Traitor PT. I

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A/N: Thank you GoofyAmarillio for the request! It also gives me an excuse to use this song! Hope you enjoy!

Something didn't feel right. I mean, it always felt right to be beside Odessa, but for some reason, it felt different this time around. She seemed...distant. Like she was hiding something from me. She'd come home late after her work day and leave pretty early. Whenever I'd come around she seemed fine, but then would get irritated afterwards. I tried to confront her about it, but she brushed it off. We haven't even had sex together and that is when I know something is wrong. She's just dying to tear into me, to literally where she'd give me puppy dog eyes or even touch me when we were in public. But now it was reversed. I was desperate for her touch. Desperate for her.

This morning was no different. She is not even sleeping with me. Well, she's beside me, but her back is always facing me and she never cuddles anymore. Usually her and I are struggling to get out of bed because we want to be with each other all the time. It seems she can't wait to get away from me. Away from what we were. What is going on?

"Odessa, c-can we talk?" I asked as she entered the house. This was the only time I could talk to her.

"I have to meet up with some friends. Can ya make it quick?" she said in a harsh tone, like I was the one bothering her.

"Nevermind," I sighed, shaking my head, waving her away.

"What?" she asked.

"It's nothin'."

"No, what's the matter?"

"Just forget it, Odessa."

"No. You're givin' me attitude."

"Because you're the one givin' it to me first!"

"Yeah? How so?"

"You're barely around anymore, I hardly see ya. We don't do anythin' together anymore. It feels as if you're just itchin' to get the hell away from me."

"I'm busy, Y/N. As someone who has to rule this town, I am going to have off days."

"It's been off months. When was the last time we slept together? Actually slept together. And not sex. I mean as in cuddling, holding onto one another. That sort of stuff."

"I don't know. Last month?"

"Three months ago. And when was the last time we had sex?"

"Also a month ago?"

"Also three months ago."

"Look, if ya want any of that, why don't ya just ask."

"I do. And when I do ask I get the usual 'I'm tired. Can we do it another time?' 'I'm not feelin' it. Tomorrow we definitely can.' I have never asked for anything while we've been together, but apparently, askin' for ya seems to be a lot."

"I would have at least you of all people to accept this kind of way for me," she said.

"What is goin' on, Odessa?" I asked.

"It's nothin'."

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Get out. I don't even want to look at you."

She let out a scoff before stepping out of the house, harshly closing the door. It wasn't a loud slam, but it also wasn't much of a quiet close. Somewhere in the middle. I stopped whatever I was making. Thankfully I hadn't done anything for dinner, since I was expecting it to be just her and I for dinner. This was her dinner date she said we would have. Look at me now. Too stupid to realize it.

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