Sneak Peek

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Hello all! I am back from my hiatus. It was very necessary as it helped me focus on my schoolwork and finishing school (finally!) above all else. And it allowed me focus on an unfinished work get to where I would have liked it have been a few months back. Speaking of unfinished work, I have a new story I am excited to share with you all! So without further ado, as the title of this suggests, I will be giving a sneak peek at the new story. I will be sharing not only the synopsis, but I will also be showing the cover and an extended sneak peek.

Here it is:

Heart's Desire

Being absolutely smitten by a certain gladiator after they have proven the test of their strength, by challenging the champion and taking the title for themselves, you take it upon yourself to learn more about the gladiator. Getting to know more about them, it doesn't take you long to unveil the secret they've been hiding from the rest of the people, especially your father. Once word gets out after a fateful night goes wrong, you are forced to make a decision: give up the one you have fallen for to serve your empire or give up on them.

 Once word gets out after a fateful night goes wrong, you are forced to make a decision: give up the one you have fallen for to serve your empire or give up on them

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I apologize for the quality of the photo. I had deleted the original file and I cannot recover it. I hope you're all looking forward to the new story. Also just a warning now, this story has a lot more adult centered themes. There will be warnings in those chapters, but do be cautious when reading this new work.

As for the schedule of chapter releases, I am aiming for three days a week being Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And during the time of the chapter release, I will reopen my requests, but I do not have a set schedule for when the one shots are released. I will prioritize the requests like I did previously.

That is all from me! I hope you're excited as I am for the new story. Here's an extended sneak peek:

Once we reached the arena, we were escorted to where my father's seat was, which was built  high up so he could see everything. I was sat beside him. Sighing to  myself, I leaned against the arm rest of the chair, watching the gladiators line up and face one another. Their spears were held upwards  and formed almost a tunnel like shape. Coming out of from underneath the area they held the gladiators, walked out the champion himself. He raised his arms into the air and the entire crowd started to cheer his name. My father clapped happily while I clapped, not as enthusiastically as him.

The other gladiators walked back into the underground chamber, the doors closing  behind him. As he circled around, getting a good look at the crowd here,  a door behind him opened up. A bull ran right towards him, his back  facing the animal. The crowd was yelling at him to turn around. He  turned at the last second, letting the bull run right into the wall  across from him. The crowd cheered once more as he laughed triumphantly before grabbing his axe, raising it to settle on his shoulder. The bull snorted before turning around, facing the champion. It charged and the  champion turned at the last second, but the bull tried to turn with him.  The weight of the horns caused the one end to dig into the sand, pushing up dust. The champion grabbed onto the horn and threw himself onto the animal. Aggravated, the bull started to buck him off, but the champion was having too much fun before he raised his mighty axe and dug it into the bull's neck.

Blood started to spurt out as the bull fell to the ground, whining in pain as its legs were thrashing around. The champion turned to face the crowd, a  smile on his face as he raised his axe, slamming it down onto the head  of the bull, stiffening its movements. Removing the axe, the crowd cheered yet again before he headed back into the underground chamber. Coming out next was another gladiator. However, something caught my  attention from them. They weren't like the other gladiators. I knew every single one of them and how they looked, but this one, was different. They held a mighty axe in their hands, shield attached to their back, and a knife strapped to their left leg.

Raising the axe in the air, they let out a thunderous roar that rivaled the champion's. They circled around, trying to get the crowd into this next  battle. There wasn't that thrill the champion brought. But I did give them kudos for trying. However, the tough crowd wasn't going to stop them. Pulling out their shield, they faced a door as it opened up. Running down the corridor was a lion. It roared at the gladiator's face  and charged, going in for a swipe. The gladiator stopped the giant paw  with their shield, pushing it back. They took their axe and swung, cutting some of the mane from the lion. The lion roared and tried to attack once more, but the gladiator swung their axe, taking off the  entire front paw. The lion roared in pain as it backed up. Jumping, the lion landed on the gladiator. Everyone in the crowd gasped.

The lion stopped moving. The crowd held their breath, but before we knew it, the gladiator grabbed the body of the lion and placed it on their shoulders. Standing up, they raised the lion into the air and let out a  victorious yell, blood dripping down their face. They made short work of the lion. They went right to the point, avoiding any kind of flashy or showy moves the champion performed. There was certainly something different about this gladiator. The crowd stood up and started to  cheer. It seemed they caught the attention from the crowd now. I smiled to myself, clapping and cheering for them. They dropped the lion and bowed in front of me and my father before heading back to where the others were. The next gladiator came out, but my mind kept going back to  that one. I needed to meet them.

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