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Breathing heavily, I stared down at the pile of men that had tried to ambush me. These raiders were starting to grow more and more by the day. I couldn't catch a break. Not to mention some of the group of raiders had omnics with them. Grabbing the handle of my axe, I raised it up and rested it on my shoulder.

"Thought you could take me out?" I asked.

"N-No," one of the guys croaked out.

"Better think of that again when ya come and try to raid my town. Get the fuck outta 'ere while you still have your head attached."

The gates opened up and I picked them up, throwing them out of Junkertown before the gates slammed shut. Facing the giant gate, I let out a sigh as I dropped my axe, rolling my shoulders back while rotating my head around.

"Fuck," I breathed out.

My back was searing with pain and I could feel the blood trickle down and drip onto the sand beneath me. With aching pain coursing through my arm as I lifted up my axe, I walked towards the doctor's office, knowing that if I didn't get these looked at, Y/N would force me to. And I didn't want to make her stressed more than she already is. Reaching the doctor's office, they weren't too happy to see me a third time within the same week.

"Three days in a row, your majesty," the head doctor said.

"I'm sorry," I breathed out.

"Where is it?"

"Mostly my back."

"Come on in."

I followed the head doctor into a room in the back. She handed me something to cover my chest as I got on the bench that was in the middle of the room.

"You know the drill."

I slowly removed my shirt and bra, placing the covering over my chest as she got a good look at the cuts and deep gashes.

"Thankfully, none of 'em are too deep to need stitches. But y are goin' to have to keep these clean."

I nodded my head.

"Ya have to take better care of yourself, your majesty," the doctor said. "I know ya can't help it when there are people raidin' the town. Everyone appreciates the protection ya give us, but there has to be a better way of doin' that, right?"

"I don't know. Maybe there is. Maybe we can fortify the gates and add somethin' to it. I'll talk to Y/N about it."

"Speakin' of Y/N," the doctor said. "How do ya think she'll react to seein' ya like this?"

"Terribly," I chuckled. "I love 'er, but she tends to worry about me a little too much. Fuck, that's a little tight ain't it?"

"It has to be tight or else the blood won't clot," the doctor said, making sure the gauze was tight. "Make sure Y/N changes these when you clean yourself off. Actually, scratch that, make sure Y/N cleans your wounds as well as change out the gauze every time for at least the first few days. Once they start to scab over, you should be fine. And don't go pickin' at 'em."

"I don't even think I can reach 'em," I said.

"Don't let Y/N pick at 'em. I remember the last time ya made her scratch one in the middle of your back and it opened up."

"I know."

"Alright," the doctor patted my shoulder blade. "You're good to go."

"Thanks, doc," I said, placing my bra back on before my shirt.

Getting up, I headed out of the office and back towards our shared apartment. Opening up the door, I found Y/N in the small kitchen making something.

"Aye, you're back early," she said.

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