First Meeting

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"I never met your parents," Odessa said to me.

Picking my head up, I slowly turned to her as she was making the bed. I was dusting a few things on my dresser whenever she said it. Thankfully, I wasn't holding anything valuable or breakable.

"Y-You didn't?"

"Nope," she said, smoothing out the creases on the top blanket. "I know ya met my family. Ya also never really talked about your family."

I turned away from her, going back to dusting, "It's because ya never really asked all that much."

"I know you're an only child," she said. "Even if ya did have any siblings, ya never really made it known."

Walking up behind me, she wrapped her arms around my waist, pressing a couple kisses to my neck before resting her head on top of mine.

"If I want to marry ya, I gotta make a good impression on your family along with get their approval."

"T-Their approval shouldn't matter, Dez."

"Of course it does. I'll be marryin' their daughter. I should know what your family is like. Who knows, m-maybe they won't like me," she said quietly.

"They'll love you!" I turned around and placed my hands against her cheeks. "Dez, what's not to love about ya?"

"Some things," she said.

"Like what? Name a few?"

"I am tall for a woman, not to mention strong. My mouth is like a sailor's."

"We're Australian. Do ya think we should have proper English or somethin'? People swear."

"Not to the extent I do, darlin'. You of all people should know. Especially," a smirk appeared as she poked at my stomach. "When we have our fun time together."

"Dez," I smacked her hands away, because I knew if I let her continue to poke at me, the poking would turn into tickling.

"And," she let out a sigh. "I can get pretty violent and angry at times, especially when it involves you. So, I don't want to lash out at your family if they get on us bein' together. And I'm loud."

"Dez," I grabbed her hands. "Those flaws ya see in yourself, I love 'em."

"But your family is not you, darlin'," she chuckled, kissing the tip of my nose. "Please, can I meet 'em? I'd like to. But if you're not comfortable with it, it's alright. We don't have to."

"No, you should probably meet 'em. It's about time."

"About time?!" she laughed. "We've been datin' for nearly five years and now ya tell me it's about time?! Five years long over due, Y/N."

"I-I'm sorry," I couldn't help but smile at her.

"Aye, it's alright. I understand if you're hesitant with wantin' me to meet your family."

"It's not so much worried about my family, more of you meetin' 'em."

"Why's that?"

"Well, you see, they're kind of rich."



"Huh," she said. "So I gotta dress fancy for when we meet 'em?"

"Not fancy like suit and tie fancy," I said. "More of like formal casual."


"You don't have to wear a suit, but a nice button up, tie, belt, and pants along with dress shoes should be fine."

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