The Only Exception

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A/N: I highly recommend listening to the song before reading this chapter. And also just a bit of background before you read this chapter, is that I love and hate this song. I love it because it's about love in a sense, but I also hate it because it's about love. I listened to this a lot during my first relationship and it is now a song I cannot listen to anymore. There are a couple and you're probably wondering why I'm writing about a song I can't listen to anymore. Well, it is about love right?

Strumming the guitar chords, my thoughts trailed off and lingered onto one question I've been asking myself: what is love?

Well, from what I experienced growing up, love was harsh and tough. It was ugly and it was never beautiful. My parents fought every day and my father turned to drinking and abusing my mother. My mother then turned towards me to take out her frustrations on. So I was never shown love in my entire life. And as soon as I was old enough to leave, I did. I left and found Junkertown, which at first probably wasn't the best option, but it was better than getting abused every day at home. It was a rough start, but with the Queen's help, she showed me what love was.

At first it was a friendship type of love. Always supporting me whenever I had to find a job and other things. She knew what it was like to grow up in a harsh environment, but not a harsh family environment. Although, she did lose her father and two of her siblings. But was never abused. She was the product of her environment because of her banishment. And it was probably one of the most defining features aside from her tall, muscular build and blue mohawk. Not to mention her amber eyes that reminded me of fire.

So when she started showing me what a healthy relationship looked like, I was put off by it at first. I'd sometimes not talk to her for a few days and then she'd come over and make sure I was alright. I never told her of my past and I don't ever want to. It was mine to deal with and I didn't want to burden her with my trauma dumping, even though she trauma dumped on me sometimes. But she was the Queen. I don't think she'd trauma dump to just anyone and she was the first friend I had considered in a long time. She may be even the first person I'd consider forming a romantic relationship with.

She has proven herself time and time again that she truly does care for me and my well being. Never once has she raised her voice at me, even if she was annoyed at other things, and has never raised a hand to hit me. Sometimes she'd slowly lift it up, but I tried not to flinch to give it away. I think I might have, but it was very small and I don't think she picked up on it. If she did, she probably knows by now that I was abused. Or something like that.

Knocking on my house door, I set the guitar down and opened up the door to find Odessa. My heart started to beat loud to where I thought she'd be able to hear it. I smiled, only a smile she has even brought out. She melted my cold and hurt heart and she held it carefully in her hands as a friend. Could I trust her with it as more than just a friend? Time will only tell and if anything happens, I could resort to what I know: running away.

"Ya alright, Y/N?" she asked, concern in her voice.

"Y-Yeah," I said. "C-C'mon in. Want anythin' to drink?"

"Nah. I just wanted to check up on ya," she said and stepped inside.

Turning her head to face my room, she titled her head slightly before turning towards me.

"Ya play the guitar?"

"Yeah. Just somethin' I picked up one day. Self-taught."

"Impressive," she said and walked over to it.

I followed after her. Grabbing the guitar by its neck, she turned and faced me, handing it to me.

"W-What are ya doin', Dez?"

"I want ya to play somethin'."

"P-Play somethin'?"


"I can't really sing."

"It's alright. Ya think I can sing?" she chuckled. "I won't judge, I promise."

I nodded my head and took the guitar, sitting down on the chair. Remembering the first song I had learned on the guitar, I started the opening riff and the lyrics started to pop into my head.

"When I was younger, I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist

"But darling, you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception."

A tear slid down my face as all the emotions from the past came crashing down onto me, like I had finally been caught by the waves and dragged under, not being able to breathe. I dropped the guitar onto the ground and my breathing started to get rapid and short. My heart started to beat fast and I thought it was going to burst from my chest.

"Y/N?! Y/N!" Odessa's voice was muffled and all I could hear was my own breathing.

Tears slid down my face and I looked up at her. Concern was all over her face as she picked me up, sitting on the edge of my bed. I sat in her lap and wrapped my arms around her, holding her closely. Being held by her was almost like being wrapped up in a blanket. It was soft and comforting, warm and welcoming. Something I was never shown. Wrapping my arms around her tightly, I grabbed at the back of her shirt, balling the fabric into my fists.

"Shh, shh," she whispered. "You're alright. I got ya. I got ya. They're not goin' to hurt ya."

Once I had control on my breathing, I pulled away and found her eyes.

"Ya alright?" she asked softly, placing her hand gently on my cheek.

"H-How did ya know?"

"Know what?"

"T-That I was hurt in my past."

"When I went to touch your shoulder one day, ya backed away, flinched slightly, and tensed up."


"How come ya never told me?"

"I didn't want to burden ya with my past. Not like it would matter to ya."

"Why do ya think that?"

"I'm someone who is just your friend."

"You're more than a friend to me, Y/N," she said, wiping a tear from my cheek. "You're very special to me."

"Y-You're special to me, too."

She smiled and her eyes fluttered closed, her forehead pressing against mine. I leaned towards her, never wanting this feeling to ever go away.

"I-Is it alright if I kiss ya?"

"Yes, Odessa."

Leaning towards me, she placed her lips lightly on mine. I smiled, relishing in this warmth that radiated off of her. If anyone could take away my pain and help me heal, it was going to be Odessa. Pulling away, my eyes fluttered open and found hers.

"If ya let me, I can and will help ya heal."

More tears slid down my face and I nuzzled into her hand.

"Please, Odessa."

"I'm not like 'em. I will love ya no matter what. Love ya how you were meant to be loved."

"T-Thank you, Odessa. You really are the only exception."

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