As the henchmen advanced, Kiara's anxiety peaked. The van felt like a fragile shield against the impending threat. She exchanged a worried glance with Danny, silently praying for a way out.

Arjun, watching the scene unfold with a twisted satisfaction, spoke into a microphone, his voice echoing in the warehouse. "Kiara, my sweetheart, come out. There's no escape from this."

Kiara hesitated, her eyes flickering between Danny and the masked figures outside. Danny, sensing her fear, whispered reassuringly, "Trust me, sis. We have a plan."

Dhruv, still restrained, seethed with a mix of anger and helplessness. "Kiara, don't listen to him. Please don't come out of the van," Dhruv called out.

Arjun's smile widened, his tone dripping with possessiveness. "She'll come to me willingly, Dr. Sehgal. Kiara knows where she truly belongs."

As the henchmen closed in on the van, Shanvi exchanged a determined look with Danny. "We can't let Kiara fall into his hands. Danny, be ready for Plan B."

Danny nodded, swiftly initiating a sequence of commands on the van's control panel. The vehicle's engine roared to life, and the tires screeched as it darted away, creating a temporary diversion.

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