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"Careful, baby, you're goin' to burn yourself."

It was a hot early morning here on the ranch. Even I stepped out flapping the front of my shirt to create circulation. Sweat dripped down from every pore on my skin and it didn't help I was knee-deep in a pile of horse shit. The tall boots covered my shins and up to my mid thigh. My overalls were slung over my shoulder and I couldn't help but want to collapse and it wasn't even nine in the morning. Coming over was my partner in crime. The one who had my heart and knew it.

A toothpick was stuck at the corner of her mouth and a cowboy hat adorned her head. Her black braids were seen on the sides of her head. Faded brown cowboy boots were underneath her jeans she was wearing. She had a cognac belt wrapped around her waist with a nice, big buckle to it. The thumb of her left hand dipped behind the leather belt, her four fingers laying against the belt and tapping at it. A jean vest was held in her other hand and she wore a black tank top. The bottom of it was tucked into her jeans and the part covering her abs were tight around the muscle, making it pop out.

I couldn't help but swoon over her. She was drop dead gorgeous and it was a miracle we met here on the same ranch we worked on. Our eyes met and I couldn't help but wolf whistle as I stood back, admiring her.

"G'day, Y/N," she smirked, her tongue flicking the toothpick upwards as I saw a little bit of it poking out from behind her teeth.

I loved looking at her little gap she had in between her two front teeth. I've always wondered how she got it. I want to believe she got it when she was bull riding, as she always tells stories of that. Have I seen her do it? Yes I have. Is it the hottest thing ever? Yes. Especially when she takes off her hat and flails it around in the air, screaming and carrying on like she had bull riding in her blood.

"Hey, gorgeous," I winked.

She laughed as she threw on her jean vest, "How is my pretty girl doin' today?"

We always flirt with one another, but as far as I know, she thinks I am being playful with her and she is being playful back.

"Doin' fine now that you're here," I said.

"Can't work without me?" she placed her hand over her heart. "Ya must really like my company."

"More than just like," I winked at her.

She smirked, taking the toothpick out of her mouth, "Aye I get where you're goin', babe."

"I'm going down," I eyed her up and down.

"Goin' down?" she chuckled. "Gettin' down on this body and," she grabbed at the air and started to move her hand up and down.

I couldn't help but grow embarrassed, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She stepped towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder. Leaning towards me, a dark look appeared in her eyes.

"Aye, no need to be shy now, darlin'. How about you and I head into the abandoned barn and get down and dirty in the dirt? Show ya how I wrestle."

"N-Not here, Dez," I said and pushed her away.

"I know what ya want, girly," she said, grabbing my wrist, pulling me towards her. "Ya want me and what I pack underneath 'ere," she patted her crotch.

There was one thing I knew about Odessa that no one here on the ranch knew and that she was trans. She was worried the owner would fire her when he found out, but he didn't mind. Just as long as she didn't do anything bad in terms of work ethic, he could careless if she was trans or not. She put in the honest work and it showed with how much she worked hard. And today was no different. Our work days were long and strenuous, but Odessa went above and beyond. That was one among many admirable traits about her. Certainly all the other guys admired that about her, but it did not compare to what I felt about her.

Once the work day had finished up, I was switching out my work boots to a normal pair of sneakers when Odessa walked towards me, placing her hand on the hood of my car. Looking up after I had finished tying my one shoe, I was met with a warm smile on her face.

"Doin' anythin' later tonight, Y/N?"

"N-No," I said.

"Why don't ya come over and I can show ya a good time?" she winked.

We both lived in the same apartment building. I was a floor above her, literally above her since I could hear her work out in the morning and late at night.

"I would love that," I said.

"When ya get there, make sure you're wearin' somethin' appropriate," she grinned before patting the hood of my car, walking off towards her truck.

My heart was beating faster than ever before as I drove home and showered, getting ready for what Odessa had planned tonight. I could only imagine what she had in mind. Getting dressed into something a bit revealing, but not too revealing, I headed down to her apartment and knocked on the door. There were a few moments of silence before Odessa opened the door. Her black hair was down to its natural length and there was a towel around her shoulders, her jean vest covering up her chest. That was the only thing covering her chest. She had on black sweatpants that looked hotter than her jeans for some reason.

"G'day, Y/N," she smiled, taking my hand.

Pulling me into her apartment, she closed the door behind me.

"Ya look so," there was a pause as she grabbed at my waist from behind me. "Fine."

"I knew what you were putting down, Dez," I turned and faced her.

"Well, I can't help myself when ya flirt with me at the ranch," she said, taking the towel off.

She pulled away and walked into a different room, coming back out without the towel and her hair was slightly drier.

"C'mere," she grabbed my hand and led me to her couch.

She sat down and she pulled me onto her lap.

"I have to contain myself when I am around ya at the ranch," she said, her hands rubbing at my curves before trailing underneath the shirt I was wearing.

The rough pads of her fingers dragged up and down my soft skinned back, her fingers playing at the clasp of my bra.

"Do ya know how many times I come in 'ere and think of ya?" she asked. "I try not to think of ya that way, but," she leaned towards my ear, her hot breath tickling my earlobe. "I can't help it. You're just too hot for me."

"You're the hot one," I chuckled.

She smirked, leaning back against the couch. Raising her arms, she rested her elbows on the back of the couch, spreading her legs a bit as she slouched slightly. Looking down, I could see the jean vest she was wearing parted slightly, allowing me to get a good glimpse at her stone hard abs. The pads of my fingers trailed over them before my hand dragged upwards, in between the space of her breasts. Both of my hands ran over her strong, thick, and broad shoulders. I started to massage the muscle underneath and she tilted her head back, a small moan coming from her. Underneath her sweatpants a tiny bump protruded and hit at my crotch.

"Fuck," she breathed out, grabbing my hips.

Lifting me up, she brought me down and into contact with her hard and growing erection. It consistently hit me at my crotch, making the heat down there grow immensely.

"D-Dez," I breathed out.

Moving my hands, I slipped the vest from her shoulders and removed it from her body, throwing it on the ground. Staring down at her well sculptured body, I couldn't help but trail my hands over her biceps before going back down to her abs.

"Careful, baby, you're goin' to burn yourself."

"Oh, fuck me, Dez."

"That was kind of the idea," she growled. "That is, if ya want me."

"I always want you, Dez."

She reached over, grabbing my chin, and pulled me towards her. Growling slightly, she leaned towards my ear and whispered in the sexiest, gruff voice I have ever heard come from her. What she whispered in my ear was enough to make me come right then and there.

"Good girl."

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