The Queen and The Ace

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"What are you so worked up about?" Kiriko asked me.

"I haven't told Odessa," I sighed.

"Told her what?"

"You mean you forgot?"

"I have a lot of things I need to remember."

"I'm ace, Kiriko."

"Right, right. What's so bad about that?"

"Have you seen Odessa when she's around me?"

"I try not to look."

"She's very handsy. Especially down there and whenever she wants to start something."

"How do you get away from her?"

"I tell her not now or another time. Especially when she tries to do it in a semi-public place."

"What do you mean by semi-public?"

"The gym showers when no one is there, but there is a possibility of someone coming in there."

"Ah I see."

"I don't know how to tell her. Especially since she has a very, and I mean very high sex drive."

"She picked the wrong person to date."

"It's not her fault she doesn't know. It's not like I wear it like a badge."

"You wear your lesbian pride flag pin though."

"That's different."

"So what if you're a lesbian but also ace?"

I sighed, "I'm afraid she won't like me after I tell her."

"Y/N, you have been dating for what? Three years now?"


"I don't think this is going to change anything," she said.

"I hope it doesn't."

"Look, you have date night tonight, right?"


"Tell her then. Also how long have you been ace?"

"For as long as I can remember."


"Whenever I had my first girlfriend."

"You mean to tell me Odessa isn't your first?"

"No. She's not my first girlfriend. I had a few before coming to Overwatch. Anyway, whenever I had my first girlfriend, her and I were getting a bit into things one night. I wasn't ready, but she was. So I told her I wasn't ready and I didn't feel comfortable. She understood the first few times, but after I kept telling her that I didn't feel ready and comfortable, she got upset. She asked me what was wrong with me and asked if I was disgusted by her. I wasn't, I didn't really know how to tell her what the thoughts were.

"Anyway, she tried one last time and I kept quiet. I wanted to see how I felt while she was doing it. I was turned off by it. Just how everything happens down there, I told her that I was uncomfortable. She asked if I wanted to go down on her and I said I was uncomfortable by that thought. She left for a few hours and then came back. She broke up with me that night, saying that if I am uncomfortable to have sex in a relationship, I shouldn't be in one at all."


"She was a bad girlfriend now that I think about it."

"What were the others like?"

"The second one was understanding. We broke things off because neither of us thought the relationship was going to go anywhere. As for the third girlfriend, turned out she was ace, too. So she understood the thoughts I was feeling. She helped me understand the asexual spectrum and everything. She was a good person. I'm sad we had to break things off because I really did like her."

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