Escape PT. II

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A/N: I know this wasn't formally requested by thelightgod1103, but I couldn't help myself when I read your comments. Hope you don't mind and hope you enjoy!

"Excuse me," I called out to the stall owner.

"How can I help you?"

"How much for this?" I placed a bottle on the table in front of the stall owner.

They picked it up, held the bottle for a second before placing it back down in front of me.

"Oughta be about fifteen pieces."

Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the amount and placed it on the table before swiping the bottle up.

"Take care now," they said.

I just nodded and walked out of the marketplace. Making sure I was a far ways away from it, I reached up and removed the hood I was wearing as well as the mask that was covering my mouth and nose. The only thing people could see were my eyes. Heading into a small area, there were houses lined up beside one another. This wasn't going to be easy finding her, but I will take all day if I have to. Luckily, she was walking around as I could easily pick her out from the crowd. Heading straight towards her, she caught my gaze and walked towards me as well.

"G'day, mate," she said.

"Hey," I said.

"What brings ya around 'ere? The Wastelands may be a place where not many people live out 'ere, but you're dabblin' in the slums."

"I wanted to bring you something."

"Bring me somethin'? I can see ya finally have changed your look. Decided to ditch the hospital gown, eh?" she chuckled.

"I did as you suggested. Although I didn't kill a man. More like bargained for it."

"Where's the fun in that?"

"I don't want any more people dead. That's why I brought this."

I reached into my pocket and tossed the bottle towards her. She caught it and as soon as she knew what it was, her eyes widened.

"R-Really? Y-Ya got this?"

"I did. Am I allowed to see your sister?"

She nodded and practically tore off into the direction of her house. I followed her and arrived at her house, which was the last one in the line.

"Mum!" she called to her mother as she entered the house.

"Yes, Odessa?"

"I got the medicine."

"WHAT?!" her mother ran towards her.

I stepped into the small house and closed the door behind me. We had entered in what looked to be a laundry room, as there were buckets of some water and clothes stacked together. Stepping out of the small room, I was greeted by a small kitchen where Odessa had handed her mother the bottle of medicine.

"H-How did ya get this? Ya told me the other day you were unable to get it."

"I had some help," Odessa turned and faced me.

"Hello there," I said, waving slightly.

"What's your name, dear?"


"34," her mother walked towards me.

She was about to pull me into a hug, but I stepped back.

"I'm sorry, but I am not really a touch-y, feel-y person," I said.

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