Escape PT. IV

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A/N: thelightgod1103 hope you enjoy the ending to this! I had a lot of fun working on this one-shot for you!

"You ok?" Odessa asked.

"Y-Yeah," I said, slowly nodding my head.

"Can I help ya with anythin'?"

I shook my head, "I-I don't know if you can."

"Can I at least try?"


"What are you afraid of most about yourself?"

"My powers. Easily. How out of control they can get. That's why I can't show emotion that great because the more emotional I am, the stronger they get. Logic and reasoning have been my driving force behind my powers and how I use them sparingly. W-When I was tested on at a young age, the strongest emotion I vividly remember is fear and anger. I almost broke out once due to it, but Moira was there to reel me back in. Everyone in Talon made sure I had a grip on reality and my emotions."

"What other emotions have played in part with your powers?"

"Well, if I am remembering correctly, anytime I was happy, I'd accidentally lift anything in the room. If I was sad, I almost dropped something on myself or someone in the room. Stress and anxiety were also like the fear and anger reactions."

"So any strong emotion ya have can trigger your powers to be stronger than intended?"

I nodded.

"How strong can your powers get?"

"I can move a city if I wanted to, but with that, I get drained easily. I kind of become a bit of a vegetable if something is too strenuous."

"Understandable, since you're using a lot of mental power."

"And lifting small things, like a piece of clothing," a shirt of hers drifted by. "Is less draining."

"So the bigger the object," Odessa said.

"The more power and mental focus it takes," I said.

"I see."

"Yeah," I breathed out, dropping the shirt I had picked up.

I leaned into her, resting my head on her shoulder, rubbing the side of my head against hers.

"Have they ever made ya do anythin' ya didn't want to?"

"Always," I said. "After I was able to get a handle on my power, they used me in getting medical equipment, experimental stuff, and anything they wanted. I wasn't anything to them. Just their puppet. I wasn't a person, just their lab rat."

For the first time in a long time, a single tear ran down the left side of my face. Odessa pulled away and lifted her hand up, placing her hand on that side of my face. Raising her thumb, she swiped at the tear, wiping it away for me. My eyes flickered between hers and the hand that was resting on the side of my face. My heart was beating fast and I didn't know why. What was I feeling? Did I have feelings towards her? I never knew what love was, but she showed me what love was. What family love was, though. Not romantic love. Maybe she could show me.

"34," Odessa whispered. "I don't know if anyone has ever told you, but, you're extremely beautiful."

A wide smile crawled across my face as more tears slid down my face.

"N-No one has ever said that to me. For as long as I've been in Talon, no one has said it. You're the first."

"Can I be the last one to say it?"

I slowly nodded my head, "Y-Yes."

Her hand went underneath my chin, leaning towards me ever so cautiously.

"Can I kiss you?"


Her lips lightly pressed up against mine in the softest, most gentle and warm kiss I had ever experienced. Actually, this was the first kiss I had ever experienced. My lips tingled at the sensation of feeling another's on mine. She pulled away and I was met with her amber eyes admiring my scarlet ones.

"C-Can you keep doing that?"

"Doing what?"

"Keep kissing me. I-I think it's doing something."


She placed her lips back against mine and that tingling feeling started to come back, only this time, it was inside my head. It wasn't like my head was throbbing, but more of it was tingling, like how my hands get when I am stressed or scared that Moira would come and do some more of her experiments on me. It was numbing in a sense, but a good numbing. It felt oddly intoxicating. That I wanted this rush of feeling and senses always as it not only numbed my head, but it numbed the experiences I have felt up until this moment in time. I wanted more of it. I think Odessa got the message as she pinned me to the mattress, her teeth nibbling at my bottom lip. I happily let her in, feeling her tongue glide across mine. Needing to breathe, she pulled away, a love drunk look in her eyes.

"Wow," she whispered.

"You're not kidding," I chuckled lightly.

I noticed something was floating above her head. Looking at it, it was a shirt of hers. Glancing around the room, some of the clothes were floating around us, even the blanket and pillow I was using was floating around. Becoming aware of it now, they fell back onto the floor. Odessa looked around as they fell to the floor before looking over at me.

"D-Did you know you were doing that?"

"No. I wasn't aware until just now."

"Huh," she said.

"T-There was this numbing feeling in my head when we were kissing. I-I think it numbed the feeling of me using my powers."

"Is that a good thing?"

"I-I don't know. I didn't need to focus on lifting things with my mind, it just kind of happened."

"Thankfully they were smaller objects."

"I don't think I could lift a big object without knowing," I said.

"You never know. We can always," Odessa tried to think of another word aside from test or experiment with it. Even if I didn't tell it to her, she was perceptive. That was what I liked about her.

"We can always see what it could lead to," she said.

I nodded my head, "Yeah. We can always play around with it."

She smiled, "Is there anything I can get you? To help you fall back asleep?"

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her down to where she was laying on top of me.

"Just be with me if another nightmare comes on."

She nodded her head. She wrapped her arms around me, rolling over to where we were both on our sides.

"Goodnight, 34."

"Goodnight, Odessa," I said.

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