My Wife

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"When are you two getting married?" my mother asked as I was helping her clean some things around the house.

"Oh my gosh, mom!" I turned to face her. "Odessa and I have been dating--"

"Since you were seventeen. And now both of you are in your twenties. I'm not gettin' any younger here, Y/N," my mother snickered.

"I get it, it's been four years since we've been datin'. But Odessa just became Queen of Junkertown. I would think she wants to at least settle into the new title before we do anythin' moving forward with our relationship. Besides, we don't know how well the town's reaction is goin' to be when they figure out she is datin' another woman."

"So? Screw 'em. She's the Queen. She can do whatever the hell she wants."

"Yes, but I think within reason."

"If she has any good reason to shut someone up, it's about your relationship with 'er. If they have their gripes, let 'em have 'em. She'll put 'em in their place."

"Yeah, but," I let out a sigh.

"I understand, Y/N."

"I want to marry 'er. But I don't know if she wants to marry me. Sure, we love one another."

"A lot," my mother mumbled.

"It's more than a lot. I want to say how much I love 'er without soundin' cliche."

"Your love for 'er is as vast as the Wasteland."


"The Wasteland is huge. It goes on for miles and miles until it finally either reaches the other end of Australia, or the city."

"I guess you can say that."

The door whisked open and it banged against the siding of the house outside.

"Oh shit, my bad, Mrs. L/N," Odessa said as she stepped into the house, almost banging her head on the door frame. "Fuck."

I chuckled and so did my mother.

"No worries, Odessa."

"Aye, love," she smiled down at me, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Sorry I'm late. I wanted to finish up somethin' so I didn't have to worry about it later."

"No need to explain yourself," I said, taking her hand. "I know how ya operate."

She smiled. Her eyes held such awe in them as she found mine. I couldn't help but smile in return, a sense of giddiness rushing throughout my veins, causing my face to warm up. She chuckled and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips.

"You're so cute, love," she whispered.

"You're gorgeous," I giggled. It felt like I was floating when I was with her.

"Alright you two love birds," my mother smiled at us. "Ya gonna help or what?"

"S-Sorry, mum," I said.

After we helped my mother with cleaning up the house, we said goodbye and headed back towards the gates. Upon arriving, the guards opened up the large metal gate and we stepped inside the town once more, hand in hand.

"Ya have a good day?" I asked Odessa.

"Always have a wonderful day when I'm with ya," she smiled.

"Oi, hey, Y/N!" an old friend of mine came towards me.

"Holy shit," I smiled and rushed towards them. "It's been too long!"

"Tell me about it," they said and I embraced them.

"Who's this? Well, I know it's the Queen," they said, bowing slightly.

"G'day," Odessa said.

"When did ya tell me you got with the Queen?" my friend nudged me.

"We didn't really want to make it public," I said, thinking of something based off the conversation my mother and I had. "Ya know, what would people think about seein' me with my wife?"

Odessa's expression was priceless. If only I could have seen it head on. Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Her head slowly turned towards me as I tried to hold back a smile or even a laugh.

"That's amazin'!" my friend smiled. "Congrats you two! Aye, I've got to run, but I'll see ya around, yeah?"

"Of course."

They hugged me once more and headed off towards the southern part of Junkertown.

"Ya ready to head--"

I was immediately pulled into a long, hard kiss. I let out a surprised squeak before I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her neck, digging my hands into her hair.

"Jump," she mumbled against my lips.

I did just that and she held me close to her, the kiss deepening into something more passionate. I pulled away as I needed to breathe. I placed my forehead against hers as both of us were breathing heavily.

"I fuckin' love you," she whispered.

"W-What for?" I asked.

"Just who ya are. Everythin' about ya, princess."

"I-I'm confused."

"I'll explain when we get home."

She carried me to the house and when we got in, she headed over to the bed and set me down, sitting beside me.

"Is somethin' wrong, Dez? Was it somethin' I said?"

"Yes, it was somethin' ya said."

"W-What do ya mean?"

"Why introduce me as your wife to your friend when we're only girlfriends?"

"My mom and I were talking about marriage before ya came to help us."

"What did she say?"

"She was bein' her typical self, askin' when we're gettin' married and that she's not gettin' any younger."

Odessa chuckled, "Is that why ya said that?"

"And because I wanted to see how you'd react to me sayin' you're my wife."

"Funny ya bring that up," she stood up.


She reached into a drawer and pulled out a small, navy blue, velvet box. She sat down beside me and took my left hand in hers.

"Sorry it wasn't anywhere romantic," she said. "But since ya brought it up."

"Odessa," I whispered, tears forming in my eyes as she opened up the small box.

A shining, shimmering silver ring sat inside the box, held in place by a stiff cushion.

"Dez," I found her eyes. Oh how they were glowing like a fireplace.

"Will ya be my wife?" she asked.

I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her towards me, our lips meeting once more. Her lips curled into a smile as mine did as well. I pulled away and nodded my head.

"Of course, Dez. A thousand times over," I said.

She smiled and pressed her forehead against mine, removing the ring from the box and sliding it onto my ring finger. It looked amazing. I admired it.

"I love it, Odessa. I love you," I said and wrapped my arms around her neck, hugging her.

"I love you, too, Y/N."

"This calls for a celebration," I said, my fingernail running up and down her hairline on the back of her neck.

"And I know just what to do," she snarled, pinning me down onto the mattress. "Ya ok with it, fiance?"

First we were strangers. Then she called me by my name, followed by her friend, her best friend, her lover, her girlfriend, now her fiance. It tickled something in my brain as she said that, knowing soon she will be my wife.

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