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A/N: Thank you thelightgod1103 for the request! It has their OC in it once more! Hope you enjoy!

The walk back to Junkertown was a bit of an awkward one. Odessa was in front of me while I was trailing behind a bit. Her strides were slightly larger than mine, but I was trying not to keep pace with her. I knew she was pissed off. Just how her shoulders were tensed and the grip around her axe and gun, it was clear how much she was trying to process right now. When we reached the gates, they opened up and I once more followed Odessa into her throne room. When we reached it, she sat down and I stood before her.

"I need answers from ya," she said in a calm demeanor.

"Really? You're going to ask just like that?"

"How in the hell do ya want me to ask ya, Kaori? I know we talked a bit before we came back 'ere, after ya got your eye checked out, but there really wasn't much of an explanation."

"You knew I was a mercenary," I began. "You knew some things better than I could."

"Such as the feelings ya had for me?"


She let out a sigh, "Look, Kaori, I-I am just hurt by the fact that ya had me believin' you were really interested in me. That ya really liked me for who I am and not what I am. But then ya up and leave to go back to where ya came from. Only I find ya with two goons who set ya up and they were just the messenger. That the previous king, King Howl, was the one who wanted me dead."

"It's because he knows he doesn't stand a chance against you."

"Damn right he fuckin' doesn't. H-How do you know this?"

"Before I came here, when I was first assigned the task, I went and talked to him. He said these things about you from The Reckoning and how you were clearly out for blood, but still didn't draw any. He was so pissed that you were able to come back and claim what was rightfully yours. That he wanted you dead so he could come back here and rule. But he knows your strength and he knows what you're capable of. That's why he sent me because he needed someone with my skills to do exactly what he needed."

"There was just one factor you didn't put into the equation," she said. "Your feelings."

"Yes. I overlooked that because when you are raised to be a cold, heartless person, such as myself, you tend to underestimate the human nature side that resides within."

"Lovin' someone is not a sign of weakness, Kaori, if that is what you're thinkin'."

"If I am to have a relationship with you, I will be sought after now since I failed to do my job. A merc should never fail."

"Just like love, failin' and fuckin' up is also human nature. You're not a machine where you have inputs assigned to ya, to where ya have specific directions that need to be performed with utmost perfection. You," she stood up and walked towards me. "Are not a machine."

Even if I wasn't, my way of thinking was. I couldn't mess up. I couldn't show emotion. I had to perform my duties or else I wouldn't get paid. I had to give all jobs a hundred percent of my abilities and skills. If I lacked them, I'd get better. If I was weak, I'd get stronger. It was always being one step ahead of our target to ensure we get the results both the employer and merc want. And I failed. I failed what I was supposed to do and in doing so, left me vulnerable. It left open a door to where Odessa walked in and showed me something I was never shown before: love, care, and compassion. Even in the little time we knew one another, she held my heart with so much care and love, in fear of dropping it. Well, even if she did drop it, she'd pick it back up, dust it off, and do better. She's that type of person.

"Don't speak to me like you know who and what I am," I snarled at her, trying to push down the emotions I was feeling right now.

"Kaori, I just want to help."

"You helped more than enough!" I said, taking a step away from her. "You came into a place only mercenaries know and literally killed a guy."

"You were the one who said you'd take care of it. Look at what happened! Ya lost your bloody eye!"

"I can still perform my tasks!"

"Face it, Kaori, you're out of the fuckin' job. Ya always were whenever ya failed to kill me."

"I can kill you here and now!" I grabbed my knife.

Odessa spread her arms out, opening her stance.

"By all means. Kill me. I won't fight back. I'll only dodge."

"Such a lame excuse to go out!" I snarled, lunging towards her, trying to drive the knife into her shoulder.

She dodged effortlessly. Turning, I went to uppercut her with the knife. She titled her head back, only her chin getting nicked slightly.

"Stop moving!"


Pivoting, I was now face to face with her. This stupid eye patch was getting in the way. But my eye wasn't even there so if I removed it, I'd still be seeing through only one eye. I can do this. I steadied myself and focused. I charged, aiming right for her shoulder. The blade pierced through skin and muscle. I let out a sigh of relief as I removed the blade from her shoulder. Blood started to seep out and drip onto the floor. Odessa still did not move. Her stance was still open. So, I kept at it. I stabbed her other shoulder, both of her biceps, then her forearms, her thighs, her abdomen, and as I want for her throat, the blade stopped.

"What's wrong? I thought you were goin' to kill me."

I pulled the blade away and went at it again, but at a different angle. It was as if there was an invisible force field there preventing me from stabbing Odessa in the neck. But there wasn't. It was just my human nature within me that prevented me from killing her. Tears slid down my face as the hand holding the knife trembled. Staring at the crimson liquid attached to the blade, I dropped it. Falling to the floor, I got on my hands and knees, quietly sobbing as I finally realized it. I was in love with Odessa.

"Fuck!" I yelled out, sobs now breaching from the bottom of my throat.

Odessa knelt down in front of me and lifted my upper body up.

"Hey," she whispered softly. "I'll take care of ya."

"I'm sorry, Odessa."

"No need to be sorry," she said, pulling me into her body.

Despite getting some blood on me, I embraced her and her warmth. It was comforting, not like the summer sun, but it was like being curled underneath a blanket. Welcoming, soft, gentle, and something I lacked. She pressed a kiss to my forehead before pressing hers against mine, brushing a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"Oh, my little merc," she whispered ever so softly. "I've got ya. Your Queen has ya."

"I-I'm sorry, Odessa."

"Shh, shh," she whispered, pecking my cheek. "I've got ya, babe. I've got ya."

"D-Dez," I whispered, closing my eye and just taking in her warmth.

"Deep breaths now, Kaori. I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm not goin' to leave ya when ya need me."

I nodded my head, "Thank you, Odessa."

"Anything for you," she said, pressing another kiss to my forehead.

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