Teacher PT. I

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A/N: Thank you angel_bvnny for the request! I hope you enjoy! I apologize if this took a bit longer than expected for my usual turn around times.

"I've met mozzies with more brains than you, Fawkes!"

"With all due respect mi'lady, I believe that's a knock against the Junkertown education system!"

"We've got an education system?"

"Sure do!"

"How come I've never heard of it? And don't ya say anythin' about my banishment bein' somethin' to do with it."

"The schooling system is mostly in New Junk City. But they have started to reach out around 'ere to the main parts of Junkertown. It's mostly homeschooling and private tutors 'ere."

"I see. Ya said the main system is in New Junk City?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"I guess I'll have to check it out."

Sitting on my throne, I thought back to that conversation I had with Ratjunk. Standing up, I walked over to the door to the throne room and grabbed Carnage on my way out. Leaving the building I was in, I decided to make the trek all the way over to New Junk City. It wasn't a pleasant walk, but it was nice to get outside and stretch my legs. 

Reaching New Junk City, I stepped underneath the gates and found children and teenagers running around. These parts were where most of the factions were. The Tinkers, the Wreckers, all of them were here. Some of them, if they were able to, moved over to Junkertown and got more notice of what they brought to the table. It was mostly the Tinkers who were able to do that more so than the Wreckers. But they were all needed in Junkertown since that was how they were able to get paid. As I was walking around, some kids ran past me, almost getting tripped up.

"Whoa!" one smiled as they stopped, the other kids bumping into them.

"Hey, watch it!" one kid said and shoved the one who stopped, knocking them over.

"Aye," I crouched down and grabbed the back of the kid's shirt. "That wasn't nice, now was it?"

"The Queen," the one said.

"Help 'er up," I looked at the one he pushed over.

Letting go of his shirt, he helped her up, brushing the sand off of her shirt.

"Sorry," he said.

"There ya go," I said and ruffled their hair. "Now, go on with your day."

"What are ya doin' 'ere, your majesty?" the girl asked.

"Wantin' to check somethin' out. Where is your school?"

"My, this is a pleasant surprise," another voice came to my left.

Looking in that direction, an average height woman was walking towards me. She had H/L H/C hair, E/C eyes, and a bright smile that could light anyone's day. She wore a short sleeve white button down with jean shorts. 

"U-Uh," I stood up, my heart pounding in my chest as I faced her. "I-I was just s-stoppin' by."

"Ms. L/N!" the kids smiled as they ran up to her.

"I-I take it you're their teacher?" I asked.

"I am. Among other teachers we have."

"Do ya mind if I take a look at the school 'ere?"

"It'll be a pleasure to give her majesty a tour," the woman smiled. "I'm Y/N."

"Odessa," I said, shaking her hand. "Or Dez. Whichever ya prefer."

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