November 17, 2023 Late A.M.

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So I started to join to YouTube account with my friend, which was a fun thing about it was talking about the real things that are on my mind for example the next time which might be in Saturday I can't wait to talk about one thing on Saturday! Cobra Kai an anger management, as these are certain things that would be very interesting to talk about when I do my joint YouTube as well as other things like my organized pyramids crystal pyramids if you would. As well as I'm very interested in talking about anything that this planet has to offer it's just very interesting when I saw a titbit of the video that I started laughing because I sounded like Donald Trump, but only more foul mouth except I was not as mean as him! Boy, can I have an opinion on my mouth sometimes and that's kind of funny. My opinion I just watched a little bit. I guess I watched most of it when I was having a night terror and didn't realize I was watching it already. That being said, I'm not too excited about having the night terrors last night and let's just say I won't be talking to the trigger that caused the night terrors someone who will not be mentioned  for privacy reasons! It was a shame that I had three of them again last night, and they were just driving me completely bonkers. Let's just say I've the dream dreamworld or should I say the nightmare world would be there would be no good, TSA or anything like that and that would be kind of sucky for everyone in my opinion because it's kind of bad that these nightmares happen and I question what is going on outside of my bedroom ie. the word!

That being said, I don't know what I'm gonna do this morning. I'm just gonna relax and watch cobra Kai that's what the next topic is gonna be about cobra Kai, and anger management because I find that Talk more about management and mindfulness than my asshole mental health worker Who are you? Not like she is a pain in my butt and she doesn't seem to give me the right advice. Last time she ever gave me any good advice was to take something from my culture and use it to make it tribute for my mother ie. the stone cairns! There is something about those cairn that I've read somewhere That they are there for funeral purposes, as well as artistic purposes, the idea of a cairn! Is So Ethan have a portable monument or something that you can rebuild at least when the year comes back when you have to redo the Kyran. I'm not too thrilled that someone to some of my cairns . Some people are a bunch of ignorant a holes. Let's say I woke up one morning went to my cage in the next you know I went and saw the actual Kyren's being buy some little snot nose kid and I was very angry. I can show you a picture, but it would piss you off!

I believe a lot of things that deal with the eastern ideas east of Tehran Do things like stone cairns And other things like organized, pyramids, and stuff to help keep myself saying, or to commemorate the ones that had passed away in this case with the stone cairns! And that being said is very interesting that someone was dead, but not interesting. In a good way. Someone toppled My cairns And I was not exactly too pleased about that, and I'd like to find out who it is who did that so I can report them to the police for first trespassing, second vandalism and third cultural appropriation by destroying cultural art. I find this very aggravating. That someone would do that to a stone cairn! Give a crap about someone's actual background ethnicity wise is kind of like if I want to kick over a white person tombstone it would be nice, so why the hell do you do this to my cairns! Some people assume it's an accident but I know that people are ignorant a holes and will do anything to take me off and that's what I had to wake up to this morning. Other than the nightmares I had, and a half video on YouTube that I was watching in advertently in my sleep when I was having the goddamn nightmare!

If you think, I'm not thrilled the bell today and that's not the issue. I am thrilled but I just don't like the idea of people kicking over my stuff that I work so hard over the hour to create to commemorate the people that have passed in my own culture or the idea of a nightmare that's all but other than that the stones can be read or rebalanced and the actual nightmare. Well, you can't do very much about that except curses swear it sounds like I might be going outside for the day. I don't know, but I will see. That being said, I'm very interested and going around and see what happens for the day. I was just going to watch cobra Kai for the day and just have a plain old sabbath or a day of rest! You're probably thinking someone like me who is a nature worshipper mostly said the word sabbath, but I think everyone should have a day where they just sit on their ass and do nothing! It's just something I believe in a college Catholic brainwashing or something but it was just the way I was brought up that if you have a day that you usually sit on your tush, you should go and sit for the day and enjoy the day. And relax and that's what I thought was supposed to be happening. Other than that I don't know what's gonna happen for the rest of the day, but it's very interesting to see that, my sabbath "" Sabbath will be going on. I might be going out who the hell knows!

I might not be able to three great wordl  religions, but I do believe that There is a day that is dedicated the sitting on your butt doing everything that you want to do for the fun of it all and just enjoy your life! Or your favourite TV show or book or whatever you might have in your hand at the time. That's what I think. But I don't really think too much about the idea of having a sacred day just to relax it could be any old day of the week just to relax and have a time to sit on your tush and be able to do what you wanna do with the confines of the law and being able to, just relax and let your hair down !

Glad baby stayed. I think it's important that you enjoy a good day. I don't know what might happen but we will see you when the time comes. I will just be relaxing for a while and enjoying my time! I'm actually pretty happy that it's a nice sunny day out but it's just exposes the fact that someone on top or destroyed my cairns!

I am pretty sure these are kids that are not really giving to rats ass about other peoples called church! Other than that, I don't know why someone would want to top perfectly good cairn, Except the piss off the creator to get them going, and I mean the creator as the person who put the cairn there in the first place! Some people say that it's just a bunch of accidents or maybe I play some in the front yard. I think it's that people should be more respectful of other peoples ethnic background as well as their Artwork as well it comes with that ass dick background, if you don't like to a cairn! Then I suggest that you go somewhere else and look at something else you don't have to kick it over!

Which will go into topic on Saturday about cobra Kai, and anger management again if something angers you or triggers you you don't have to look at it! Simples!

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