November 11, 2023 Late A.M.

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I was watching the Remembrance Day ceremony this morning I was watching this in silence in memory the people who sacrifice their lives and their mental health for this country, as well as the freedom of the world. This is what I think is in Horton is that you remember them! I am very thankful for these men and women, as I have been in award zone myself as a little kid. Not fighting, but fighting for my life at least. That was not exactly my friend. Sorry of life and it was kind of To think about what these people would do for us, and what would happen if they weren't here if they weren't here, we would have something similar to our Romania on our hands where people would be oppressed and be torture than other horrible things. That being said, I don't believe that we should be going after each other throats i.e. war, because of Differences that should be more celebrated instead of. I am tired of being separated, nations! Or hearing the horrors of war! this was the first time I say this is that we need to remember those who suffered and fought for freedom! As I was going to say is, it is important give thanks just to me is my Thanksgiving without the ugly turkey or the ugly dinner. At least I'm able to go and eat a peanut butter jelly sandwich after this, but I do believe that this is the true Thanksgiving! To be thankful that we're alive and to be free because of these people who gave up their lives mental health for us! This is actually thanks giving! Not the day with the tacky dinner!

I know this is a solemn day, but it's also a joyous day. If you are thankful for the freedoms that you take for granted leg when I was going to be watching this, I looked at my new tattoo and was thankful that I was able to get that because of the men and women who Fought for the freedom of expression ! That is just one example of a freedom that we take for granted. That is one freedom I don't take for granted is free, speech, and freedom of expression, for I am a Garth and a punk as well as a human rights fan! That's what I think is that there are a lot of human rights that have been taken advantage of or not really thought of second but it's time that we should think about our human rights, It's important to think Then, you should be more thankful about the bed that you've had since you've been born if you've been born in this wonderful country, and not as grateful as the people who come into the country, like me, who are having problems with human rights since the days we were born! I'll tell you a bit of my story I think I may mention this about me part! When I learned that I was adopted, it was the most traumatic thing for me! And I was trying to comprehend this. That I was born in a war zone, and it was mistreated before I was adopted. That country had no freedoms Did they have any Proper airport, security, or proper military to stand up Against against the Bozzo that were coming into the country of Romania and ruining it for me as well as other people. I was born in Bucharest Romania, the hotspot of the hotspot! That being said, I was adopted two years old. And I never really thought twice about my freedoms. I just was thankful to have them.That I am enjoying what I have, but I am thankful for the source of what I'm enjoying what I have in the first place of people who fought and sacrifice their lives or sacrifice mental health for their country!It's very important to think about thatWe should take the past and learn it as a lesson learn and try not to do the same things over again. I believe that we're more evolved than we were years ago yet there are still despots and dictators around.

This is a toast to the men and women who had to fight for what they thought was important in life, which was freedom! Although I don't agree with some of the things that people believe in in this country like oh, I don't know the hippie stuff I believe that this is important that they have the right to talk to! That being said, I am very excited that I'm in a country where I am able to be safe and free and not have to worry about despots or dictators Or anything that is on savoury in the world that still goes on. I find that there are too many tyrants and too many idiots around that we need to keep fighting to not preserve the freedom, but also preserve the human race as well! Too many tyrants and too many idiots and I think that we need to fight these idiots we cannot fix, but we can try at least for freedom as the betterment of the human race that all I can say is that if you try to hurt someone because of the DNA or because beliefs of the or gender or whatever I find that kind of thing is not really acceptable in my country of Canada! As I said, this is why I enjoy this country and I enjoy the people who have fought for it. As I appreciate what they have done for this country, I wouldn't think would be fully Evolve if it weren't for them! They show that there is good in the world and that there is some good in the plan as well. And then We should be able to accept our freedom and not second glance them. That being said, that's why I believe in a lot of things that are kind of new, but I also believe in a lot of things that are good and wholesome in the world!

To the people who served

Thank you so much for giving up your physical and mental health for the betterment of humanity, as well as a better man of Canada as well I believe that this is why I am here to write this blog or this thank you letter, at least, which is to say that I am thankful as someone who is a victim of war and depression I find this is very important for me to say this importantly, that you've done a lot of good in the world you show that there is still good in the world, and that they will always be good in the world! I also thank you for the freedoms that you fought for as well as the security that you serve in our airport as well as other places that are vulnerable to attack! That being said, I also suffer from the same condition you do, if yours Scars are invisible....... Post traumatic stress disorder from the same cause but from a different angle. I must tell you that it is very important that what you do you have to keep fighting for yourself as well as for this country! As well as for humanity humanity wouldn't be around if you weren't here

Many thank you for what you've done over the years peacekeeping fighting in the wars that were needed to be fought. I know there are long way to go with the wars to stop them but I hope that one day that they will be stopped I dream of them to be stopped one day. Hopefully the wars of today will be the end of Them forever, and the  Freedom, security and peace as well human rights will continue!

Thank you

Sincerely Elena

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