November 25, 2023 A.M.

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When I was going through Facebook, I saw these heart-shaped moon collections. They looked very interesting so I ended up being some artwork about them. They might be Book Covers one day I don't know, but let's see what happens! The actual picture of the heart-shaped moon collection actually peaked my interest and thought maybe I should try to do something like that. That being said, I did five of these! I tune to the moon because it is more of a female or feminine energy. That I know for a fact, I am always interested in the moon, even if it is full and aggravating that being said, I find that the moon is very interesting, especially in fall and winter. When it's nice and big and round! The moon I mean! There is something about the moon that makes me think about my other past lives, as well as maybe my next reincarnation what will it be. And other things like that it's very interesting where the moon can take your imagination and that you run with it. In this case, this is what I've done with a few of the artwork That I did with this particular artwork I don't usually take other peoples artwork and then run with it, but in this case I had to do this because it was very interesting do this sometimes when I'm bored or when I just feel like there is something interesting instead of dealing with boring stuff like drawing and stuff this is more interesting sometimes! I haven't created anything in a while because of certain dramas that I've been going through as well as I've been talking to people. That not being a drama saying that's just every day life. So I've been talking to one person which seems very interesting! They seem nice and stuff so I might try to talk to them some more. Well, they do have their flaws, but they are human but at least their flaws do not involve sex! Or the need to see it or obscene photos that being said that seems like a decent person to talk to! I was talking to them mostly all day yesterday that being said, I've been trying to see where I can come up with my next art piece. Not for my body, but just for the idea of doing something to pull it out of my head.!

As you can tell, I have a psychedelic mind. I don't need so psychedelic drugs or psychedelic says they're called or psychedelic drugs, as I have been pretty so psychedelic with my imagination for the most part of my life, since my mother gave me those watercolours when I was having that bean fit, when I was four years old! That being said, I find that once you create something you're able to change something and change the world around you. Also, I've been taught that when I was doing my face paint classes. It's very interesting where you can create something and then I can create a difference with someone's life. That being said, I'm more interested in trying to write stories about, the moon and stuff and see where that will take me because this is a good concept.    I don't know why I did the thing it's probably because it's a love thing, That being said, humans are animals we do believe in being involved with other people. As if we are no different from dogs or wolves, we do live in a pack society! That being stated I can't be completely alone even if you try, you can't because there's only so many times you can be alone and then the rest you need other people to be with you at all times. It's just a matter of we call it love the animals would call it pack mentality But it is important to see that humans are important. I might just come up with an idea for the storyline of these books. Hopefully they can come out good. That being stayed that I don't know if I should write a love story or a fantasy story or something to the likes of whatever can come to my mind I was thinking about something about the moon and then writing about the moon and seeing what it can do and stuff like that! Let me think for a second!

This is about where people have to live under the moonlight where the sun is not obscured, but can only be seen once in a while to help fuel the planet. Where are the moonlight rains? And there's always a full moon or some sort of light in the darkness!

That is the premise of the story, or the at least the actual storyline or summary of the book that I might come up with. That being said, I'm very interested in seeing where that will take me it might be sounding a little sci-fi, sci-fi, and anything else where people have to cope under the moonlight and stuff, so that would be very interesting. As if it were the Tokugawa era of Japan! That would be a better example of what I'm talking about. Where The sun is only the fuel, the planets basic needs, and humans have to do the rest in the moonlight. That being said, I think I might just put this in feudal Japan because I'm just that kind of a person that I know more about the sengoku There was a lot of fighting and stuff in Japan and stuff like that that was more of my speed. As I used to play Historical video based on the SenGoku period of the parents, one of my favourite periods of Japan if you were to say that because there can be a lot of eerie things that go on in that time not just fighting and other things but there's a lot of strange things that can go on at that time. I enjoy that time in Japan's history, because there was a lot of honour in this case! And the same goes with the early Edo period!

Also, I'm going shopping today so that should be interesting. I'm gonna see what they have in the sale. That might be interesting. I'm just gonna try to see if there's any rings that are interesting in there. As I like rings. That being stay, sorry for the Change of topic, but it's very interesting to see where essay can take you. I just hope I can find a good deal and I am cleaning my room out today so that being said if the p.m. part is going to be a little late because I'm cleaning out my room like a SOB! That being state that I've been meaning to clean out my room out of some stuff that I don't need and And the stuff that I want to keep that being said, a lot of stuff that's from being thrown out. I'm very interested in the sale and seeing where that will take me. As far as the moons are concerned, I think the thing will be in the sengoku period of Japan because it's stress the way I think it's a lot easier that way as if I'm looking for rings in this case. Easier for me to find something that is a lot easier than I can go on wrong with. So feudal Japan will be the way for my stories. As far as I'm concerned, I don't know if they're gonna be a love story in there or anything I hope there isn't, but it's very interesting where there is a lot of creativity with these, moon hearts! Then go and go and run with the actual design that you come up with! That be stated, I won't be very much saying anything very much more. Except for some of the stories I don't know what the characters will be or how to develop the characters. I can't use spacehey Format. Because in the feudal Japan, there was no space hay or my space so that being said, I just have to go with what my gut goes with.!

I am thinking about this that'll be very interesting. Indeed I don't know what the careers are, gonna be like if there's one that's gonna be Yakou their house one that is a yakuza because it only adds to the conflict in the story I find. That being said, I'm very interested in what the characters turn out to be and stuff like that. Let's see what this will end up, turning into when the time comes! That being said, I think there might be some love stories, but there might also be some fighting and stuff, not like James Clavell Shogun, but instead similar to my idea of Funeral was like with a samurai and stuff that being said, I don't know why this one has a desert in this particular picture I think I just chose it for that region but anyways, that won't be any story figuring other than that I'm actually gonna be figuring out the story for the rest of the day as I clean out my room and stuff. That being said, I am also going to be doing And the topic is music. So when I look through my stuff, look through my CDs to see where they come from and if they're good enough to stay in the pile. That being said, I'll also have to do the same thing with my Books, which is gonna be a lot painful for me.! I find that a lot of stuff is very interesting indeed when it comes to when you clean stuff out, you find a lot of other things that are very interesting indeed! That being said, it might even spark my imagination You really have to be in love with in order to get an idea in your head from cleaning in the first place. That being stated it's very important to be cleaning and enjoying life but also it should be a thing about mindfulness as well!

Well, I can't wait for the sale and see what the sale is gonna be like. I hope I am able to get something nice and interesting. That'll be presented in the next blog post. Whatever it may be. That being said right now it's just my artwork that being posted and the storyline that I might think that I might do in the first place. That being said, I hope that Both and going shopping will be a lot fruitful for me as well as cleaning my room and cleaning the stuff that needs to be cleaned out like Michael Bublé CDs! I can't stand Michael Bublé as you can. Guess I can't stand them! Let's just say that Michael Bublé thinks she's the next friend Sinatra and that's not exactly true I could be the next Nancy Sinatra but then again, I'd rather keep something to myself that being said, why don't you just sometimes keep your dreams to yourself instead of practising them, Michael Bublé, who can't sing with a pinch of fart! That stated, I don't like Michael Bublé's music thinking that he can sing when he can't sing his way out of a wet paper bag or it sounds like really old stuff in the first place of old stuff that I wouldn't like to listen to in the first place. That being said, I am really honest why I have to say I don't like Michael Bublé. That sure is a good turn out for the most of the things art works And I might just decide to go and create my way out of a wet paper bag just to see what might happen. This is where I'm going to create something interesting in the first place! And I might post it on Amazon if it's worth the time and effort, and it usually is worth a time and effort to create something!    Tell you the truth I knew of the sengoku  period In Japan a long time ago when I was about 14, 15 years old and I was doing martial arts.!

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