Zac Says 🗣️You Are No Mother Of Mines ✋🏾🙅🏾‍♂️/ Dysfunctional Friendd

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Fatima: Do you know the address?
Karen: I actually do know the address (she gets a pen and writes it down and hands it to her)
Fatima: Thank you
Karen; Your welcome (Fatima leaves and heads to the address she drives for awhile and gets to the location she gets out and knocks on the door)
Aunt Maratha: Yes (opens the door) Oh Hey Fatima
Fatima: Hey can I come in
Aunt Maratha: (opens the door) Come in
Fatima: Thank you
(Tina comes downstairs and looks at Fatima she lites her cigarette)
Tina: Hello Daughter in law or should I say Ex Daughter in law (she blows her smoke and Fatima looks at her)
Fatima: I would say nice to see you but I would be lying Aunt Maratha has Zac came to see you
Aunt Maratha;(goes to speak) Yes he wonder over here some how I don't know
Tina: (chuckles) Yeah he wonder just like I wonder with his married father I should have left I should knew he was too good to be true you know Zac just like him a liar a cheater and abuser I hope he ain't hitting you
Aunt Maratha: Tina hush
Tina: Fine I'm going to my room
Fatima: That's a good ideals ( she looks at Fatima and then she leaves out the room)
Aunt Maratha: Won't you sit down Fatima please
Fatima: I'm trying to figure out how or when did he remember your number
Aunt Maratha:(looks around) I think Zac is lying
Fatima: What you mean lying?
Aunt Maratha: Before all of this memory crap Zac said he was getting his wife back by any means necessary (Tina walks back in)
Tina: That boy is lying to you Fatina I don't like you at all but (Fatima stands up) Easy Light bright I just think Zac should married someone else
Fatima: Who?
Tina: Connie Karen somebody hell he married you cause you got knocked up
Aunt Maratha: Tina Davis don't you disrespect my nephew wife
Tina: Ex wife he only doing what his father do and lying to get her back you need go marry someone else and stop wasting your youth on him but you love him SHIT I loved Zac father and he did me wrong look at me now I'm a crack head
Fatima; Fuck you damn junky
Tina: Aww I maybe a junky but I know when a Taylor is lying to me (she walks away and Fatima looks at Maratha)
Auntie Maratha: She is right about Zac lying he doesn't have memory loss
Fatima: I'm go
Aunt Maratha: Okay Fatima baby I love you
Fatima: Okay (Fatima gets back in the truck and heads home she calls Karen and it goes to voicemail she calls Danni and she agrees to meet her)

Scene switches to Zac at the house with the children they have dinner and they go in there rooms. Zac phone rings and his mother is on the phone.

Zac: Hey what's up
Tina: What's up is your pretty little wifey came over here and damn Aunt Maratha spilled the tea
Zac: Ma you spilled the tea
Tina: No I didn't
Zac: You did after she did I know you can't hold shit (Makayla walks by the room and she over hears her father on the phone and she listens)
Tina: You need cut that girl off she gone be more mad when she found out you paid someone to hit your car and fake an illness and you need call that Willow Girl she been blowing us up I wish you was not a HOE like your father
Zac: I'm nothing like my father besides Fatima don't know I lied and you are not no mother of mine goodbye (click)

Danni:(scene switches at the bar) Don't let this silly women get in your head
Fatima: Danni they could be right
Danni; They ain't Aunt Maratha and Tina Zac mother are miserable old trolls take it from me I know
Fatima: I love Zac I do but I done put up with a lot Shit from him
Danni: You have but we all have (Danni puts her head down) I think Preston is having an affair
Fatima: What?
Danni: We have not had sex in weeks and Sabrina she getting worst Andi drama with Robin is ridiculous and Karen well let's just say
Fatima: What?
Danni:(takes a sip) Aaron and her Pastor and First Lady ain't squeaky clean Aaron might go to jail for tax embezzlement.
Fatima: Shut up what?
Danni: Yup Sabrina told me so your not the only one with drama boo you just got a love triangle and Calvin and Sabrina whew she been Fucking this girl for months I always knew Sabrina was a little freaky so .... (Pours another shot)
Fatima: Preston is not cheating
Danni: He comes home late I followed him about a week ago to a lady house and I Waited it was Mindy .....

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