Escape PT. I

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A/N: Thank you thelightgod1103 for the request! Hope you enjoy! As per their request, this has their OC in it!

"Reaper, can you bring in experiment 34?"

"Uhh, I forgot to tell you one thing."

"What's that?"

"She escaped."

Moira put the papers she was reading down and stared at Reaper.

"When did she escape?"

"About an hour ago."

"And you didn't stop her?"

"I think this footage is telling on why we were unable to stop her," Reaper pulled up a hologram of the playback footage of a tall woman, with pale skin, white hair that resembled snow, and in a hospital gown walking down a hallway. There were Talon personnel trying to intercept her, but nearby objects were being flung at them, blocking their path as she kept on walking.

"That doesn't--"

"Wait for it."

Reaper appeared, trying to stop the woman, but a huge hovercraft was flung in his direction. She got aboard a cargo plane and it disappeared from the hangar. Moira, not amused with another one of her creations escaping, glared up at Reaper.

"Find her."

"Her transmitter was removed before she left."

"Where is that cargo plane going?"


"No matter what it takes, get her back. We need her."

Trudging up the giant sand dunes, I placed my hand up to shield my eyes from the harsh sunlight as well as the sand particles that were whisking around in the air. At least I was free from Talon and was in a better place. It wasn't the same four walls surrounding me all the damn time. Taking in a deep breath, I finally climbed up the sand dune and found a small civilization out in this barren wasteland.

Heading towards a large gathering of people, I wandered around, trying to focus on what was going on as well as trying to keep my powers under control. Nothing really set them off aside from wanting to leave Talon and finally gain my freedom. Other than that, I didn't really see a reason to use it. As I was wandering around this market place, someone bumped into me while a group of people were after them.

"Stop her!"

Tracking where this person was running, I immediately found them. I had to hand it to genetics with blessing me with height, but it appeared there were a number of taller people out here. Finding the person they were after, they were holding something. I focused on the item and lifted it from her hands. She stopped, trying to grab at it, but I returned it to the person who was chasing the woman. The woman locked eyes with me and made a bee-line straight towards me. Searching my surroundings, I grabbed a nearby table that wasn't being used and placed it in front of me, casing the woman to run right into it.

"Oi! Who the hell do ya think ya are?!" her Australian accent rang through the busy market place.

"Apologizes," was all I said before placing the table back where it was.

"Aye, what the hell?" her eyes darting back and forth between me and the table. "H-How did ya do that?"

"It's nothing really," I said in a monotone voice.

"And ya plucked that thing from my hands like it was nothin'."

"It really was nothing."

"Have ya been taught not to meddle in someone else's business?"

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