Payback PT. III

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"I'm sorry, Odessa," Tracer came over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I stood up, my jaw clenched as I was staring at what remained of her. I was two years too late. If I found her sooner, maybe I could have saved her. Maybe Overwatch could have saved her.

"Leave," I said to the Overwatch team. "Leave them, though," I pointed to the person who led us here.

The search team, along with Tracer, left the cave, leaving me, the person who led Y/N on, and her spirit. Walking towards them, I knelt down and grabbed Gracie from the side of my leg, twirling it in my hand as I stared the person down.

"Ya got what ya wanted," they breathed out. "Let me go."

I shook my head, "No way in hell am I lettin' ya walk out of 'ere."

"What are ya goin' to do then?"

"For starters," I lodged the knife into their thigh, a shout coming from them and echoing off the walls. Reaching over, I grabbed a clump of their hair and pulled them towards me. "I'm goin' to have my fun with ya. Tell me this, how in the fuck did ya end 'er?"

"It was quick."

"Was it?"

They nodded their head.

"Lies," I spat out before removing the knife and stabbing their other thigh, another yell coming from them. "Tell me the truth and maybe I'd give ya a quicker death than the one ya gave Y/N."

"Alright, alright," they cried out. "I-I didn't kill 'er quick. I-I slit 'er throat and let 'er bleed out."

"There, was that so hard to tell me?" I asked, throwing their head back as I stood up.

Grabbing Carnage from my back, I raised the axe in the air, resting it on my shoulder. Walking towards her remains, I knelt down and noticed the ring I had given her was removed. All that was left of her was the clothing she had on. Turning my head to look over my shoulder, I snarled at the person.

"What the hell did ya do with 'er ring?"

"Sold it. Got a shit ton of money for it. I oughta hand it to ya, your majesty. Ya don't hold back when ya love someone."

"So not only did ya kill 'er," I faced her remains once more. "But stole what was most precious to 'er. A symbol of my love towards 'er. A symbol of a promise that I made to 'er and now."

I stood up and walked back over to them. Raising the axe into the air, I brought it down and it lodged right in their shoulder, blood spurting out as they threw their head back to let out a yell. I leaned towards them and whispered in their ear.

"Now that promise is broken. And now, that symbol is gone and in the hands of some random ass person. I gave 'er that ring. If anythin', it should have came back to me. But neither 'er nor the ring came back."

"And whose fault is that?" the person clenched their jaw tightly.

Snarling at them, I dug the blade of the axe further into their shoulder, "The same motherfucker who had the idea to do this in the first place."

I removed Carnage from their shoulder and immediately slammed it into their other shoulder.

"Ya could have just left 'er alone. Ya could have just left me alone. Left us alone like everyone else! But no! Ya had to get some big idea in your head about restoring me to my former glory. Well," I stretched out my arms wide, standing before them. "Is this what ya expected?"

They just laughed as they reached up, trying to remove Carnage from their shoulder. But with the one arm almost being torn off, they struggled to even grab the handle.

"I am once again standin' in the face of the Junker Queen. And I couldn't be more happy to die by 'er hands. The woman who defeated Mason in the Reckonin' and ruled Junkertown with an iron fist before Y/N entered the picture."

I ripped the axe from their shoulder, but not before moving it back and forth slightly to make the wound a bit deeper.

"Ya have no right to speak 'er name. Ya have no right to call me your queen. Because you are not my loyal subject anymore."

Raising the axe, I swung and their head bounced on the ground, rolling towards what remained of her. Setting the bloody axe down into the sand, I walked back over to her and knelt down.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," tears formed in my eyes as I tried not to let out a sob.

I placed the palm of my hands against my eyes as I cried silently to myself. Feeling a warm pair of arms wrap around my shoulders, I lifted my head up and found her in front of me. A soft smile formed as she pressed her forehead against mine. Trying to reach out, my hands just grabbed at the air as she disappeared.

"I love you," I whispered before standing up, grabbing my axe before leaving the cave.

Emerging from it, the Overwatch team and Tracer were there waiting for me. Tracer came over and immediately hugged me, even though I was covered in blood.

"I'm so sorry, Odessa."

I hugged Tracer tightly, "Thank you, Tracer."

"Are you going to be alright?" she asked, pulling away.

"I think I'll be fine," I sighed. "I got closure at least. I-I know what happened to 'er. Although, can I ask ya to do one last thing?"

"Of course."

"Are ya able to track down a ring for me?"

"If you send us the information, we can certianly try."

"I'll send it when I head back to Junkertown."

"I look forward to your message."

I thanked the Overwatch rescue team as well as Tracer before we parted ways. Once I reached the throne room, I sent Tracer the information on the ring I had given Y/N. Now all I had to do was play the waiting game.

A couple months had passed and one of the guards came into my throne room with a box in their hands. Setting it down on the desk, I looked up at them, mumbled a thanks before they left. The door closed and I grabbed the box, searching for the address. A small smile formed as I carefully opened the box. There was a smaller box inside with a note.


Took us a bit of time, but we were able to track down the ring. We needed some help from an outside source. Turns out the person who killed Y/N and took the ring sold it to someone outside the Wastelands. It went from Sydney to Paris, all the way to China! Then from China it went to a southern part of Africa, and then its final destination was a place in Texas. We had to explain to the person who had it the significance of the ring. And after paying them what they had paid for the ring, we were able to return it safely to you. I hope everything is well. You can always reach out to your friends at Overwatch. We're more than happy to welcome a familiar face back into the base even just for a chat. Take care.


Grabbing the smaller box, I pulled it out and opened it up. Inside was the exact ring I had given Y/N. A sad smile formed as I opened up a drawer and grabbed a chain she had given me. Putting the ring on the chain, I clasped it around my neck and tucked it underneath my shirt, the cold metal resting above my heart, where she will forever be.

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