More Than Anything

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A/N: This song was everything to me. And so was the reprise. Go listen to both before coming back here to read it.

Opening the throne room door, I found Odessa to be sitting there, vigorously writing something while there were other papers throughout not just her desk, but the room, too. It looked like a stampede of animals came barreling through. She didn't even look up from what she was writing. It pained me to see her like this: so focused to where I can see the bags underneath her eyes from here. How her mohawk was losing its form and even her roots were coming back. A smile appeared, but it soon faded as I closed the door quietly, walking out of the building she was in.

Heading home, I opened the door and found even more papers that had to deal with civil matters from people. Cleaning them up, I made sure they were in a nice pile for her on her dresser. Sitting on her side of the bed, I found the photo of the two of us together. Our foreheads were pressed up against one another's and fireworks were going off in the background. Raising my hand, I lightly dragged it over the glass that preserved that day forever, even when we're gone. A single tear slid down my face as my heart ached, knowing she was sacrificing time with me to do her duty. Late evenings that lead to her coming home when I was already well asleep and early mornings, to where she leaves before I rise. I know she loves me more than anything, but there are days where I feel alone.


I turned and found Odessa was standing in the door frame. Her mohawk and braids were removed completely and her hair was down to its natural length, bits of it wavy from being in the braids for an extended amount of time. A look of concern was along her face.

"I-Is somethin' botherin' ya, Y/N?"

"D-Do you love me, Odessa?"

"Of course I love you," she said quickly, not even letting my finish asking the question a bit. "What makes ya think I don't love you?"

"You've been so busy with everythin', that I feel you're usin' it as an excuse to get away from me. To not do anythin' with me."

She walked over to where I was, sitting down beside me. Placing a hand on my shoulder, she let out a sigh.

"I-I'm really tryin', Y/N. But a lot of issues have been comin' up recently and I was not prepared for 'em. No one really was. I need to rethink about a lot of the infrastructure and how it needs to be updated."

"Why don't ya bring me into this? I can help? I not only make weapons, but we can help with reinforcing some of the pipes and plumbing. We can install water heaters and such."

"I can't let ya step in on this."


"Because we already have people workin' on it, but of course they're tryin' to get out of it even after they agreed."

"Then drop 'em and let me help. You know my team and we're trustworthy."

"I know, Y/N, but please let me handle this one myself."

"But it's causin' ya unwanted stress. You can trust me."

"I know, love, but I can handle this one. There's nothin' I can't handle."

"I know it's your duty to provide for these people, but I am someone who stands beside ya all the time. Someone you can rely on and trust with anythin' and everythin'. And as someone who works closely with ya, I want to help take the pressure off your shoulders. Not as your wife, but as your work partner."

She shook her head, "I can't let ya get involved with this one, Y/N. Not this time."


She let out a sigh, "Reasons."

"What are these reasons?"

"If I let ya come in and drop the people who were workin' on this, what kind of image will I be settin'? That I can't trust people aside from you. That I rely too much on you and not on the people who claim to be 'professionals'. When both you and I know they're anythin' but. I don't want to put a target on your back. Because what if you do everythin' right, but somethin' happens. It tarnishes your reputation as a welder and people will lose their trust in you for making their weapons. At least this way, the others will lost their reputation."

"But it's somethin' else you have to fix."

"I'm willin' to do that because at least I know it won't harm you in any way."

"I get you're lookin' after me, Odessa, but I really want to help."

"I know you do," she shook her head once more. "But not on this one, alright?"

I sighed, turning away from her, "Alright."

"Hey," she reached over and placed her hand against my chin, turning my head so I could find those gorgeous amber eyes.

"I know ya want to help. Truly I do. I'll find a way for you to help, other than getting hands on work. Does that work for you?"

I nodded my head, "Yes. That works for me."

She smiled and pulled me towards her, setting me on her lap. Wrapping my arms and legs around her, I nuzzled my cheek against hers.

"I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. I am just overwhelmed with work and other problems."

"I understand, Dez."

"I knew you came in, but you left as soon as I finished writing somethin'. That's why I came 'ere right after you."

Smiling, I kissed her cheek.

"Is there anythin' I can do, love?"

Pulling away, I placed my hands on her cheeks, finding her captivating amber eyes. In this lighting, it looked like they were glowing, a hidden shimmer in them. How I loved looking into her eyes as they held so much awe in them. It seemed she got the message as her hand slithered its way up to the back of my head, pushing me towards her.

Our lips captured one another's in a sweet, gentle kiss, but knowing her, she changed the tone of it in an instant. It was still slow, not like the much faster paced kisses I know she is capable of. But it wasn't one of those times. Pulling away, both of us breathed deeply before pressing our foreheads against one another's.

"I love you more than anything," she whispered.

"I love you," I smiled. "More than anything."

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