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A/N: Thank you thelightgod1103 for the request! This involves their OC! Hope you enjoy!


Rolling over, I found Odessa was still awake. I struggled to fall asleep after experiencing a positive numbing sensation in my head. She reached over and placed a hand on my cheek, caressing the skin.

"C-Can we?" Odessa looked into my scarlet eyes, some embarrassment lingering within hers.

Smiling slightly, I reached up and placed my hand on her cheek, caressing the skin with my thumb.

"I'd like to."

"What about your powers? I know a kiss is one thing, but actually doin' it. Do ya know what will happen?"

I shook my head, "No, but I think that'll be the fun part. Figuring out what happens."

Odessa nodded her head, "T-Tell me if anythin' happens that scares ya, alright? I-I don't want to hurt ya."

"I know you won't hurt me. Not intentionally."

"B-But what about your trauma?"

"No one can hurt me like Moria. I don't even think it was hurting at that point."

"Still, just tell me to stop and I'll stop. No questions asked, alright?"

I nodded my head, "Thank you. And should we even be doing this? In your house and all?"

"My mum has experienced worse in this house."


"Yeah. Some lady tried to seek medical attention, dropped dead in 'ere. Another woman gave birth in 'ere. And she walked in when someone was havin' sex. Both normal sex and gay sex."

"I feel bad for her."

"It's the Wastelands. What can ya do?"

"I guess you have a point."

"Now, I'll go slow, alright? If ya want me to go faster, I will."

I nodded once more and she lowered herself onto me, placing soft and gentle kisses to my neck as her hands trailed up the shirt I was wearing.

"Do ya want me to keep clothes on?"

"Bottoms can go."


She removed her hands from underneath my shirt and grabbed at the ripped pants I was wearing. Sliding them off, she grabbed at my undergarments as well and removed them. It felt awkward to be exposed to her like this and conscious. I remember the times when I was tested on, I was knocked out and when I came to, I was completely void of all clothing. It has happened multiple times. Just thinking about it made my mind freeze, causing some objects to float into the air. But they weren't anything safe. It was Odessa's gun, axe, and knife that were being lifted up. Noticing, Odessa reached up and placed her hands on my cheeks.

"Shh, shh, you're ok. You're ok. I'm not goin' to hurt ya. You're safe."

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered, lowering them. "I-It just happened."

"Focus on me," she whispered. "Focus on everythin' I do to ya. How it makes ya feel. How your body reacts."

She raised her right hand and slipped a couple of fingers in her mouth before lowering them down to my exposed lower half.

"Is it alright if I slid a finger in?"

I nodded my head, carefully watching her.

"I need to hear ya say it. I want your consent."

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