Traitor PT. II

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A/N: Here is part two GoofyAmarillio! Hope you enjoy!

She seemed happy. Her smile was as bright as ever. She had a pep in her step and everyone in Junkertown seemed to notice the change from three months ago, when she didn't come out of her house. And when she did, she looked like a mess.

Now she looked like she was glowing, happy to be enjoying life. She deserves it. She deserves better, not someone like me. After that conversation we had about a year ago, I've been trying to move on from her. But I guess the greatest revenge is best served cold. And cold she had become, well, towards me at least. And the best way to get back at someone is to show them how you're thriving. I had to play that game if I wanted to show her that I too was thriving. That I too had moved on from her and was living my best life, screwing with any man or woman I wanted to. Truth be told, I wanted her back in my life. I knew I fucked up and now I can't go back. She doesn't ever want to see me ever again. But now she's making my life a living hell whenever I see her. Everywhere I go, she's there, even in New Junk City. I want to think she's following me, to serve as a reminder of who I lost. I know what I lost, who I lost. And now it was time I get her back. But how?

She's never going to trust me. She's never going to love me ever again. I mean, she did tell me she was always going to love me, but can I trust that? Can she believe that? I want to believe it, I want to trust in her word. I just need advice from someone.

"What are you doin' 'ere?" her mother asked me.

"I-I need your help," I said.

"What for?" her tone was sharp and quick, attacking like a snake with the harshest of venom. Her arms were folded across her chest and she was giving me the hairy eye.


"Ya broke 'er heart, Odessa."

"I know I fucked up!" I let out. "I know I should have been loyal to 'er, but the title just got to my head and now I," tears formed in my eyes.

How pathetic of me. Crying in front of her mother who probably wants to kill me for shattering her daughter's heart. For causing so much pain to her. I don't blame her. I'd let both her and Y/N have their crack at it with me. Both of them deserve it and I deserve it for breaking her heart.

"I want 'er back in my life."

"If ya want 'er back in your life, you have to show 'er ya changed. And that you're goin' to stick by 'er side when she needs ya."

I nodded my head, "Of course."

"You're goin' to have to show 'er that she can trust ya again. She loved you so much."

"I know. And I took it for granted. I took 'er for granted all because I thought I could be with anyone I want just because of my title."

"Ya have to forget that. When you're with 'er, ya forget your title, ya forget your position as ruler of Junkertown. And remember that you put 'er first. That you love 'er and only 'er. That your duty as her significant other is to 'er."

I nodded my head, "I understand."

"Odessa," her mother said. "Y/N may not be as forgiving as I am when it comes to ya, but you were the best thing that ever happened to my daughter. I hated hearin' the news of you bein' with other people. I wanted to go back to Junkertown and demand an audience with ya, to slap some sense into ya."

"Don't worry, your daughter already did that," I said, remembering the day she left. If only that sense kicked in right when she slapped me.

"What? Slap some sense into ya?"

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