chapter 33

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In his arms

Cameron's P.O.V

I felt the rush of cold air on my skin as I slowly opened my eyes and felt someone resting their hand on my head, I wasn't sure where I was but the guy standing near me had a concerned look on his face and I noticed that I was laying underneath a thin sheet with no clothes on...

Cameron: where am I...?

???: you're in a funeral home miss...

Cameron: a funeral home...?

???: yes. We brought you here from the hospital after you died...

Cameron: I don't understand...

???: we were informed that you were in a wreck prior to us picking up your body.

I suddenly remembered the wreck but nothing else...

???: let me help you up and I will get your clothes...

I felt him place his hand on my back as I slowly stood up and he immediately brought me some clothes that another worker here had in their office, I noticed that it was a dress shirt but it would do for now. I seen the other guy walk in and looked at me with the same shocked look on his face before he spoke.

???: Max, take her to the hospital and make sure she's okay before you take her home...

Max: of course Tim, do you mind letting me take you to the hospital miss?

Cameron: okay...

I followed him to his vehicle and he quickly drove to the hospital after I got in the truck, I had been checked out and they couldn't find anything wrong with me so he offered to take me home, I noticed that there was multiple vehicles in the driveway as I walked towards the house with Max's help. He rung the doorbell and I seen Dakota open the door.

Max: I hate interrupting your plans sir but she said this was her home...

He looked over at me and quickly grabbed me.

Dakota: how is this possible...?

Max: it come to a shock to us as well but I believe someone was watching over her. You two have a good day.

I thanked him before Dakota shut the door and called for the guys, I seen them walk from where they were and they all looked surprised to see me. I explained to them what happened and they were just happy that I was still alive....

Zak told me that he would take Dylan for the night so I could spend time with Jake who I hadn't seen since Max dropped me off, I knew he had to be thinking that I was still dead and I didn't want him to grieve over me.

I slowly headed to our room and seen him sitting on the bed while he looked at a picture of us. I heard him crying after I pushed the door open and heard what he said.

Jake: I wish you were here right now...

Cameron: Jake...

I seen him look at me and walked towards me. I felt his warm hand rest on the side of my face as he gently caressed my cheek...

Jake: how is this possible?

Cameron: I don't know...

Jake: they said that you died and I watched them put you in a body bag at the hospital before they went to the funeral home...

Cameron: it just wasn't my time to leave...

I felt him gently pick me up and he carried me to bed, he unbuttoned the shirt that I had on then pulled it away from my body even though we didn't do anything, he held me in his arms while we looked into each other's eyes. I felt him kiss my forehead and heard those words leave his mouth...

Jake: I love you...

Cameron: I love you too...

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