A Day Just For You

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A/N: Thank you angel_bvnny for the request! Hope you enjoy!

Odessa was having a rough time, and it wasn't even her time of month. It had gotten hard on her since she became Queen and I wanted to help her as much as I could. I wanted to relieve some of the stress from her. One thing I did notice was her roots were coming back in and I know how she tried to keep the dye and other items in the house so that she could dye her hair back to that vibrant blue color. I also noticed that when I was sleeping beside her, that the nail paint was starting to chip slightly. I guess it was a day for her. And I wanted it to be all about her. So that she can take the day off to rest, relax, and take some of that stress off.

Before she came home from dealing with some people, I went out and got the necessary things for the day tomorrow. Once I returned home, I put the dye and other things in the bathroom and placed a few things in the fridge. Standing by the front door, I ran through the things I got and what they all meant for the day tomorrow. As I was lost in thought, the door opened up and I immediately jumped.

"What are ya doin' standin' by the door, Y/N?"

"J-Just thinkin' about somethin'."


"How was your day?" I asked and pecked her lips.

"Just peachy," she sighed. "And yours?"

"Better now that you're here."

She smiled, "Ya always know what to say to make me feel better."

"C'mon. I bet you're tired."

"Yeah. A bit."

"I got things for ya."

"Things for me?"

"Yeah. I put 'em on your side of the shower. I noticed the shampoo you used was runnin' low, so I went out and got some more."

"Aww, darlin', ya didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to. They didn't have the same scent for your body wash, so I got somethin' new. I hope ya like it."

"I'll have to try it out," she said, leaning down to give me a quick kiss. "Thank you, darlin'. I love you."

"I love you, too."

After her shower, she came out with her hair down and a towel around her neck. I could smell the new body soap from here. And it smelt wonderful. Like I was in the woods as it was like a pine smell.

"I love this," Odessa said, placing the towel on the rack before coming over to bed with me.


"Yeah. This is a great find, Y/N," she pressed a kiss to my forehead.

Crawling into bed together, I fell asleep on her chest as normal. When the morning sun started to peek in through our blinds and dance across my face, I opened my eyes to find Odessa was still asleep. Good. I needed her to be asleep. Getting up, I carefully left her tight embrace and walked over to the bathroom, making sure everything was still there in its place. Smiling, I tiptoed into the kitchen and started to make breakfast for her. I knew she enjoyed an omelet with some peppers and cheese. Not to mention bits of diced ham in it as well. Right when I was about to plate everything, she stumbled into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around my waist. Tucking her face into my neck, she kissed here and there.

"G'day, love," I smiled, pressing a kiss to her head.

"G'day," she said in her morning voice. It got me weak in the knees as it was low and husky. "What are ya doin', princess?"

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