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Odessa leaned towards me, her knee right in between my legs. Her mouth pressed up against my neck, placing chaste kisses up and down while she held me tightly to her.

"Dez," I breathed out.

"I love you," she whispered against my skin. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," I tried not to moan as we were in my room.

My mother and father did not know of my relationship with Odessa, strictly because it was forbidden, too. She was my guard and the only interactions I should have with her are to give her orders and whatnot. But she has treated me differently from the people my father had tried to set me up in an arranged marriage. I try to drop subtle hints to my father that I am not interested in these people, but he has not picked up on them. If he were to find out that Odessa and I were together, not only is it looked down upon for two women to get together, but a guard should never lay hands on the person they're protecting. Unless it is absolutely necessary. And while Odessa and I are strict on touching one another in public, she can get pretty handsy behind closed doors.

And we rarely have any private time for one another to allow us to get further than her reaching my stomach. We had never gone the entire way because we were afraid of my mother and father hearing us. And by some miracle if we were alone for a while, the other guards would need her for something, as she gives the others orders. And if I snuck out and Odessa was no where to be found, they'd know where we'd be since the kingdom knows one another and it's a pretty small area, even if we were incognito.

Her hands roamed around my waist, trying to find any exposed skin underneath the blouse I was wearing. She pushed it up a bit, feeling the warmth coming from my stomach. She growled slightly as she was finally able to make skin on skin contact other than her mouth on my neck. I desperately wanted to kiss her. To hold her tightly to me as she took me to a place I never experienced before, but wanted to with her.

"Dez?" I asked.

"Yes, darlin'?" she asked, her Australian accent complimenting her mid-range voice, along with how her eyes softened up.

"Please, let me kiss you."

She smiled, nodding her head, "Of course, darlin'."

Bringing her head towards mine, I placed my lips against hers, feeling how warm they finally were against my own. I dug my hands into her hair, messing up the mohawk and braids they were in, letting it fall down to its natural length. Slowly opening my mouth, she followed me and our tongues slipped past our lips, sliding over one another's before entering the opposite mouth. It was slow, but still filled with passion whenever she would initiate the kiss, turning it into a fast paced one. I wanted to remember every detail about her. Down to how her hands caressed my skin softly to how her abs flexed whenever she'd tense up.

Distracted, I didn't even hear the door open up until Odessa pulled away, knowing something was wrong. Turning, we were facing my father as he looked utterly appalled and shocked to see what was going on. Odessa immediately stepped away from me, looking at the ground, not saying a word.

"Father, I-I can explain."

"Is this why you rejected everyone I tried to set you up with? Because you were with Odessa?"

"Y-Yes," I nodded my head. "M-My heart only belongs to Odessa."

"Did she force herself onto you?"

"She would never."


"Sir, her and I started out as friends. Then after we got to know one another, we slowly started somethin'," Odessa said in a whisper, but it still sounded confident in a way.

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