A Day Just For You (Dez's Version)

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A/N: Thank you angel_bvnny for the request! Hope you enjoy!

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I peered over my shoulder, her sleeping body at peace and at rest. The only time where she could rest. The only time she could know peace. Facing forward, I held a framed photo in my hands. It was of us the day she gave me an entire day to myself. The two of us were laying on the couch. I was on the bottom and she was laying on top of me. It was a cute photo because she was asleep. Smiling, my heart skipped a beat, knowing I was with the best person in the world. That means I have to be the best person in her world. She deserved a day for herself, too. She was also stressed with work. Formulating ideas, I set the photo down and laid back down. As soon as I laid down, she immediately wrapped her arms around me.

"Dez," she mumbled.

"I got ya," I smiled, turning and wrapping my arms around her. Leaning towards her, I placed a kiss to her forehead. "Get some rest, love."

My eyes fluttered open and she was still asleep. Good. Getting up, I had to be quick because she was going to wake up soon to get ready for the day. Grabbing a piece of paper, I wrote something down and changed quickly, not worrying about putting my hair up into my braids and mohawk. Rushing out of the house and towards the warehouse, I entered the warehouse and left a note for the others before leaving, gathering materials I would need for today. I knew she didn't like not going into work and was always looking at doing something with her hands. So I got the perfect idea for her that didn't involve a tiny blowtorch.

Entering the house, I found her to still be asleep in bed. Perfect. Setting things down in the other room, I quietly walked over to her. Leaning down, my hair got in my face. Sighing to myself, I flipped it over my head and kissed her forehead. Grabbing the note I left her, I crumpled it up to throw away for later.

"Y/N," I whispered. "Wake up, Y/N."

Her eyes blinked open and was met with the view of me with my hair down and half of it thrown haphazardly over my shoulder. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Can ya do this every mornin'?"

"Do what?"

"Wake me up with your hair down and like that?"

"Thrown over my shoulder and out of my face?"


"Love, I didn't even brush it yet."

"I don't care," she reached up and placed her hands on my cheeks. "Still a great thing to wake up to in the morning.

I smiled as she placed her lips against mine. This was a morning. Waking up to the most beautiful woman in the world. Pulling away, I placed my forehead against hers.

"Shit!" she threw the covers off, jumping to her feet. "W-What time is it?"


"Fuck! Why didn't ya wake me up sooner?"

"Because I wanted to let ya sleep."

"Why? Ya know I have to go into work."

"Not today, Y/N."

"Why? They need me there. I need to go into work so I can get things done."

"Not today you're not."

"Dez," she whined. "Why not?"

"Because today is a day for you."


"Ya know how ya gave me a day to myself about a week ago?"

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